12.14.12 17

Am I the only one who….




Am I the only one who….

Vacuums more than once a week because I hate for dirt or other items to be on the carpet?

Could watch the same stuff on TV/Netflix over and over again?

Feels the need to constantly check my phone

Eats the same breakfast and lunch most days

Can’t go to sleep unless everything is in its place

Hates having trash in their car

Loves clean laundry but hates putting it away

Thinks the election is over and people need to stop bitching already

Likes to go shopping, to movies and to eat alone sometimes

Could drink warm drinks(coffee, tea, cocoa) all year round

Thinks the twitter fail whale is funny

Feels like they are never caught up with everything that needs to get done

Could live in yoga pants all day everyday

Wishes they were crafty, good at photographer or one of those people that could cook really pinterest looking meals



I can’t be the only one right?


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  1. Jennifer wrote:

    I am definitely NEVER caught up with everything that needs to be done. EVER! I look at our apartment and I think it looks disgusting. Convinced my husband doesn’t attempt to clean while Emma naps at all. He knows how to clean good too is what’s weird. I am also convinced I am the only one who wants less clutter in the apt.

    He watches the same shit on Netflix ALL.THE.TIME.

    Published 12.14.12
  2. Amanda wrote:

    Ugh, I’m never caught up… not even close. But I do constantly check my phone and I LOVE to watch the same shows/Netflix over and over again… the vacuuming though? That may be all you… the vacuum is one of the household chores that I can’t stand… so it doesn’t get done too often, want to come vacuum my house for me?

    Published 12.14.12
  3. Sam wrote:

    i despise trash in my car! believe it or not, i cancelled netflix, but im totally signing up again. too many shows…

    Published 12.14.12
  4. amber wrote:

    I basically second all of this.

    Published 12.14.12
  5. Miss Neely, if you’ll come and help me get my house in order, I will cook and bake for you. LOL It’s difficult to keep the floors clean when we live in the country and Husband brings in as much dirt, hay, and whatever else is on his boots into the house.

    As for the yoga pants, add to that a t-shirt and pullover and no bra and I’m game. I could live comfortably in that outfit for the rest of time. =)

    Published 12.14.12
  6. I totally wish I was crafty. I see all these cute things on Pinterest that I just know I can’t do. I also wish I knew how to sew. I like clean clothes, hate folding and hanging. I’d rather vacum any day.

    Happy Friday!!!



    Published 12.14.12
  7. Lori wrote:

    I am never caught up on everything I have to do! I always have to roll my to do list over every night… but I definitely don’t Vaccum near that often- it is one of my least favorite chores! I always try to talk the hubs into doing it, and we don’t do it nearly enough!

    Happy friday, neely!

    Published 12.14.12
  8. Julie wrote:

    Oh gosh no, I resemble you in many ways!!

    Published 12.14.12
  9. Jen wrote:

    I am always checking my phone, it’s an obsession haha.

    Published 12.14.12
  10. Stephanie wrote:

    Girl, I can relate to most of those statements! I have been MIA in blog land…I feel like I have so much catching up to do. It’s kinda sad that it’s taken me being sick and stuck in bed all day to get back on blogger, but I’ll take it. Happy Friday!

    Published 12.14.12
  11. So true. Ditto it all. Especially eating the same thing for breakfast/lunch and having to put everything in its place before bed!

    Published 12.14.12
  12. Grilfrand, can you come take care of the chores around my place? I don’t like to, you do, it’s perfect! 😉

    Published 12.14.12
  13. Melissa wrote:

    Sooo yeah, I’m with you 100% haha! If I check my phone once I check it a million times… Also, totally eat the same thing over and over, Andrew thinks I’m nuts but whatever, you just don’t mess with a good thing LOL!

    Published 12.14.12
  14. Katie wrote:

    Sometimes you just need to go to the movies by yourself. I find it therapeutic. That, and wearing yoga pants all day. 🙂

    Published 12.14.12
  15. Heather wrote:

    I’m with you on about all of these! 🙂

    Published 12.15.12
  16. Whitney wrote:

    1. I can watch the same stuff over and over again!
    2. I constantly check my phone ALL the time!
    3. I eat basically the same breakfast and lunch too
    4. I hate putting laundry away
    5. I don’t really think warm drinks all that much, but I eat ice cream all year round.


    Published 12.15.12
  17. Chelsea wrote:

    “good at photographer” haha…love you. my boyfriends mom vaccuums EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. without fail. I swear to you. the entire upstairs of the house and down the stairs. it’s insane. at 7am. every single freaking day. on weekends she goes crazy and does the entire house

    Published 12.17.12