11.7.15 4

Devoted Time Together

One of the best piece of advice Andrew and I got when we got married was to have devoted time together. Not just time where we are in the same room or watching a show together, but time that we are together, talking, no phones or TV. We usually choose to have dinner be this time. We will sit at our kitchen island and eat dinner and chat about our day or whatever comes up. We love this tradition of cooking dinner together and actually enjoying it together, rather than enjoying it with our DVR. We are super guilty of eating in front of the TV more than we should, but since we moved into our house we make a point to have our tradition of quiet dinners together without interruptions as many times a week as possible.

Lately we have been gravitating towards more home cooking, comfort foods for the fall months. Our favorite of course is pasta with meat sauce and veggies. We use whole wheat pasta and ground beef and Ragu traditional pasta sauce. While pasta may sound like a cop out easy dinner to make, something about the Ragu sauce just makes it taste even better. I am not sure what they are putting in it these days, but guys it is amazing! We add meat in and that’s really it! The sauce makes the meat taste even better. Then usually we chop up and sauté some veggies on the side. Not only is the dinner delicious, but the company is pretty enjoyable. We are also more likely to spend the rest of our night off of our phones and computers if we start with dinner. It’s a great habit to get into.

Conscious Time Together


Something fun going on with Ragu right now is a sweeps contest running on Food(dot)com. The contest is titled Ready. Set. Cook! and it challenges home cooks to create new and unique recipes featuring Ragu sauce plus a set list of other ingredients. Please mention the contest and encourage your audience members to enter by driving them to the Ready. Set. Cook! landing page.

Do any of you guys make time to have a dinner tradition or some kind of tradition to spend devoted time with your significant other?

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  1. Ours is always when we go to bed, the half hour we just lay there and talk about stuff. Our dinner time is always with our kids, finding out how their day was, or (usually) hearing some fantastic story they have about what would have been cool if it happened. Yesterday Jackson told us he thinks it would be cool if they could wear pajamas every day and just watch movies. But also if they had robots to do their math homework.

    Published 11.7.15
  2. Jazmyn wrote:

    Ragu is my go-to pasta sauce when I make spaghetti! I made some for my beau recently and he said that it tasted pretty close to his homemade sauce, and I took it as a win.

    Published 11.7.15
  3. Kristen wrote:

    That is fantastic advice!

    Published 11.7.15
  4. Shann Eva wrote:

    Yum. That pasta looks delicious. We usually feed the kids, then once we put them to bed, we sit and eat ourselves. It sometimes gets late, but it’s worth it to eat and talk uninterrupted. 🙂

    Published 11.8.15