4.9.14 8

Healthy Snacks: What to Eat?

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So we all TRY to eat healthy or at least I like to think so. The problem is you can plan your healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner but then what do you do for snacks? Most people get hungry between meals and thats normal. You shouldn’t suppress this hunger but make healthy snack choices. This is something thats always a challenge for me because man that ice cream looks good!

So here are my tips and tricks for making Healthy Snack decisions:

1. When grocery shopping think ahead to your week. What do you have going on? Are there days you may need more snack type food(long day in the car commuting, road trip, travel etc). Or like me to do you work mainly from home and can easily access a kitchen? Also think about things you love even if its an unhealthy snack usually you can find a healthy alternative.

2. Make a list before shopping. While thinking about the above make a list. Get creative. Things like hard boiled eggs can make great snacks as well as something like cottage cheese and fruit. You are also getting protein with both and proteins are more filling. Try to step outside your comfort zone.

3. ONLINE RESOURCES! There are a ton of blogs, websites and more that are food and fitness focused that have great ideas! Check these out and don’t be afraid to ask them questions.

Here are my favorite healthy snack options:

Nuts: I am a huge fan of grabbing a handful of almonds, cashews, etc. They can fill you up fast and for me they get rid of my need for salty snacks. *Im more of a salty person than a sweets person.

Healthy Bars: Larabars, OneBar, Kind Bars etc while may being a higher calorie count are great to eat in parts. I usually will eat half of one and maybe the second half the next day or after a tough workout.

Fruits and Veggies: Apple slices, oranges, blueberries, strawberries…let me count the ways I love them. I am also a huge carrots and celery person! Now be careful because dipping it in ranch not a great option! Maybe sub the ranch for a bit of hummus which is very very good and good for you!

Wheat Crackers and Cheese: Not all the time but in a small quantity this can be very filling.

Food Should Taste Good Chips with Salsa: Salsa is one of the most healthy things you can eat. I met with a nutritionist a few years back who told me Salsa is also a great alternative to salad dressing. Also Food Should Taste Good Chips taste just like tortilla chips but are made with great things like Quinoa and happen to be gluten free 🙂



Cottage cheese and peaches: This is an A approved favorite. Great when you need something sweet after dinner and just aren’t quite full. Also a great after dinner treat is sorbet. In small quantities it really gives you that desert filling you crave without loading you up with excess fats and sugars.

Green Monster Smoothies: I drink these daily and they can be pretty filling as well as a great post workout snack! I have my recipe listed here but I also add other things like grapes, carrots, broccoli etc which is always masked by the strong flavor of berries and banana! A big hit in our house!


What are your favorite Healthy Snacks?


**note I am no expert I just know what works for me and how I maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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  1. Meg O. wrote:

    Great ideas! I meal plan and prep every Sunday. I usually cook stuff like quinoa & beans (we buy dried because it’s less sodium and they’re cheaper) chop up veggies for salads, etc. I also pack my lunch and snacks every night before I go to bed. If I don’t, I really do end up eating poorly. It’s true when they say “fail to plan, plan to fail.” What’s been keeping this preggo belly full lately in terms of snacks is hard boiled eggs!

    Published 4.9.14
  2. Larabars are awesome because they have like three ingredients per bar! Haha. We love hummus and pita chips as a snack. Not the healthiest, but we’re easing into it. Haha.

    Published 4.9.14
  3. I found my new go to snack on Taush.O a couple weeks ago! Healthy oatmeal cookies. 1 batch makes about 18 cookies and they are only 50 calories a cookie! I may add some vanilla extract to my next batch for a little extra sweetness though.


    Published 4.9.14
  4. Ashley wrote:

    Great advice! And I like your ideas–snacking is my hardest thing, I struggle making good choices with those lol, but you’re right–planning is key!

    Published 4.9.14
  5. These are all some of my favorites too! I also love NatureBox snacks…a little sweet a little salty, they are a easy to go option for me when I am driving to teach classes or clients. Oh and you can never go wrong with a large spoonful of nut butter. 😉

    Published 4.9.14
  6. Angela wrote:

    I am a big snack person and have made it a mission to find healthy choices. I love snap peas and hummus. I eat a Granny Smith apple with almond butter daily. I just got into Kind bars and Larabars! Love them!

    Published 4.9.14
  7. Daniel wrote:

    Hi Neely,

    I love KIND bars as well. Basically all kinds of nutty, gluten free bars. Clif Bar just released new flavors of their Mojo Bar line. And No Opportunity Wasted Trail Bars are also one of my favorites.

    If you’re up for it, I’d like to invite you over to my site to give your honest rating of KIND bars.


    Published 4.15.14