I love a good hack. Financial hacks, beauty hacks, you name it I love it! Since we are always trying to save money there are a few financial hacks I’ve gotten really good at. Today I want to share the 9 best financial hacks we use and the ones I shout from the rooftops to people.
9 Best Financial Hacks
- Hack 1: Use the internet: Back in 2011 I really wanted to learn to knit. I was going through a hard time and needed a new hobby. So I took to YouTube and Google. I read all the things and watched a TON of videos and boom I sort of learned haha. The same with baking, making a wreath, and how to use a camera. The internet is your friend. Sure there are classes you can take and books you can buy but I promise all of the information is right there for free a the tip of your typing fingers.
- Hack 2: ALL THE FREE THINGS IN YOUR CITY: I will shout this from the rooftops until every person is taking advantage of it. There are so many free events in cities for families, couples, or just you! From free workout classes at malls or big open areas to events at parks, concerts, etc. Just follow the right city accounts on social media and you’ll see them!
- Hack 3: Shop your closet/Use Pinterest: Who doesn’t love to shop? I sure do but you know what else I love? Saving money! So when you get the urge to shop, go to Pinterest and find some inspiration for things you already have and how to pair them together differently. This is something I really think is fun to do and something I try to be in a habit of doing often.
- Hack 4: Audit your subscriptions: I am notorious for signing up for things and then not using them as much as I should (online magazine subscriptions, workout subscriptions etc). Go through your credit card/debit card and see what you are currently subscribed to and unsubscribe from anything you don’t REALLY use.
- Hack 5: Sign up for free things/rewards: I love a good rewards program. If you have a baby, we loved the Pampers rewards and Similac strong moms rewards- great ways to earn points and get coupons on two of the most expensive baby items. For travel, we are big fans of Southwest Airlines credit cards because we almost always fly Southwest. I also love rewards programs at places like Sephora, Nordstrom, Ulta, CVS, Walgreens, etc. These things really add up. But I don’t buy stuff JUST for rewards. I only buy when I need things and sometimes being members of these programs(which are free) will have their own sales and perks so you can stock up on items you buy anyways but at a lesser price.
- Hack 6: Use a water filter: It is so expensive to buy bottled water. But if you buy a water filter and refill a reusable bottle you will save so much money. You are also helping the environment. Win all around!
- Hack 7: Challenge yourself to not spend: In the summer of 2013 I did a 60-day no spend challenge. I did this for no reason other than to see what it would be like. The only things I could use were gift cards. But I didn’t buy coffee, new clothes, etc. We still went out for dates but not as often. I ended up saving so much money and it’s something I suggest everyone do at least once or twice.
- Hack 8: Workout at home/free trials: I love a good workout but gym memberships and fitness studio memberships can get pricey! There are SO MANY RESOURCES available for free or discounted. From Pinterest workouts, YouTube workouts, apps, and free trials at studios. Almost every studio offers your first class for free and a month at a discounted rate! If you live in a bigger city theoretically you could take a ton of free workout classes. Shhhh I won’t tell!
- Hack 9: Split subscriptions: So earlier I said to go through and audit your subscriptions, but something else you can do is split them. Almost everyone I know splits a Netflix subscription. You could do the same thing with other services as well. Or online grocery shopping services if you live near someone you want to split it with.
I would love to know what your best financial hacks are and what you would add to this list?
This post was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2022
Great tips, Neely! I’m pretty good at budgeting but I still definitely want to do a no-spend challenge, just to push myself more! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
60 day NO SPEND CHALLENGE?!?!?!?! HOWWWWW omg! I am going to need to know WAY more about your experience. I am lucky if I can even go one day, LOL! And that only happens if I don’t leave my house and I bought a bunch of food and such the day before, lol!
Oh I wrote a post about it!!
oh i need to follow this post to the letter!!! I spend a lot on things that i don’t really need!!! This has to stop.
I just finished reading The Year of Less which is about a one-year no shopping challenge. I’ve done a month before, with only buying the essentials. It’s not as easy as it sounds. But we love taking advantage of free events and places around town. One of our favorite things to do as a family is go hiking in the parks around us, which is completely free!
Those are awesome tips. My spending habits got out of control. I will follow your blog for more great tips on saving.
These are such great tips! I just bought a new house so I need to be more reasonable about my finances!
Great tips! There are some tips that I practice already (always there for free stuff or discounts!) and there were some more that I learned. I try practicing more on how to save better!
Yes to free events! Our library has so many great events for kids. Also I save so much money getting books and movies at the library. It’s my fave.
I tend to patronize stores that provide a really good rewards program. I never leave home to shop without my rewards cards. When I get enough points, then I use them to pay for my purchases. It is always best to be a wise spender.
A lot of people will benefit from those tips you’ve gathered in this post. Rewards cards I personally looove to use.
This is a great inspiring article.I am pretty much pleased with your good work.You put really very helpful information
good ideas, need to review my subscriptions!
Such great tips to put into practice today! Thank you for sharing!