1.31.22 17

9 Best Toddler Toys At 2 Years Old

It’s hard to believe Charlotte is 2. She actually turned 2 in November. She is a very typical toddler in what she likes to do and play with. She likes to get her way, she throws tantrums and she knows what she wants. A lot of stuff she likes is already stuff we had from Liam and we’ve gotten great use out of it twice. Some things are newer but either way, I want to share the best toddler toys at 2 years old in case you have a 2-year-old in your life!

toddler toys at 2 years old

9 Best Toddler Toys At 2 Years Old


Skip hop Scooter: My mom got Charlotte this for her first birthday. It has been such a great toy to grow with her. At first, you can push it like a walker, then ride on it, then use it as a scooter.

Play Kitchen/Play Food: We got this for Liam when he was around 2 and BOTH my kids have loved it! Through the years we’ve gotten more accessories and food to go with it.

Play Dough: This is a no-brainer: play dough is GREAT for kids’ imaginations. I am always a fan of buying more of it because it does dry pretty quickly and it’s fairly inexpensive.

Fidget toys: Charlotte is obsessed with these poppers and fidget toys. We always keep some in the car and they are great road trips.

Animal Books: Animal books are a great way to work on animal sounds with toddlers. Any book that has an animal we practice the animal sounds. She also loves any of the touch and feel books too!

Noisy puzzles: Another toy that is great for sounds,  and vocabulary development.

Baby stroller and dolls: These are so good for imaginative play. Charlotte loves to practice feeding babies, putting them ‘night night,’ etc.

Mop and broom set: Something else we love for imaginative play: she thinks it’s fun to play clean when I clean- I am not mad about it haha.

Blocks/Magnatiles: We have a lot of things like this because Liam and I figured she would be too young but, she really enjoys playing with the bigger legos and magnatiles. She also loves to stack blocks.

Cups and water: Really simple thing but cups and water are great for pouring skills and who doesn’t love water play??

What are your favorite toddler toys at 2 years old?


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  1. I miss my kids being this age. They always had the best toy options!

    Published 1.31.22
  2. My kids used to love blocks and magnetic toys. This post really makes me miss when they were young.

    Published 1.31.22
  3. Jennifer Prince wrote:

    Noisy puzzles can definitely be so much fun! I also love the simplicity of cups and water.

    Published 1.31.22
  4. Two-year-olds can be tough to shop for, but these are some really great toys. thanks for the ideas

    Published 1.31.22
  5. These are all engaging and interactive toy ideas. I love Noisy Puzzles

    Published 1.31.22
  6. Hhhhmmm…I don’t have any, actually. I guess I will see about them when the time has come!

    Published 2.1.22
  7. Sheeba wrote:

    When my babies were little, they loved to play with play dough. My youngest enjoyed playing with magnatiles.

    Published 2.1.22
  8. This is an amazing list. I’ll save it for my baby.

    Published 2.1.22
  9. Stephanie wrote:

    One of my close friends has a daughter who is about to turn two. It’s great to know that these are good toy options, if I wanted to give a gift to them!

    Published 2.1.22
  10. Sarah M wrote:

    My son was crazy after play dough when he was little and it helped in his motor skill and development.

    Published 2.1.22

    These are really great suggestions. Blocks and magnetic toys have always been popular with all of my children. They are so much fun.

    Published 2.1.22
  12. My kids loved playing with play-doh when they were younger! One day I will have grandkids to play with!!!

    Published 2.1.22
  13. Heatherkleinwolf wrote:

    Lovely toy ideas for a child. The terrible 2’s aren’t so bad if you keep them occupied;)

    Published 2.1.22
  14. Great suggestions, I will keep them on mind when I need to buy some as present. Thank you for sharing

    Published 2.1.22
  15. Manali Oza wrote:

    Do you suggest any game that can help with their memory?

    Published 2.2.22
  16. These are great toys to help fine motor skills in kids developmental phases. It’s cool to see what toys kids gravitate to!

    Published 2.2.22
  17. Deborah wrote:

    Aww, I don’t have any children in my life but I think once my friends start having kids, this will be helpful gifts to give!

    Published 2.2.22