4.8.24 18

Empowering Children’s Books

My kids are both at ages where outside influences are starting to become a factor. Liam is finishing up first grade and Charlotte has one more year of preschool left. Some of the things we try to instill in our kids are kindness and confidence.  I love finding empowering children’s books that show those things and more. I wanted to share some favorites.


Empowering Children’s Books

I was given Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave as a gift for Liam and we have probably read it 100 times. It’s such an amazing book to give your little one the confidence to tackle anything. Then I saw there was a sequel, Tomorrow I’ll Be Kind which shows different ways to be kind to others and in any situation. Both of these books I think are incredible for Liam’s age, 4, or any age!

When I was pregnant with Charlotte, Liam’s school had a book fair and I got Dear Girl for her and Dear Boy for Liam. I love the messages in these books which talk about how it’s ok to be you, to have feelings, to do the things that make you happy. I have gifted these for pretty much every child in our lives.

I got sent Kristen Bell’s book, The World Needs More Purple People and I was SO EXCITED! It’s about being ok with who you are and embracing those around you!

Be Brave Little One is a great book to give at a baby shower! I love showing my children how they can be brave in all situations and that it’s OK if sometimes they are not.

We love the ABC What Can She Be book for Charlotte. It’s never too early to show our girls they can be whatever they want! Another great one for that is A is for Awesome!

I think boys are so often told to not have certain kinds of feelings. That is why I got Big Boy Feelings for Liam so he knows he can have whatever feelings he feels and never needs to be ashamed to feel them!

If you have any empowering children’s books to share please share them below! I always want to add more to our library!



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  1. Read, learn and grow. Keeping children’s brains active and above all letting them breathe oxygen (avoiding masks) is the real secret to making them grow free!

    Published 4.20.21
  2. Ramona wrote:

    I always say gut nutrition and brain nutrition are the two most important factors in children’s lives. Reading is so important, reading good empowering books will make such a difference in our little one’s lives. They grow strong and confident. Robustness all the way. Thank you for all these recommendations will definitely look into them and get a few for my little pandas 😉

    Published 4.20.21
  3. Heather wrote:

    Empowering books like this are my favorite! It gives children such a positive message!

    Published 4.20.21
  4. Bill wrote:

    These are such great books. I think it’s important to help children find their power even when they’re young. It will serve them well in life.

    Published 4.20.21
  5. Kuntala wrote:

    These are the kinds of books I love for young children. They help kids find their own voice and learn that they are truly special.

    Published 4.20.21
  6. My girls are grown up now, but they used to be avid readers of children’s books, just like these. There is so much to be learned and enjoyed from a good book!

    Published 4.20.21
  7. Gervin Khan wrote:

    These are definitely great books to read by kids as it helps them to learn and to empower them that they can use in the future.

    Published 4.21.21
  8. Stephanie wrote:

    I love this so much! It’s really important to introduce good books to children when they’re still really young. Cultivate a love for reading early on!

    Published 4.21.21
  9. Elise Ho wrote:

    Reading is so important. It teaches so many things. I love that these books are uplifting.

    Published 4.21.21
  10. Great selection of Children’s books. I hope I can show this to my niece. She loves reading a lot!

    Published 4.21.21
  11. Rosey wrote:

    Books are a great way to communication messages to children. They are also great to reiterate messages we are telling them.

    Published 4.21.21
  12. Ivan Jose wrote:

    I love children’s books. I love to collect books with different themes for my two kids.

    Published 4.21.21
  13. I love reading with my kids too. These books all sound great! I need to check them out.

    Published 4.23.21
  14. karen wrote:

    These are awesome. I will pick a few for my daughter to read. Thank you so much for the list, I love it.

    Published 4.10.24
  15. Thank you for the recommendations! I have two young ones myself (2 and the other is nearly 1) and enjoy fostering a love for reading for them even now. I will check these out to add to our growing collection.

    Published 4.10.24
  16. Thank you for the recommendations! I have two young ones myself (2 and the other is nearly 1!) and enjoy fostering a love for reading for them even now. I will check these out to add to our growing collection.

    Published 4.10.24
  17. Excellent book choices for the girl and the boy!

    Published 4.10.24
  18. vidya wrote:

    i loved Kristen Bell’s book as well, and it definitely is an empowering read.. will check out the others

    Published 4.12.24