4.11.24 10

Easy End Of The School Year Traditions

I feel like we blinked and there are only 6 more weeks of school left! Hard to believe I have one kiddo about to be a second grader and another who only has one year of preschool left. With summer coming up it’s time to share some easy end of the school year traditions you can start with your kiddos too!

easy end of the school year traditions

Easy End Of The School Year Traditions


Photos: This is a very obvious one but I always take photos on the first and last day of school. I love to do a side by side comparison and I just think it’s fun. We have little chalkboards for each one that we use for both kids year after year. Fun to watch them grow with it. We also take them in the same spot as the first day pics!

A Get Together: We love to have end of the school get togethers with friends. This could be at your own house or even at a restaurant. We’ve done both!

Last Day of School Treat: We’ve done ice cream, or sno cones most years. My kids love a cold sweet treat! This could also be a little basket of things to use during the summer (think bubbles, chalk, new goggles, swimsuit).

Teacher Gifts: One thing we ALWAY do is a teacher gift on the last day of school. Pinterest has tons of amazing ideas for last day of school/end of the year teacher treats! A gift card is always good, or even a sonic drink if you know what they love!

Writing your kids a letter: One thing that I think is really sweet is writing them a letter each year about how much they’ve grown and changed. Memories from the year as well and things they’ve learned and accomplished. It’s a very sweet thing to keep each year and give them to them on high school graduation day!

What are some of your favorite end of the school year traditions?

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  1. Emily wrote:

    Writing your kids a letter at the end of each year is such a beautiful tradition! It;s something they’ll cherish so much as an adult.

    Published 5.6.24
  2. Michelle wrote:

    I love the idea of having a get-together with their friends. Taking photos that will last a lifetime is also such a lovely idea!

    Published 5.6.24
  3. Your ideas for easy end-of-the-school-year traditions are both delightful and practical! The combination of taking photos, enjoying special treats, and giving teacher gifts is a wonderful way to celebrate the accomplishments of the school year. It’s lovely how these traditions create lasting memories for children and celebrate their growth. Thank you for sharing these fun and meaningful activities!

    Published 5.6.24
  4. Beth wrote:

    We’ve always done an end of the school year party. The kids love it, and it’s a great reward for a good year.

    Published 5.6.24
  5. These are wonderful and sweet traditions to wrap up the school year! Thanks for sharing!

    Published 5.6.24
  6. I loved writing letters to my kids as a year-ender when they were in their elementary years. It served as a beautiful recap of the year gone by, capturing all the significant events, and accomplishments they’ve achieved.

    Published 5.7.24
  7. Olga wrote:

    This June is special for us. My oldest son is finishing kindergarten in one month. We will take many photos and try to celebrate at our favorite family restaurant.

    Published 5.8.24
  8. Marysa wrote:

    We love celebrating the end of the year, and we usually go out for ice cream or some other treat. These are great ideas that I will have to try.

    Published 5.8.24
  9. I’ve experienced most of these when I was a kid long ago. Ah, those were the good old days.

    Published 5.8.24
  10. Having last day treat is nice for students, makes them feel happy about the end of school. Feel appreciated for their hard work studying and going to school. Great traditions.

    Published 5.9.24