4.24.14 11

Getting Healthy: My Tips and Tricks

I think for most people a lack of self control when it comes to eating is normal. I am one of those people if you give me a bag of chips I will eat them until they are gone. For some people its ice cream, for some people its cookies or soda. For me it’s chips.

I wanted to take some time and share the things that work for me and us in Getting Healthy!


So here are some Tips and Tricks I use to stay healthy with my eating: 

-No white flour: We do not have things in our home with white flour. We use whole wheat tortillas, whole wheat pasta, when A makes pizza its whole wheat flour he uses to make the dough. Of course sandwiches are made using wheat bread and if we use buns they are also of course whole wheat. White flour is absolutely terrible for you!

-No soda for me: I have not had a soda since June of 2004. Aside from a few sprites during a stomach virus. When I stopped drinking soda I saw a huge improvement in my health. If you are a soda drinker consider giving it up. If you like the caffeine part try Green Tea instead!

-Meal Planning: We have learned that when we meal plan we eat better. I think its kind of a rule of thumb “a fail to plan is a plan to fail.” If you want to lose weight start with meal planning. This also helps our grocery bill because we meal plan before Saturday grocery shopping for the following week. We only buy what we need. This has saved us money, time arguing over what to have for dinner and also saved us calories. We feel more organized and are eating so much better.

-Snacking is OK! Its totally fine to snack…IN MODERATION! Here is a post I wrote on some of my snack tips Something I find helpful about snacking as well is portions. I have an in home office so if I bring a snack into my office I portion it out. I also find using a smaller plate or bowl helpful for both snacks and regular meals because you feel like you’ve eaten more instead of using a big plate or bowl with less in it. Your mind will automatically make you feel hungry even if you aren’t.

-After dinner snacking: A lot of times both of us still feel hungry after scarfing down dinner. This is because usually we are really hungry when we eat so we eat fast and we dont really give our food enough time to digest and our bodies to realize we aren’t hungry. So if you wait a good 45 minutes after you eat to let your food digest and see if you are actually hungry usually you will find you are not.

-Keep deserts healthy: We all love deserts but usually they aren’t good for you. I find that because we are both ice cream lovers having something like raspberry sorbet is great because its low in calories and sugar and much healthier than ice cream but still gives that same effect. I also really love cookies but instead I eat bunny grahams(Annies) because I get the cookie feeling in a much healthier way.

These are just a few of the things that work well for me. I am not an expert on the matter again I just know what works for me and for our home.

I would love for you to share some of your tips and tricks in the comments below.

What is your biggest tip for maintaining healthy eating? 

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  1. Great tips! I follow some of these; others I could work on. A couple of things that help me is to not buy junk food at the grocery store. If it’s not in my pantry, it’s much more difficult for me to eat something bad when a craving strikes. I’m usually not willing to drive out and get it on a whim. Also, I allow myself scheduled “cheat days” which really works for me. On Sunday, I allow myself to eat bad-for-me things without feeling guilty. It helps me not to feel deprived by thinking I could never have something again. It also helps in the middle of the week to tell myself “I can eat that in a few days”. The funny thing is, once Sunday rolls around, I usually just have one little splurge and then I am satisfied.

    Published 4.24.14
  2. Water! Drinking lots of water helps. And you’re right about the meal planning- it’s a lifesaver for the budget, the diet, and the busy weeknights!

    Published 4.24.14
  3. Meal Planning is a huge help in our home as well. It keeps us from buying the junk food and if it’s not in the house, I can’t eat it!

    Published 4.24.14
  4. Ashley wrote:

    Great tips!

    I’m with you on the chips, I have no control. So I don’t buy them for the house.

    I also plan our meals and but lots of fresh produce, it’s been helpful!

    How did you break your soda habit? I’d love to give it up…

    Published 4.24.14
  5. Jillian wrote:

    I’ve recently had to give up dairy due to an intolerance and allergy to it. It’s proven to do a lot for my health and weight. I wasn’t looking to “lose weight” per say but I’ve dropped 5 pounds since giving it up! I have a little in moderation, but when I do have it i get headaches and sinus problems 🙁 no fun.

    Published 4.24.14
  6. Meal planning is such a biggie!

    Published 4.24.14
  7. Brook wrote:

    A big “heck yeah” to meal planning. I have to go shopping with a plan or I find myself buying popcorn, M&Ms, and coffee creamer with no actual food. Another tip I work really hard on (not always successfully) is to not eat after 9. I know even that seems late, but I’m working on it and then I’ll try to stop at 8. It’s hard when sometimes we don’t even eat dinner until 8 and then I want something sweet (coconut sorbet or a spoonful of almond butter for me!) after that. Being mindful is probably the most important trick.

    Published 4.24.14
  8. Sarah wrote:

    Meal planning is my number one thing! We also have a freezer in the garage, so we make extras, so there are never any excuses! It also makes packing lunches easier!

    Published 4.24.14
  9. Sara wrote:

    I so need to learn to meal plan. I’m not a soda person either… and it helps my skin… and everything else too!

    Published 4.24.14
  10. I love Dryer’s Light ice cream. Yes, it still has sugar but not as much as regular ice cream and the calories and fat are lower. I can eat 1/2 of ice cream for only 100 calories and it feels REALLY indulgent.

    Published 4.24.14
  11. Great tips! And so easy for everyone to follow. My biggest hurdle with eating healthy is having two other people in the house bringing unhealthy food in the house.


    Published 4.24.14