4.13.22 17

How To Prep Your Home For Summer

Thank you to Energy Ogre for partnering on this post. Thank you for supporting the brands I truly love! 

Here in Texas, things can go from cool 60 degree mornings to 100 degree days pretty quick. We don’t really get much of a spring- all of a sudden it’s brutally hot and you feel so unprepared! No one wants to deal with super high electricity bills, bugs, or an AC that goes out on the hottest day of the year. I have some great tips on how to prep our home for summer so these things don’t creep up on you.

How To Prep Your Home For Summer

How To Prep Your Home For Summer

Make sure to have your AC serviced:

Our AC guy is the best ever! He comes usually mid April and makes sure we are all set to go for summer! This is key so you don’t randomly have your AC go out on the hottest day of the year (we’ve been there). Making sure you have your AC serviced mid to end of April (what he told us) is key!

prep your home for summer

Use a service to lower your electricity bill:

For nearly 6 years, Andrew and I have been using Energy Ogre Living in a place like Texas where in the summer months it can get well above 100 degrees for days, weeks, etc. and you are constantly blasting AC can get PRICEY! I remember our electricity bill the first summer we owned a house and we were floored. We could not believe how much it cost! This is where Energy Ogre comes in. Energy Ogre’s technology sifts through hundreds of providers and thousands of rates on the market and finds the one that best meets your household’s needs by reading the fine print and identifying any hidden charges. If you are currently enrolled in a contract with a service provider, Energy Ogre will check your usage for the past 12 months, run an in-depth analysis of your options and forecast how much electricity you would use over the next year. They factor in the plan you’re enrolled in, potential termination fees and discuss your options with you and whether it’s smarter to stay with your provider or switch. In our nearly 6 years we have saved over $6,000 at least!

For our family, not having to worry about crazy spikes is HUGE! We are always looking for ways to cut costs and save money so we can put money towards fun things like vacations with our children, and activities for them and not worry about it going towards our electricity bill. You can pay $10 per month or $120 for the year and you get that back so many times over by not being surprised by an insane electricity bill. We love knowing that our bill is mostly the same every month and we aren’t getting any crazy surprises. For my budget conscious people out here who don’t want to be surprised by an electricity bill – you will LOVE Energy Ogre!

Deal with bugs:

You would think growing up in Texas I’d be used to bugs but I am who I am and I hate bugs. Making sure you get your yard sprayed, house sprayed, and are doing everything you can to alleviate the inevitable mosquito situation (IYKYK). Some things we do inside the house to help is NEVER leaving fruit out (think whole pineapples, etc.) that attract gnats (my nemesis). We also vacuum once or twice a day to make sure crumbs aren’t out and about. Plus we don’t leave doors and windows open.

Summer in Texas means hot weather, high electricity bills and more but it doesn’t have to! Make sure to use my link and check Energy Ogre out for yourself! I really think you guys will love it and trust me you will love the savings even more!

If you use my code NEELY you get your 13th month free but beyond that you will be saving SO MUCH MONEY with Energy Ogre!

What do you do to prep your home for summer?

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  1. Beth wrote:

    It’s so important to prep your home for summer and winter. Those are the two harshest seasons and the ones that can wreak the most havoc on your home.

    Published 4.13.22
  2. MyLitBag wrote:

    I live in South Florida and these are definitely tips that will benefit me! Great post.

    Published 4.13.22
  3. We’re in full spring cleaning mode in my house! It really is time to prep for summer. The bugs are the worst part haha. I hate them too!

    Published 4.13.22
  4. Myyellowapron wrote:

    Such an informative post. Such helpful tips. Thank you for sharing.

    Published 4.13.22
  5. Sounds pretty perfect to prepare for summer. The tips on electricity is timely because our monhtly electric bill is shooting up.

    Published 4.14.22
  6. Stephanie wrote:

    I’ll definitely need to check out Energy Ogre! It’s going to be our first full summer in this house (we closed last July so summer was already over by the time we moved at the end of September). I’d love to find ways to cut costs on our AC!

    Published 4.14.22
  7. The idea of lower the bills is cool and we need it in our house. Thank you for sharing!

    Published 4.14.22
  8. YES… we are actually starting to see ants pop up. UGH. Spring has just sprung in Upstate New York. Love all your tips.

    Published 4.14.22
  9. Maegan wrote:

    I have our bug man come like every 6 weeks because I do NOT like bugs in the summer, and I live in Arkansas! I would love to get an automatic thermostat but our house is currently too old or something.

    Published 4.14.22
  10. Melanie Edjourian wrote:

    Having ac serviced is important. Need it working for summer.

    Published 4.14.22
  11. Nnnniiiicccceeeee….like you, I would work on those electricity and water bills first, before leaving for summer! You never can be sure if you will return from the summer with some money on you.

    Published 4.14.22
  12. Faith Stephenson wrote:

    It’s so important to prepare your home for summer season. Thanks for sharing this post.

    Published 4.15.22
  13. Rosey wrote:

    Do you keep the fruit in the refrigerator? We get gnats here too.

    Published 4.15.22
  14. It’s amazing how regularly having appliances serviced, or your yard sprayed, can save headaches and money in the long run. It reminds me of that saying, “You have to spend money to make money.”

    Published 4.15.22
  15. Marysa wrote:

    These sound like good ways to approach summer. I could use a new thermostat and to be able to manage energy consumption better.

    Published 4.15.22
  16. Amanda wrote:

    I live in SoCal and same, the AC bill can get do high! I am definitely going to look into this because I am all about those savings. Thanks for sharing!

    Published 4.18.22
  17. Living in one of the hottest state of India. Rajasthan, which measures 48°C on an average in summers. By going through your blog it actually remind me to get my AC serviced and to fix some bugs in my washroom.
    Thank You to remind me which I had totally forgotten.

    Published 7.12.22