Being a mom is A LOT. Work from home, work away from home, stay at home, whatever it is you do it’s hard! Thankfully for our family, we have a pretty good situation going. Both kids are now in school 5 days, Andrew and I both work from home, and my schedule is obviously very flexible. But, as our kids have gotten older and start to do more activities, plus things we do for fun and volunteering it gets a little nuts. It takes a lot for how to stay organized with 2 busy kids and I hope you guys find this helpful!
How To Stay Organized With 2 Busy Kids
Shared Calendars: Andrew and I have always had a shared Google Calendar and honestly I don’t know how people function without them. Between kids’ Dr appointments and school functions, our own appointments, meal planning, all the activities, etc it’s all there. That way if I need to make one of the kids a Pediatrician appointment I know what days are good. Or if I want to get a babysitter for date nights I know when we are free.
Schedules: I mean for the kids. We are big believers in schedules and sleep training. No comments on this please it’s what works for us and we run everything by our Pediatrician first. We started implementing schedules around 4 weeks with both kids and sleep training around 8 weeks. I think it’s really important for EVERYONE in our house to be on a schedule and for everyone to sleep. We are VERY strict about schedules and I have no issue canceling plans because of them. That’s not to say we won’t have a late bedtime here and there but we try to stay to the routine.
Divide and Conquer: Parenting is a two-person job. It took two to create the baby and that’s our approach. Andrew does just as much parenting as I do. But that also means other stuff too. We divide up errands, housework, etc. Some weeks one of us is busier so that person maybe takes on less and less emotional labor. But I think it’s important to divide and conquer. Both kids have a lot of activities so sometimes that looks like one of us picking one up from school, one of us picking the other up and driving to different activities.
Check-ins: With everyone involved with my kids, my work, etc. Checking in with my photographer on deadlines. Checking in with Andrew on things that need to get done around the house or for appointments. Checking in with babysitters and teachers making sure both kids are doing great.
To-do lists: I am a HUGE to-do list person. I keep all my lists in my notes section of my phone or and I also use a spiral notebook for my daily to do lists. I never found an app I loved and this just works better. I usually have longer-term lists in my notes section and daily/weekly in my to-do list app. EVERYTHING that needs to get done goes there and gets crossed off when done.
What do you do to stay organized as a busy mom?
This post was originally written in 2020 and has been updated for 2024
Looks like you have a great organisation system! I could take some tips from you! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Sounds like you run your house/family exactly the same way I do! My husband and I share a google calendar and EVERYTHING is on there! We also split the responsibilities of both parenting and housework here. And I have always had my kids on a schedule. Even now, when we are all at home due to the pandemic, we are still following a (looser) schedule. Especially for bedtime!
I love to-do lists! It reminds me of the day’s tasks and it feels so good when you get to cross something off!
I love my shared calendar! It is a great way to stay organized and so that everyone in the family can access it. I like all of your tips and will have to put some of these to use.
I need to get organized badly. These are great tips. I am going to have to try a shared calendar!
These are all great tips! The shared calendar has been very helpful for my family!!
To-do lists are my life savers. If it doesn’t get written for , it doesn’t get done. lol.
Such a wonderful post. I have 3 years old twins and since their birth I struggle to be organized. In the beginning it was a chaos, but now I try to organize everything with my TO DO lists and planning things ahead. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn’t 🙂
I might not be a mom, but staying organized is incredibly important to me too – as somebody who has five jobs haha! I definitely use a lot of these tips in my own daily life.
To do list always worked with planing and checking off my list brings in a reward! Schedules definitely help keep things organized
These are great tips! I don’t have kids yet but my sister just had her second and could probably use this! Will forward to her <3