5.14.14 9

It’s the Most Important Meal!

So growing up I was never a breakfast person. EVER! I think it was maybe college when I started frequently eating breakfast because well we had a bagel bar and Texas shaped waffles at my dorm cafeteria haha!

When I moved in to my first apartment my breakfast consisted of fruit loops and Dr Pepper almost daily. Clearly healthy right? I was also weighing in at about 165 lbs! For my current 125 lb weight that was A LOT for me!

Then I started eating healthy.

Today I really want to share my favorite healthy breakfasts with you because after all it’s the most important meal of the day!

oat flakes

1. Oatmeal: This is my daily go to. I love love love oatmeal. I usually put sliced strawberries on top and I am partial to the Natures Path instant oatmeal in original. A prefers the rolled oats from the bins at Central Market. To each their own haha.

2. Greek Yogurt: I went on a bit of a Chobani Champions yogurt spree for about 3 months where that is what I ate for breakfast daily. I love the very berry kind the best. For some reason though its super hard to find in Dallas. What’s that about Chobani? The health benefits of Greek Yogurt are amazing and honestly its extremely filling. I would highly suggest this if you are trying to get ready and out the door fast. Also makes a great lunch companion and afternoon snack!

3. Egg whites: So I do not really love eggs. But when I eat eggs I love egg whites with a tad bit of low fat cheese on them and salsa! YUMMMM. I usually pair this with Turkey Bacon and wheat toast. This is very rare and almost only if I am at a restaurant for breakfast/brunch.

4. Luna/Kind/Clif Bars: OK so confession. Days when I have been running very late or just do not have time to sit and eat this is my go to. You can throw it in your purse, gym bag, work bag etc and not only are they healthy but they are very filling and delicious! They also come in tons of flavors so you are bound to find something you love.

5. Green Monster Smoothies: These are a great option for breakfast! Here is my go to recipe plus to get some added filling to it you can add oatmeal before you blend! I love adding random things like apples, other fruits, kale, broccoli etc. You can really do so much with these and not only is it easy to drink on the go but you get fruits, veggies, grains and protein before your day starts! Major win!

With these you are bound to find a way to start your day off right and have something delicious!


So those are my 5 go to Healthy Breakfasts. What are yours? 

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  1. Meg O. wrote:

    Overnight oats have been my jam lately. I make them with almond milk, PB2 and a little stevia, sit them in the microwave overnight and then grab and go in the morning. They keep me super full, too!

    Published 5.14.14
  2. Love greek yogurt! I make my breakfast smoothies with it and it is deeeelish!

    Published 5.14.14
  3. Sara wrote:

    I do the yogurt thing… but it’s a love/hate relationship. I’ll love it for awhile and then I’ll absolutely HATE it… so I quit… then go back to it. I’m a creature of habit though, what can I say?

    Published 5.14.14
  4. Caden wrote:

    Personally, I’m a toad in the hole kinda gal.

    Published 5.14.14
  5. Our stories are really similar. I was weighing in at a little more than 160 a few years ago – what a disaster! I’m down to like 130 now, so big big difference! I actually stopped eating gross stuff and working out! What a difference it made!

    Published 5.14.14
  6. Oatmeal with blueberries is my go-to breakfast. However, if I’m in a hurry, I’ll grab an iSatori bar. Great post! 🙂

    Published 5.14.14
  7. Rhea wrote:

    I am an overnight oat freak! But I only use plain non-fat greek yogurt. Be careful with those berry yogurts, they have an absurd amount of sugar in them that basically negates the fact that you are trying to eat healthy!

    Published 5.14.14
  8. Ashley wrote:

    I struggle with breakfast. My little ones eat a good breakfast because I know it’s so good for them but it’s hard for me to have a big appetite in the mornings and I rarely fix a great breakfast for me. I need to start and you’ve given me some good ideas!

    Published 5.14.14
  9. Nikki wrote:

    I need to start eating a better breakfast. I love oatmeal and hard boiled eggs. I often do smoothies as well.

    Published 5.15.14