Right about 7.5 years ago (on February 13th, 2017) I became a mom. Some days it’s hard to believe it’s been 7 years and other days it feels like I am still a brand new mom. There are so many things I thought would be one way as a mom that turned out another way. There’s so much you just can’t prepare for. It’s really a learning as you go kind of job. I have a lot of things I would tell myself as a new mom and felt like Liam’s 7th birthday was a good time for that.
Trust your instincts: It’s SO easy as a new mom to read every forum, website, blog, etc and second guess everything you think you should do for your baby. At the end of the day your mom gut is a real thing. I wish I had known this for so many situations. But, as moms we always know what’s right and best for our own babies. It may be totally different than what the blog you read at 2AM says about
Don’t Force It With Breastfeeding: With Liam I tried SO HARD to breastfeed and pump and it just did not work for me. It led me into some very bad PPD and PPA. I wish I had known to give myself grace and how many amazing options there were out there. I wish I knew about Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula as well. Since both of my kids have pretty sensitive tummies and cows milk has never agreed with them this would have been an incredible option. But it is for so many first time moms! Made in Australia, Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula is for bubs aged 0 to 12 months, and is naturally easier to digest, making it ideal for bubs with sensitive tummies. Clean Label Project Certified- which is a HUGE win! Promotes digestive and gut health and provides immune support. It’s already so hard just making sure your kids are happy and fed and Bubs takes so much pressure off!
It’s OK to do it your way: My friends are such great resources for parenting advice. There is SO MUCH we agree on and there’s a lot that we do differently. That’s totally fine! We all love our kids and want the best for them but every child and family are different. I also do things pretty different than my parents did. I have really found my confidence as a mom and realized my way is the best way FOR MY KIDS. Even if it’s not the way others do it.
Enjoy the hard times: Listen, people tell us all the time when we are pregnant that the newborn stage is so hard. I honestly don’t agree. Sure it’s exhausting but that’s the easier kids will be for a while haha. They sleep, eat, and poop. So yes those times can be hard in some ways but also wonderful. Then there are the 2’s and 3’s which bring their own challenges but also so much fun! Every age has its share of hard and easy moments. So even in the harder times just enjoy it. It goes so fast.
Always be prepared: Like a boy scout! Always have more snacks than you think you need, more bottles, extra clothes, etc. The time you don’t have those things is the time you will need them. This also goes for when you are in the midst of potty training- TRUST ME!
Take videos: We are so prone to taking tons of pics but TAKE MORE VIDEOS! I love watching videos of my kids through the years and I wish we had taken even more than we did.
What is something you’d tell yourself as a new mom?
Thank you Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula for partnering on this post
Enjoying the hard times is great advice. It might not seem like it in the moment, but you’ll miss the messes, diaper changes, and inappropriate questions in public when they’re gone.
Excellent advice for new moms! For me, it wasn’t easy when my littles each turned 9 years old. I was halfway to 18 years old and leaving my nest! I hadn’t done most of what I felt I should have. But there is only so much a mom can do, and we already push ourselves to the limit. My advice to new moms after four kids and two grandbabies is to schedule short breaks for yourself. Have a coffee. Just sit and relax. Its all going to work out.
I agree with you, although having agreements on some things, it is ok mothers to do things their way. These are great things to have a reminder.
Your insights are so comforting and relatable for new moms. It’s wonderful how you’ve shared such heartfelt advice that many will surely appreciate and benefit from.
Heavy on the learn as you go type of job. Lol.. I felt that one deep in my bones
I was so nervous as a new mom. I had no family where we lived and I had never babysat when I was a kid. It was all by the seat of my pants! But my husband and I raised two well adjusted kids who are thriving in this crazy world. So I guess we must have done something right. And I think the most important thing was always having dinner as a family. Even around sports and horseback riding, we always had dinner together. I would not trade those memories for the world.
Yyyeessssss, I love this Neely! Mamahood is so good but also, a brand new venture. Love this for you.