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Things To Do Daily To Keep Your House Tidy

I do not do well with mess. Clutter and I do not get along. As I have gotten older and especially after I had kids I learned that messes and clutter are massive anxiety triggers for me. I have found some things to do daily to keep your house tidy that have TRULY saved my sanity!

Things To Do Daily To Keep Your House Tidy

Clean as you go in the kitchen: My husband is probably so sick of me saying this. I love to bake and baking can get messy, I always clean as I go. Before I even put anything in the oven I put all the ingredients away, wipe down the counters etc. Same when I am making something for the kids even as simple as their lunches for the next day. I put everything away. It really makes the kitchen less intense if you just clean as you go.

Give your kids “jobs:” Listen my kids are 4 and 7. They don’t have huge chore charts. They each have age appropriate jobs which are more or less cleaning up after themselves, putting clothes in the laundry basket, wiping down the table, etc. It gives the a sense of ownership and takes a few things off our plates. They also are responsible for making their own beds each day.

Do a 15 minute speed clean twice a day: So this is more when my kids are home. If they are at school or camp our house is pretty clean all day. When they are home during rest time we do a 15 minute speed clean and I do this at night before bed. This usually means folding blankets, checking the playroom for toys not in the right spot, wiping down counters, putting things away, etc.

Have “reset” times: This goes with the above but just plan 1-2 reset times a day. This can be as easy as 5 minutes!

Consistently purge: I am a great purger. I hold emotionally attachment to very little clothing and stuff and have zero problem giving away, or donating, or selling. I keep a few special things and the rest gets purged. If we aren’t using it someone else can!

What do you do to keep your house tidy?



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  1. Beth wrote:

    I LOVE the idea of a twice-daily clean sweep! That’s such an efficient use of time to keep things in order until you can do the deep cleaning.

    Published 6.22.23
  2. Christine wrote:

    YES! I am the tidy queen! I love a tidy house. My house always looks neat and clean. I never have to ever freak out when someone randomly stops by. These are great tips!

    Published 6.22.23
  3. Debbie wrote:

    After moving a few times in the last couple of years – I embrace minimalism and decluttering! I love these daily tips for keeping a tidy home!

    Published 6.22.23
  4. Jennifer Prince wrote:

    I should totally do a 15-minute speed clean. That is such a great idea!

    Published 6.23.23
  5. Cindy wrote:

    Love this! When I cook I always clean as I go so I don’t have a pile of dishes when I’m done. I also purge once a week and donate the items.

    Published 6.23.23
  6. Luna S wrote:

    Great tips! I agree that just doing a quick 10-15 minute clean up can make such a difference. Same with putting things away as you go otherwise things can pile up qucikly.

    Published 6.23.23
  7. MELANIE E wrote:

    Giving the kids jobs can really help. Sometimes they need an incentive. Offering treats or pocket money can work well.

    Published 6.23.23
  8. Nikki Wayne wrote:

    I think doing a 15 mins speed clean was a very good idea! Thanks for sharing this with us!

    Published 6.24.23
  9. I always clean as I go in the kitchen, it just makes everything so much easier and less overwhelming. My kids each have their own age-appropriate jobs, which gives them a sense of responsibility and takes a few things off our plates. We do a 15-minute speed clean twice a day and have “reset” times to keep things tidy throughout the day. And, I consistently purge items we no longer need or use, which helps keep our home clutter-free. By implementing these simple strategies, my home stays tidy and organized with minimal effort.

    Published 6.24.23
  10. Hhhhmmm….I love your approach to this. For me here, it’s emptying all rubbish bins at the same time plus mopping the entire house.

    Published 6.25.23
  11. Lesa wrote:

    I hate clutter and mess too so I purge often. So much so that sometimes I throw thing out that I eventually ended up needing. I like as I go in the kitchen as well, it not only keep the kitchen tidy but there is little left to wash after you finished cook.

    Published 6.26.23
  12. Rachel Clarke wrote:

    This was such a helpful article! It helped me declutter my home and now it feels so clean. I am now calling the carpet cleaners to make my house feel even more clean!

    Published 7.17.23