Happy Friday friends! Andrew and I are off to Park City, UT today for one of his best friends’ weddings. Excited for the cooler temps, and seeing friends! I’ve been to Utah before but Andrew hasn’t so I’m excited for us to go somewhere new together. But first, weekend reading.
Weekend Reading
What we’ve been up to: This week was insanely busy! I think any time we have a Monday off the rest of the week seems insane! Getting ready for this trip, kid activities, getting things done for work and around the house. It all kind of blurs together.
Articles I loved this week:
Most anticipated fall movies
TV shows to watch this weekend
How to make new friends
The girl math trend is really bothering me
I am so sad about How I Met Your Father ending
Tips for managing kids schedules at different schools
The first things to do when you move into a new home
How to become a morning person
Benefits of joining your schools PTA
Popular Halloween costumes this year
Ways to exercise outside
What to drink if you’re prone to migraines
Things on my wish list:
Really want to get another The Bar sweatshirt for fall
Blog posts you may have missed:
What I’m Packing for Park City, UT
What are you up to this weekend?