8.5.24 19

15 Things I No Longer Buy

I have seen people do these on Youtube and TikTok and I find it so interesting. I used to buy a lot of things that I just no longer buy. Some of these are functionality and some of these are that I just don’t have a need for more of the same. So here are 15 things I no longer buy and I really want to know if any of you relate to anything of these!

15 Things I No Longer Buy

  • Coffee Out: We got a Nespresso machine nearly 2 years ago so I do not buy coffee out UNLESS we are traveling or I meet a friend. So maybe once a month but it’s super rare.
  • Uncomfortable Heels: I do not find them comfortable and at 36 I want to be comfortable. I love flats or a heel that is comfy like this one.
  • Seasonal decor: We moved to a smaller house in a better location so we lost some of our decor spots. There’s no need to buy more.
  • Fun earrings/jewelry: I have so many cute pairs of earrings and I prefer things I can wear daily. I do love to dress up with a great pair of fun earrings but again, I don’t really feel like I need to buy more.
  • Non-clean makeup: I have NOTHING against it but for the most part I try to stick to clean beauty. About 4 years ago I made the switch to clean products and I have been slowly transitioning everything since.
  • Paper books: Don’t hate me for this but I rarely read a paper book unless it’s sent to me. I prefer reading on my Kindle or phone because I find it easier no matter where I am. I do get sent a lot of paper books though!
  • Planners: I use Google calendar for EVERYTHING and buying an expensive planner every year just stopped making a lot of sense because I rarely used them. Keeping everything digital just makes more sense.
  • Tumblers: I have three Simple Modern water bottles that I really love and I just don’t buy random tumblers anymore. I used to buy so many from Target etc if I saw a cute one.
  • Coffee mugs: I pretty much ONLY buy ones that hold heat like a Corkcicle.
  • Extra phone cases: I have a great one from The Daily Edited that I love and I pretty much only use that. I would say I may buy one a year when my current one looks a little too rough.
  • Sunglasses: I have about 4 pairs. 2 of them are pricier ones I have had for years and the other 2 are from Amazon. I really just don’t need more than that. I do like having a backup pair in my car in case one breaks.
  • Non-functional handbags: This is a mom thing. I basically ONLY use crossbody handbags or belt bags. I need the freedom of having my hands. I do have totes that I use when Andrew and I travel just us or when I am out by myself.
  • Music: I have an Apple Music subscription which has been one of the best purchases. I got 3 months of a free trial when I bought my iPhone last winter and I kept it after that. I love having access to any song I want without having to buy new albums.
  • Magazines: For the longest time I had digital magazine subscriptions but I really never had time to read them. When I did a subscription audit (highly recommend) I realized that I had not read a magazine in over a year and I was still paying! I have not missed them at all and read anything I want online.
  • Movies: We have Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Youtube TV, etc. Why would I buy movies? Seriously they are always on! Plus we rarely watch movies which sucks but we are so tired at night that we pretty much stick to mindless TV shows.

Some of the things on here were total wastes of money for a long time and some were what I like to call “the blogger trap.” I see things on Instagram or I think I should have a new planner because as a blogger that’s just what we do? So I took inventory of purchases and realized there were just things I no longer needed to buy.

I would love to know if any of the things I no longer buy resonate with you, or what are some things you no longer buy are. Let me know below!



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  1. Deborah wrote:

    I did a similar post recently about things I just don’t buy anymore. We wrote a lot of the same things! I also don’t buy zip-loc bags anymore because I bought reusable ones!

    Published 10.28.20
  2. Stephanie wrote:

    Oh my gosh, I could have written this entire list! I have my tried-and-true jeans and shoes. My sunglasses are prescription so I can’t wear anything else anyways. And I haven’t purchased a paperback in years! I use my kindle and usually borrow from the library so I am not buying at all. Or I borrow the paper copy from the library if I can’t get it digitally. And google calendars run my life!!

    Published 10.28.20
  3. Kileen wrote:

    I am the same way! I don’t buy mugs or movies anymore!

    Published 10.28.20
  4. I can relate to SO MUCH of this! Jeans and I do not speak to each other lately. I read only e-books now, trying to be greener. We converted to appletv years ago and sold all the dvds we owned. it’s so much less clutter! I also love apple music! I could go on and on .. minus the coffee mugs. I’m addicted 🙂

    Published 10.28.20
  5. Stephanie wrote:

    How fun! I still purchase a lot of these, but I can see that you have really excellent reasons for not buying them any longer. I wonder how this list will change and potentially grow as the years go on!

    Published 10.28.20
  6. Pearl wrote:

    This is a great list! I no longer buy magazines at full price. My library has them for 25cents. I honestly just buy the magazines for a major season (Christmas or Easter for the recipes). I have two Yetis (one for water and another for coffee) as well and have no desire for anything else. I get one black and one brown crossbody (dress down) and one black and one brown satchel (work) and I have no desire for any other bags. Clothes are either a black or brown tone kind of outfit. Bought them from Kate Spade when they were on super sale. So many more things that I stopped getting. This is a great reminder to always think if a purchase is necessary!

    Published 10.28.20
  7. lol last time i bought mugs was like 4 years ago, i have soooo many lol….But i do love my mugs so much…

    Published 10.28.20
  8. Jennifer Prince wrote:

    Yay for clean beauty products! I have WAY more than 5 pairs of jeans, but I probably should weed them out and only keep the ones I love.

    Published 10.28.20
  9. There are so many items that i’ve cut back on as well. It makes a difference.

    Published 10.28.20
  10. Helen wrote:

    I think my biggest thing is that I don’t buy high heels anymore because I just don’t wear them!!

    I’ve definitely swapped them for fancy sneakers now though haha!


    Published 10.29.20
  11. That’s a huge giveaway! Yeah, even I’ve stopped buying movies, heels, extra phone cases! I do buy new jeans every year though 😃

    Published 10.30.20
  12. AlexaJade wrote:

    It is amazing the amount of things we can stop buying, that actually helps save the planet! Theres a few things I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to give up however, I do love a paper planner!

    Published 11.17.20
  13. Michelle wrote:

    Amen to not buying uncomfortable heels! Since having kids, comfort is everything! …although I still can’t bring myself to give away my favourite high heels from my younger life!

    Published 8.22.22
  14. Heather wrote:

    So many of these are on my list as well. I also have a Nespresso machine, and it is one of the best things I ever got, especially as I have the milk frother that does hot and cold milk, so I can create iced coffees as well in the summer!

    Published 8.22.22
  15. I love this list! I was a bit worried when I thought you had cut out buying coffee completely.. but it makes sense to make your coffee at home (it can save a TON of money). I have had my eye on a Nespresso machine for awhile so it’s great to see that you are loving yours!

    Published 8.22.22
  16. Paige Westley wrote:

    I dont buy a lot of these anymore either for those exact reasons! I do however still use a planner, and google calendar, I just prefer to have it written down! And we hardly watch tv so we dont have any of the streaming services but will just buy a movie if we ever want to watch one, that was cheaper for us to do! But yes, theres no need to have so many of something or buy specific things when we now have new things! Love this!

    Published 8.22.22
  17. Agree with most things on this list but books are a must-have for me! I love to read physical books!

    Published 8.22.22
  18. I’m like you and only buy coffee very occasionally if out catching-up with someone, otherwise I take my travel mug or thermos. I also don’t tend to buy kids snacks/lunches, we always pack our own and have a picnic.

    Published 8.26.22