11.2.17 26

20 Mom Truths

Being a mom is the best thing in the entire world. But, there have been times that either I have said things I swore I would never say or done things I swore I would never do. Things in your life change SO MUCH after you have a baby, so I wanted to share 20 mom truths I have found to be real.

20 mom truths

20 Mom Truths

  1. You will live in a perpetual state of exhaustion. To the point that you wonder if you will ever feel rested again or is this just your life now.
  2. As much as you love your child, you will breathe a sigh of relief at bedtime, if only because you then can also go to sleep.
  3. Finding time for yourself that doesn’t involve eating, or laundry is hard to come by.
  4. You WILL prefer to be home with your husband and kiddo over a night out.
  5. You will watch on the baby monitor the entire time you are gone from your home the first time or two or twenty.
  6. All those times I swore I would never have an obnoxious multicolored play mat in my living room…yeah I have one and I love it.
  7. I swore up and down those blow up holiday decorations were the worst. Yep we have them now.
  8. You will appreciate your own parents SO MUCH MORE.
  9. You will understand why your friends were a bit flakey when you didn’t have kids.
  10. Every single plan will revolve around naps and eating.
  11. Packing to go on a quick weekend trip now requires a car full of stuff and at least 3 to do lists.
  12. You will for sure have a mama bear like instinct and it will surprise the crap out of you. Trust it!
  13. You will Google everything, and then regret it immediately.
  14. You will ask a billion questions.
  15. You will never quite feel like you have it together or are doing anything right. Spoiler alert: you are.
  16. Your tolerance for wine will never be the same.
  17. You will never sleep soundly again. Or at least so far I haven’t. I hear all the noises.
  18. Things that grossed you out about other peoples kids will NOT gross you out about your own.
  19. You will feel a love that you never knew existed.
  20. Your child’s laugh and smile will become your favorite thing in the world.

Could you relate to any of these 20 mom truths? What is one mom truth you would add?

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  1. Haha, I’m not a mum and I already prefer staying at home and chilling rather than a night out. Comfort is the best. 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 11.2.17
  2. angie wrote:

    love your list being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had. I love my job as a mom would never trade it and many of the reasons are found in your list
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

    Published 11.2.17
  3. Monica wrote:

    Ha! I don’t have children but I married a man who had adult offspring and that resulted in Grandchildren! I can agree with just about all of the truths you have here and I’m grateful for all of them.

    Published 11.2.17
  4. Victoria wrote:

    Being a mom is hard. I can never understand parents who don’t try and stay on a schedule, it was what kept me sane. Well, as sane as I could be as a very young mother. lol

    Published 11.2.17
  5. HAHA! I love this list! I never quite acquired a taste for wine, though… so let’s sub that one for sweets….. addicted!

    Published 11.2.17
  6. Hahaha these are all so true. And next week you’ll have 25 more:)

    Published 11.2.17
  7. I love bedtime for my kids. Of course, as soon as both are asleep, I find myself missing my kiddos. I can’t win, can I?!

    Published 11.2.17
  8. Jaime wrote:

    All of these: TRUTH. Though with our second child, we don’t let the world revolve around her naps (and she’s been easy with eating on the go.) Granted, I make sure she gets naps when she needs them, but she might sleep on me (while I’m wearing her) or in a car seat, etc. The first kid? Lived and died by his naptime.

    Published 11.2.17
  9. Lyndsey wrote:

    this is such an awesome list!! every momma needs to print this out and refer to it daily!! thanks for sharing!

    Published 11.2.17
  10. Bethany wrote:

    So true! LOL! Love this – it’s real, funny, and encouraging!

    Published 11.2.17
  11. Katie wrote:

    Obviously I’m not a parent but I could definitely see myself Googling EVERYTHING! lol

    Published 11.2.17
  12. Liz Mays wrote:

    Haha, I can definitely relate to a lot of these. So much starts changing when you become a parent!

    Published 11.2.17
  13. Aw, love this! I don’t have my own kids but I can say that a lot of these true from being around other mothers. 🙂


    Published 11.2.17
  14. Denise C wrote:

    I’ve kind of resigned myself to the fact that I will just always be exhausted. I miss having energy.

    Published 11.2.17
  15. Bedtime is a fight for us so I breathe more than a sigh of relief when it’s over! lol

    Published 11.2.17
  16. Nanci wrote:

    Lol definitely agree with these truths! Great post 🙂

    Published 11.2.17
  17. Jaz wrote:

    That mama bear instinct and hearing all noises is true, I swear my stepmom can hear light!

    Published 11.2.17
  18. I can relate to so many of these. The one about googling everything is a definite winner.

    Published 11.3.17
  19. These. Are. Everything. Yes, yes, yes!

    Published 11.3.17
  20. Oh my goodness! These are the best! Our babe is about to rock our world so I soooo needed this!

    Published 11.3.17
  21. Tiffany wrote:

    Aww, I love this!! And I certainly relate to a lot of them!!

    Published 11.3.17
  22. Tamara Goyette wrote:

    #1 is spot on… plus coffee becomes your best friend.

    Published 11.3.17
  23. Oh the Googling… it is so true!

    Published 11.3.17
  24. Annemarie LeBlanc wrote:

    Ha ha. Totally agree with these 20 Mom Truths. If I may add, the one thing I discovered after being a mom is that I have ESP. I know something’s brewing just by honing in on the signs. 🙂

    Published 11.4.17
  25. Ha ha, I was almost ticking off every truth as yes- me too! Mothering is one thing that is most exhausting. However when the kids are grown and home is peaceful again it might be something we would be looking out to again – fights, noise, things thrown away…

    Published 11.5.17
  26. I definitely appreciate my own parents so much more now that I am a parent. It was so much easier to be critical of them before I had my own kids.

    Published 11.5.17