8.16.17 18

5 Ways To Jump Start Your Month

Does anyone feel like the beginning of the month can be both amazing and equal parts overwhelming? You want it to always be your best month ever and have goals, and checklists, etc. So what are some ways to make it happen? I am sharing 5 ways to jump start your month that you will LOVE!

jump start your month

5 Ways To Jump Start Your Month

Make Reasonable Goals: I love monthly goals. They give me a great jumping off point on where to begin my month. If I know I have a goal to grow my Pinterest account I can start from day one working towards that. Going into a month without goals is tough in my opinion because you don’t have much guidance. But the key is to make them reasonable. If you have never made money from your blog a reasonable goal would NOT be to make $5000 this month. Perhaps a goal to make $100 is better.

Challenge Yourself: I find that giving yourself a challenge each month (different from a goal) can be a great way to get your month going. If you challenge yourself to lose 3 lbs. or drink 90 oz of water a day. Whatever it is, give yourself a challenge for the month! Attainable or not!

Plan It Out: To do lists are great. Editorial calendars are great. Monthly overviews are great. Basically plan your month out so you know what you have coming up. Make sure to schedule in some date nights, and alone time too!

Clean and Organize: Nothing feels as good as starting a month out on a clean and organized note. Take a few hours and wipe down your fridge shelves, make sure all the laundry is done and organized, mop the floors, straighten up your desk etc. For me this also means taking clothes Liam has grown out of out of his drawers and closet!

Be positive: Start your month out on a positive note. So what if last month was horrible, or you ate badly, gained weight, didn’t meet your goals, whatever. Start this month off differently. Be positive that it will be your best month ever. It will!

What are things you do to jump start your month?

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  1. I like what you’ve listed! Being positive always helps. A new month is a clean slate to start over!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 8.16.17
  2. These are great ideas! I have a paper planner and I’m always writing things down in there – I love to look at the month ahead and know what’s coming up or things I need to do. Makes me feel more on track. Love the monthly goal idea too. I need to do this more!


    Published 8.16.17
  3. I love and hate new months! I always want to set goals for the month but take on too much. I need to set more practical to do lists lol and remember that every day stuff comes up 🙂

    Published 8.16.17
  4. Nicole wrote:

    A new month is a great opportunity to press the “refresh” button! I love to leave the negativity behind and give myself new goals and a new perspective every month 🙂 Great post!

    Published 8.16.17
  5. All great ideas, Neely. I really like to make one challenging goal per month too–keeps me on my toes!

    Published 8.16.17
  6. Sochal wrote:

    Great post! Simple but useful tips 🙂

    Sochal – The Healthy Social Network

    Published 8.16.17
  7. I’m not the best at staying organized, but I’m so much productive when I am, so I’m trying to start some better habits toward organization. 🙂
    This month, I’m working on my blog binder and everything that goes in it, such as daily to-do lists and my physical editorial calendar (I’m a pen & paper type of girl!)

    Good luck with your goals this month, Neely!

    Published 8.16.17
  8. These are the perfect tips to get you going and keep you going for a new month. its so easy to get distracted.

    Published 8.16.17
  9. Emily wrote:

    Organizing my health and wellness business is at the top of the list for this month! I also need to start tracking things for my blog. Great tips!

    Published 8.16.17
  10. LaToya wrote:

    Good post! Good information! I will definitely try to jump start my months using this information provided!

    Published 8.16.17
  11. Jen wrote:

    I’m working on planning and organizing as we speak! Beginning of a new school year for my kids is always easier if I can stay on track and follow a plan.

    Published 8.16.17
  12. I cannot believe that August is half way over! However, I am almost done with my goals for the month. I finished my backlog of reviews and just have a little finish in cleaning my basement.

    Published 8.16.17
  13. Liz Mays wrote:

    I need to make sure to do some of these things so September is super productive. I think the goals should help a lot.

    Published 8.16.17
  14. I don’t usually start any one month any different than any other day. Lists and goals are good to make, they help folks get on track and know their progress.

    Published 8.16.17
  15. I always struggle with making reasonable goals – I usually go above and beyond but setting attainable goals makes a huge difference!

    Published 8.16.17
  16. christine wrote:

    We have a big white board in our office. The first thing I have to do is get our entire family schedule for the month posted. It’s like a huge sigh of relief once we can see in writing who needs to be where and what we all have going on. that’s my first jump start to a month.

    Published 8.17.17
  17. I think reasonable goals is important. These are all great ideas

    Published 8.17.17
  18. Courtney wrote:

    So many helpful suggestions!!!! Being positive is always a must for all
    Things in life. Always look for a positive and you will always have a positive result

    Published 8.20.17