Never in my life would I have guessed I would have been as hungry as I have been during my pregnancy. It for sure comes in waves, and some days are a lot more than others. At the beginning of my pregnancy I shared a favorite pregnancy snacks post and I wanted to share another! My current favorite pregnancy snacks are mostly healthy but what can I say, I love my sweets!
Current Favorite Pregnancy Snacks
Popcorn: I have been addicted to the SmartPop Kettle Korn lately. I think I have at least one bag a day. The good news is it’s not bad for you. The bad news is you have to floss right after. Oh just me?
Smoothies: I make smoothies minimum once a day. I always put greens and fruit in them, but sometimes I am craving a really cold fruit smoothie. Something about smoothies just really satisfy me.
Granola/Granola Bars: Granola bars for the first trimester were something I could not even stomach. However lately I have been eating at least one or two a day. I am also loving granola by itself for a snack. It really fills me up which is good. The honey granola from Central Market is my favorite.
Cereal: I can’t be the only cereal fiend out there. A big bowl of cereal used to be my dinner of choice in college, but lately I have been loving a big bowl of cereal as a snack! So good! My favorite is Kashi Go Lean Crunch. YUM!
Cheese: Horizon organic string cheese specifically. It’s so rare that I don’t have one of these a day.
Fruit/Veggies: I have been loving apple slices. We get a big thing of them already cut up at Sam’s every week and I usually go through them pretty fast. There could be worse things right? I am also loving carrot sticks. I usually make a plate with both of these things. I have also been really into pineapple and grapes.
Sweets: I can’t very well leave out the sweets right? I am loving Mint Choc Chip Halo Top (Thank God for 240 calories a pint) and my favorite favorite cookies! Seriously get some you won’t be sorry!
Did you have any favorite pregnancy snacks? If you aren’t pregnant do you have any current favorite snacks?
You crave really healthy snacks in general, how great!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I used to crave cereal sooo bad in my pregnancies. I ttyink it was mostly the milk, and I don’t even like milk notmslly. This time around, I was all about pancakes. Pretty sure my fiancé was beyond sick of pancakes by the end. ?
I”m 21 weeks and SO needed some new snacks!! I’ve been living off of cereal and fruit!!!
Never been pregnant but I love ALL these snacks already so hopefully still eat this healthy once my husband and I do decide to have kids (soon!)
I ate all day, every day until my third trimester, I think. My boss would walk into my office and say, “really? Eating again?” I once told him I could eat right then or throw up in his office later. 😉 My go-to snacks were crackers (they helped with the all day nausea I had with my second pregnancy.) At night I wanted popcorn or ice cream. Before pregnancy I was big on Pepsi or Dr. Pepper and during pregnancy I just didn’t want it at all. (I haven’t had a diet Pepsi since the night before I delivered 9.5 months ago!) Pregnancy is a crazy thing!
I am all about the sweets at the moment. I think I need to cut myself off…
xo Jessica
I ate so much cereal and peanut butter when I was pregnant that I should have bought stock in it. LOL
Most of these are so healthy! Eat. You and your baby need it 🙂
Oh man I’ve been eating like 3 bowls of breakfast cereal a day in addition to my meals! This baby must like cheerios 🙂
I used to eat entire boxes of fudscicles. I’m not proud of it but wow, were they good.
I craved cereal when I was pregnant and Lara Bars. I’m not currently pregnant but I find myself craving cheese sometimes! I see you crave healthy food that’s great! And, there’s nothing wrong with having sweets every once in a while even if they aren’t low calorie.
Cereal and sweets have been my go-to! I wish it was vegetables and protein…
These are all great snack ideas. The only thing I really craved was a burger from Steak N Shake.
I loved peaches…like out of no where I just had such a love for them! My cereal craving was granola and yogurt. Frozen yogurt with fruit toppings was another big one!
I love this list!! It amazed me how different my cravings were with each pregnancy.
I’m not pregnant (yet! Going to start trying this year!) but I love reading other women’s posts about pregnancy. I have no idea what I’ll crave, but I hope I don’t go too overboard on the sweets. I already have such a sweet tooth! I could eat a whole tub of kettle corn by myself. Praying that you’ll have a great pregnancy and healthy baby! xoxo
Oh this looks so yummy! Pregnant or not I’d totally drink this.
I think smoothies are always a good bet because you can do so much with them. I remember having cravings for things like granola a lot too.
I’m not pregnant but my favourite snacks right now are fruits and fresh juices. I think I’m really needing extra vitamins this winter because it’s been so grey here in Toronto. I’m craving summer flavours!
YES to the popcorn, smoothies and Halo Top! I’m not pregnant, but I crave those ALL the time.
ooooh, cheese is one of my favorite foods!!! xoxo
Not pregnant haha but I love sweets tons already. I can only imagine how much worse it will get when I am pregnant.
Your cravings seem to be so healthy!!
Mmmmm! At least most of these are healthy!
Ashley @ A Cute Angle //
these are my fav snacks!!!
These are great snack ideas! Your baby is lucky to have a mama who craves such healthy foods. Way to go!!
All seem pretty healthy, at least! 🙂
I”m not pregnant… but I still love a good snack! Great choices!
It’s great that most of your pregnancy snacks are healthy! I crave a lot of these things and I’m not pregnant!
Greta |
Oh those pregnancy cravings! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I just had to have barbeque ribs every day. With my two sons, it was pepperoni pizza and coconut water. I am happy that you have healthy snack cravings. That’s great for baby and you!
Popcorn is my favorite snack: it was before pregnancy and it’s continued to be throughout. I also love queso…not so healthy ha!
I didn’t really have cravings when I was preggo with any of my four kids, though with one of them I could NOT have any kind of meat. I could only seem to eat white rice and so for those 9 months, white rice it was