Tomorrow is our two year wedding anniversary, and about a week ago I hit my fifth month of pregnancy. I always knew I wanted to share our infertility journey on here because I found it so helpful reading so many other bloggers infertility stories when we were going through it. It’s a hard road that has a lot of twists and turns, and you never think it’s going to happen to you until it does. So here is how it happened to us.
Our Infertility Journey
We got married in October of 2014 and knew that once 2015 rolled around we were on the baby path. We knew we planned to buy a house in the spring or summer so we would have plenty of time to get settled before a baby arrived. Because once you start trying of course you think you will get pregnant one two three. And for those that do, that’s great, but for many it’s not that easy.
2015 rolled around and I went off birth control. Looking back I laugh at how OCD I was about my birth control. I got the OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) and figured that it would only take a month or two. Well, my cycle went to a 29 day cycle right away and I figured that was a good sign. But I kept ovulating super late. We tried this way for a few months and no dice. No baby.
In late April I went to a new Dr and she said that we could run some tests to make sure everything was OK. We started on the less invasive tests and everything was fine. Then we did the more invasive tests and discovered a large polyp that would need to be removed. So in July of 2015 I had surgery to remove it. They discovered something called complex hyperplasia which COULD be dangerous if it came back. Once I healed from surgery my Dr felt it was best for me to see an RE (reproductive endocrinologist). In September of 2015 we went to meet with our RE and decided that Clomid would be our first course of action. We also discovered I was not truly ovulating. So we did Clomid at the end of Oct, Nov, and December and guess what…no baby! With Cloimd we upped my dosage each time and we used a trigger shot. We always knew that 3 rounds of Clomid was our limit. Plus to be blunt Clomid made me a psycho. I was horrible. I was moody, irrational, and emotional 24/7. It’s amazing Andrew is still willingly married to me.
In February we started our plan for IVF. We had a probe made to test our embryos for CF as we are both carriers. My cousin actually passed away from CF when he was a teenager and we knew we wanted to test our embryos for CF and other genetic disorders. The probe took a long time to make and I was very impatient. Finally, end of March it was done. We got our meds ordered (which was a giant cluster f***), we learned how to do injections, we were ready! We started our STIM (stimulations) on my 32nd birthday! Yep our IVF start date was my birthday. We took it as a good sign. So for 14 days I did three shots a day. I also went in every other day to have an exam and blood draw to test my levels. Yes, every other day I had blood taken on top of the three shots. I felt like a pin cushion. Then I had surgery (surgery #2 of this process) to remove eggs. They removed 10 eggs, 9 mature, 6 fertilized. We ended up with 4 embryos to biopsy and freeze. Those weeks waiting for the results felt like an eternity!
During the wait I also had to have a third surgery. They discovered another polyp that needed to be removed before our FET (frozen embryo transfer). So I had another surgery and I actually had a really bad reaction to anesthesia this time. I was kind of sick for a few days after. The polyp and hyperplasia came back OK and now we just needed to find out about our embryos. I got the call and we found out we had two grade A perfect embryos, one that was inconclusive, and one with an extra chromosome. All four were boys! That’s how we know we are having a boy 🙂
We made the decision to ONLY transfer one embryo. I had my FET on June 2nd. If you are doing the math that’s almost 17 months after we started trying. About two weeks before our FET I had to start a new injection that I would do until I was ten weeks pregnant. On June 10th I went in for what felt like my 1000th blood draw in the last year and a half. I waited 5.5 hours for a phone call from the nurse. We knew if it was bad news the Dr would call and good news it would be the nurse. Andrew worked from home that day so that I wouldn’t be alone either way. We got the call around 2 PM and my nurse said “Guess what! You’re pregnant!” I cried. Not sobbed but just cried. I felt like every single emotion from the last almost year and a half was pouring out of me. It only lasted for a few minutes and I composed myself enough to hear that I needed to come back Monday (it was Friday) for a repeat blood draw and then we would schedule our first u/s. I had four repeat blood draws. Hey I wanted to REALLY make sure! My numbers kept going up.
We went in on June 27th and heard the most beautiful sound in the world. That baby boy’s heartbeat. We then went back two weeks later and saw him and heard it again. Then it was time to say goodbye to our RE and head back to my OB. So here we are.
I know that was very long and if you read to this point I salute you! I could go into a lot more details about the shots, the emotions, etc. I plan to do another post on the emotional side of infertility. But for now this is our infertility journey and I am so glad to share it!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me or comment below!
wow sharing this story is amazing lady!! wish u all the best and hope all ur dreams for ur lil family happen.. looking forward to see what happens.. love and hugs
What a wonderful story! I think that it would be encouraging to hear other stories from people who have had trouble conceiving.
I had to use clomid when we first started our family, I conceived on our 2nd cycle only to miscarry at 9weeks, then we took it again and again got pregnant on the 2nd cycle with our daughter who will be 10 this month, you are right though it does make you crazy! congrats and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy
Neely, I’m so happy for you guys. What a crazy long, emotional journey. SO EXCITED for baby boy’s arrival! Question for yo…what’s Clomid??? It sounds super intense…
Coming Up Roses
Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations!
Allie /
What a beautiful story! x
Thanks for sharing your story! I like reading people’s happy ending. Going on 11 years of infertility, but still know I am going to be a mom someday! You are going to treasure your little one so much!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. So glad you got your happy ending!
So so so glad you are sharing and speaking out! This is so powerful. Thanks for being vulnerable. PS> I can’t believe how far along you are already!
So amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am going through infertility right now and reading stories from others (especially the ones that share all of the steps) is really helpful for me. It gives me hope. I’m starting another round of clomid tomorrow so wish me luck!
That is incredible. Also, what a great doctor to start testing you early. Around here, you have to be trying for a year to be considered “infertile” and before they do any tests of that kind. Thanks for sharing your story!
What a journey and what a blessing . Congrats on the baby I look forward to reading more about your journey and pregnancy.
Wow, It’s great that you were able to stick with it through the tests and surgeries. I can only imagine the excitement when you finally got the good news.
Thank you for sharing your story. Even though I didn’t go through infertility, I always find it heartening to read others’ journeys. And there is really nothing like hearing the heartbeat for the first time!
Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s both terrifying and encouraging to me.
Very happy for you!! Thanks for putting it out there. We opted not to do IVF (I’m over 40) and after reading your story, it makes me even more sure it wasn’t for us. I think my age is so against us that it wouldn’t have been successful. I’m thrilled for you that it worked and that your family is growing! Mazel!
That was quite an ordeal you had to go through–but I am sure that now that you look back at it–it was worth every second!! Your husband was a trooper to put up with your ups and downs the entire time-you are very lucky-he must love you very much.
I love that you are sharing this story! I know so many women who’ve battled with infertility and other struggles related to trying to start a family and I am so grateful for women like you who open up about it. I am so excited you all will be adding a little boy to your family…I have a 7 month old little man and it’s the best! Congrats and thanks for sharing your story! 🙂
Wow you’ve been through so much! I am so happy that you’re sharing this. My husband and I will start trying in the next year and I am so scared that it may take a lot for us to get pregnant, especially after seeing friends struggle. It is so inspiring to hear that you went through so so so much and still got pregnant. Congrats to you and your family 🙂
Hearing your baby’s heart beat for the first time is the most amazing sound ever. So glad to hear your story and journey! 🙂
I’ve never had problems conceiving, so I don’t know the emotional struggles infertility brings. I’m a mom, however, and of course I cherish my kids and know what an amazing privilege it is to have these wonderful brats in my life. I’m glad your story has a happy ending. All the best to you!
Thank you for sharing your struggles with us! I’m so glad that everything worked out and that a sweet baby boy is on the way!
Greta |
Thanks for sharing this information as it’s useful to so many women. And congratulations to you and Andrew!!!
I know a painful beginning but so beautiful when I got to end. I was tearing up. I’m so happy for you two! Can’t wait to “meet” your little guy!!
Wow! What a journey! The sound of your baby’s heartbeat is the most glorious sound. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and every time I hear my little boy’s heartbeat I cry. I love it! I’ll be praying for a healthy pregnancy, baby, momma, and delivery! 🙂
Yay I’m so happy everything ended up working out for you in the end after a long and probably heart wrenching journey. Congrats again Neely.
I feel like so many people go through difficulties getting pregnant and nobody ever TALKS about it! I commend you for sharing your experience – it allows others to see that they’re not the only ones that go through this!
I hear you infertility issues and not being able to get pregnant I can relate. I actually was not able to conceive and have a baby. This is a difficult topic for me. I am glad that at least somebody is sharing their experience so that others can learn.
I watched my sister struggle with infertilities for quite awhile and I was so happy when she was able to announce she was pregnant. And now her oldest is a month and a half away from officially becoming a teenager. (She pretty much already is.) Thank you for sharing your story! I always appreciate it when people are willing to share their stories with infertility because I think it can provide some comfort and hope for those who are struggling to get pregnant.
When my husband and I started trying to have our first baby, it took us a year and half. With our second, we thought it might take a while, but got pregnant the first month. We are currently trying for our third, but I’ve had two miscarriages in the last year. Infertility is hard, but it’s comforting to know that there are others who struggle too.
I love reading stories like yours because they are about hope. Infertility almost destroyed a friend’s marriage – but she fought tooth and nail for it (celebrating her 20th anniversary soon). I love a happy ending like yours (and hers). Although she can never conceive on her own , her marriage is now more solid than ever.
I am so happy that you were finally able to get pregnant. I know second hand what it can be like to try and try. My parents tried for 11 years before they had me. I was told I had less than 1% chance of ever conceiving naturally but God had other plans. I hope you have a successful rest of your pregnancy.
I wasn’t as lucky as you. Once having been told ‘Your amh is 0.1’ I abandoned any hope of conceiving on my own. We ended up with egg donation overseas. Seems you’ve got a complicated fertility family history..I’m sorry. But it’s great your mum and you had finally succeeded.
What a heartwarming story … and one that can inspire other women who are trying to conceive too. Wishing you blessings for the rest of your pregnancy.
Thank you so much for sharing this story! It’s not a huge focus on my blog, but I have a feeling that my husband and I are going to experience a similar path to you. I think we’ve both been holding out hope that it would all work out and we wouldn’t have to take that next step, but it’s been 2 years so I don’t see any other alternative. Definitely not ideal, but hearing from other women who have been successful encourages me.
Congrats on your son!!! I am so glad you were able to get pregnant, it really is amazing how technology has helped so many families form now.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m so happy for you. As someone who has dealt with infertility, I know It’s so important that these stories are shared. Congratulations!!!
I have been waiting for this post!!!!! What a great story and a great, though tough, way to start your marriage 🙂 Can’t wait to see that belly bump and snuggle your miracle baby BOY!
I am so thrilled for you guys. Thank you so much for trusting me with your story. I am continually praying for your little boy and the health of all 3 of you (I hear pregnant ladies can be a bit emotional too 😉 ). You are so strong to have gone through all of this!
Love this post, love you and love that baby boy!!! You are amazing, friend!
Congrats! You story is such an inspiring one. I wish you and your family the best.
What an inspirational story, for someone who may deal with similar struggles later on in life. Since you are located in Dallas, as I am as well – would it be too much to ask for the name of your Reproductive Endocrinologist?
Thanks 🙂
I loved reading your infertility story! I can’t wait to read more in the future! 😀
Thanks for the great article, I know this will really help women (and their partners) going through infertility.
Four years ago, I had a beautiful baby boy after 7 years of trying unsuccesfully.
I was 41 and had suffered from ovarian cysts for many years. To make matters worse, my partner had a sperm motility disorder.
In spite of all this, I managed to get pregnant naturally and had a healthy pregnancy with no complications.
Articles like this helped me a lot.
Something else that really played a big part was this:
Hope it helps!
I like your information and suggestions they very nice and very useful to us. You made a good site and giving us the best material and stuff. Thank you, everyone. I am very impressed with your information.
If there is no struggles there is no progress.. thanks for sharing your infertility journey
Thanks for sharing this lovely story .Congratulation.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your blog. It’s so much vivid and useful and full of emotions. Infertility is never easy to deal with. Dh and I had to move a long way through to get our LO into our lives. She’s a donor egg ivf child. Though the dream of keeping my genetics had been abandoned – I have nothing to regret about. We all deserve our kids whatever the path is..