6.20.23 12

Self-Care Habits Everyone Should Have

First of all, self-care is not selfish. These things are NOT guilty pleasures. Sure, maybe they are pleasures in your life but you should never feel guilty about them. Nor should you feel guilty about any sort of self-care.  There are self-care habits everyone should have that don’t mean by doing them you are being in any way selfish. By doing them you are in fact making yourself happy which will make everyone else happy too.

Self-Care Habits Everyone Should Have

A good skincare routine: I shudder to think of the times in my 20s I went to bed with makeup on and didn’t bother to wash it off or wash my face. Ugh gross. About 10 years ago I started to get really into skincare and focus on my skin’s needs. Since then I have religiously (even when I was in the hospital post-c-sections) done my skincare routine morning and night.

Taking time for yourself first thing: I try to wake up before my kids as much as I can. Some days I do my workout or walk with friends. Some days I just read with my coffee. Some days it’s just enough time to do my skincare routine without a kid asking for a snack! I think taking a few minutes for yourself every morning is just the thing to start your day on a non rushed note.

Finding a workout you love: When we got a Peloton in 2021 it truly changed my life. I know that sounds weird but it did. This was a year into the pandemic and while I was doing a good job working out at home I wasn’t feeling challenged. I had never really enjoyed spin before and now here I am almost 700 rides in. I do some sort of Peloton workout every day and it has been the best thing for me. Such a great variety and truly something for everyone at every level.

Reading: This may not be for everyone as I know not everyone loves reading for fun.  But I am a HUGE reader. I even started a Podcast with a friend all about reading and books.

Connecting with your loved ones: This can be as simple as a walk with a friend or a Facetime chat. I do Marco Polo with my closest girlfriends basically every day. We have girls nights in and out. I also love spending time with my parents. I am VERY close to both of them and it really fills my cup.

Having a tidy space: Again, this may be a personal preference. I love having a clean space. I am one of those people who can’t go to sleep unless things are in their spot. I will never have a dish left out in the sink overnight, etc. To me, cleaning and organizing are self-care.

Hygiene: I remember when I was pregnant and people would say “enjoy those showers.” As if once you have kids you can’t shower. I have never missed a day of showering. Tweezing my eyebrows, shaving my legs, making sure you are taking care of yourself first is so important.

I want to reiterate that self-care is NOT selfish or something you ever should feel guilty about. You have to put yourself first sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with that.

What are some self-are habits Everyone should have that come to mind for you?


This post was written in 2020 and has been updated for 2023

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  1. alison wrote:

    Self care is so important. I will actually wake up early to take time just to sip coffee and watch some news before the kids start asking for a million things all at once.

    Published 7.8.20
  2. chad wrote:

    Amazing tips!!! I promised myself to take a very good care of myself a couple of months ago, I’ve been doing well, love it…

    Published 7.8.20
  3. Stephanie wrote:

    The only one I don’t do consistently is a good skincare routine. But I read almost every night and love doing my Morning Meltdown 100 workouts. When I finish that program, I may try a barre workout since I’ve heard a lot about it.

    Published 7.8.20
  4. I second all of these tips, especially finding a good exercise routine! I’m still trying to find my perfect workout! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 7.9.20
  5. Kristine Nicole Alessandra wrote:

    These are all good habits for self care. For me, I always make it a point to wake up at least an hour earlier than every one else. I use this quiet time to pray and give thanks for a new day. I can have my coffee, relax, and watch the sunrise. It is really rejuvenating! I also recently purchased a weighted hula hoop and now I exercise everyday! I’d rather do hula hoop than walk or run outside. Stay indoors. Stay safe.

    Published 7.9.20
  6. I love all of those!

    Self-care habits I swear by are reading, going on walks with a good podcast or music, and face masks! This month, I decided to try journaling first thing in the morning with my cup of coffee and so far I love it. Might have to keep going with that one…it’s just sometimes hard to make the time. 🙂

    Published 7.9.20
  7. Melanie williams wrote:

    There are some great suggestions here. for me it has to be having a tidy space for sure x

    Published 7.9.20
  8. Great article, and really helpful. I’m going to place your techniques to use, as you can see…Thank you for sharing!

    Published 7.10.20
  9. Natalie wrote:

    Self care is so important! I’ve been trying to take some time out for myself in the morning and it’s so helpful.

    Published 7.14.20
  10. Aileen wrote:

    I agree with you about the hygiene. Sometimes when the baby was teeny tiny and my husband was away for 3 weeks at a time the showers were much shorter but I always had one!

    For me self care can be anything from having time to put a face mask on or sorting out my laundry cupboard. If my laundry cupboard isn’t tidy I can’t relax!! One thing I am very religious about though is getting a manicure every 3 weeks. I used to bite my nails and I just thought my hands were so ugly. Now I get my manicure every 3 weeks and really look after them. It makes me feel so much happier.

    Published 6.20.23
  11. Thank you, the sharing is very useful for today’s busy life.

    Published 6.22.23
  12. Lisa wrote:

    I’m definitly someone who considers a tidy house self care as well. When my house is messy or feels overwhelming I need to sort it out otherwise I get really irritable.


    Published 6.22.23