Having two kids (4 and 7) makes life a bit crazy! There are a lot of things that make life with 2 kids easier. If you aren’t doing everything you can to simplify things can get crazy, stressful, and just not be fun otherwise.
Things That Make Life With 2 Kids Easier
Google Calendar: Truly do not know how we would function without Google Calendar. I used to be a BIG paper planner gal. But once we had kids it just made more sense to do everything digitally. It’s much easier for us to make sure the other is seeing things like practices, games, Dr appts, school events, etc. 2 Kids means LOTS of plans and activities. Also shared notes on iPhone. This is so helpful when planning thing with other people.
Tablets: These are not things we use all the time, but with 2 kids you need tablets for travel, long car rides, Dr office waiting rooms, etc. It just became one of those things where if we know there’s a chance for cranky kids I am not above busting out the tablets.
1:1 Time: I notice my kids can get very jealous of one another in this stage. Recently Liam was sitting on my lap and Charlotte ran over and said “No! My mama!” So we both make a conscious effort to spend 1:1 time with them. This doesn’t have to be a huge thing. It can be as simple as 15 minutes focused on playing a game they like to play, going for a walk, taking them to a movie, etc. Just making sure we get that 1:1 time really helps.
Schedules: We are big-schedule people. We don’t deviate a ton and it’s just how our kids function the best. Keeping a schedule daily has helped a lot also having children who like to know what’s next.
Routine: This goes right along with schedules. Routines are KEY here! We have the same routines for everything and even when we travel we keep our routines as close to the same as we can. I feel like this has really helped us out a lot because our kids adjust to things much easier.
Preparing ahead of time: Backpacks, making lunches, laying out clothes, having a plan for breakfast, dinner, etc. Having things prepped ahead of time has made mornings, and after school MUCH easier. I do not do well when we have to scramble so this saves all of our sanity.
If you have kids what things do you do to make life easier?
This post was originally written in 2022 and has been updated for 2024.
Routine is the biggest tip on this list, in my opinion. Kids thrive on routine. It actually makes them uncomfortable if they don’t have one.
Yes, yes, yes! My kids are 7 and 9 and our Google calendar is our life. My husband and I both connect to it so everything is on there. And we have a set schedule, even over the summer break.
These are some really great resources and tips but routines play a big and important role n making my life easier, especially with 3 kids.
omg! this is so timely post. I only have one child but my sister in law is planning to travel and I will be taking care of her son as well. Now it will be easy to take care of both boys along with my work.
I have always been digital calender and everything. It just make things easier for me. Great things to make life easier for parents.
These are some wonderful tips! Having a routine helped me out so much
Schedules and naps, for sure! My daughter has 2 under 3 and she works full-time (dad stays home with the kids). Naps and schedules are a must.
Preparing things ahead of time and making use of that Google calendar will help me out, so much. I am glad to know you use these two tools.
I may practice more with the tools you share here. I’m going to have the second child soon.
You share great tips here!
These are awesome tips! I don’t have children yet but I feel like everyone could benefit from these whether it’s personal or professional.
I don’t have kids but I feel like these can apply to busy lifestyles in general as well. I’m all about a routine!
Schedules and the tablets definitely helped me big time in keeping up with everything. Those are all great tips to keep in mind.