9.19.22 16

8 Things You Should Make Time For

It’s really easy in life to get bogged down and distracted by the wrong things. But making sure you are actually paying attention to the things you SHOULD make time for is important.  I know for me, having a big focus on saying no to things that do not bring me joy this year is going to leave room for things that matter more. I feel like we all spend so much time on things that don’t really matter and don’t fill us up.

things you should make time for

8 Things You Should Make Time For

  • Your people: This could be your family, your friends, your significant other, or whoever is important to you that brings you joy. I know for me spending time with my family and my husband always brings me joy! When I get to see friends it fills my cup so much! Even a phone call or FaceTime with a friend can really turn a day around. I also love to Marco Polo and I do this with several of my best friends! A great way to check in and chat on your own timetable.
  • Your passions: This does NOT have to be your job! If your passion is reading, read more. If your passion is knitting, knit more. If your passion is running, run more. If something you do be it a job or a hobby makes you happy you need to do more of it.
  • Your self-worth: This is a BIG one for me. I focus a lot on numbers: the number on the scale, the number on the tag of my jeans, the number in my bank account, etc. Numbers do not define your self-worth!  One thing I know I always want to make time improving.
  • Self-care: A few years ago one of my goals for the year was to make time for self-care and it has been life-changing. For me personally, self-care looks like getting in a workout or walk at least, sleeping a full night’s sleep, reading at least 30 minutes, taking time on my skincare, and connecting with at least one person out of my house a day. Some self-care should NOT be considered self-care in my opinion but I still think they are important to do and for some people they may be self-care. For me some days they are.
  • Decluttering: I spent the better part of the last week of the year decluttering, reorganizing, and purging. Seriously, what’s better than the feeling of a decluttered space? I think everyone should make time to declutter. I have an entire post on decluttering that is worth a read!
  • Being good to your body: Moving your body is so important! I am starting a new series on my blog next week and this is a big topic I am covering! So be on the lookout for that. I try to do something active every day, I try to have good clean whole foods every day, and I try to meditate. These things really make my body run better.
  • Routine: I am a Type A, Enneagram 3 and routine is very important to me. My son, Liam is so much like me in this way. He thrives on routine. When our routines are off we are off. Some people may not be big routine people but I am. I think making time to have routines can really affect your life in the most positive ways.
  • Rest: I am SOOOO bad at this. I am trying to use weekends more for rest because I tend to be someone who won’t actually rest until X, Y, and Z is done. It’s OK to not be productive all the time. Your worth is not measured by your productivity.

Making time for these things really has improved my overall health. Mentally, physically, and emotionally these things make me feel better. I highly encourage you to try them out.

What on this list do you need to make more time for?


This post was written in 2020 and has been updated for 2022

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  1. Great points! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 1.6.21
  2. Jennifer L Prince wrote:

    Yes to the decluttering! That is a MAJOR goal of mine in 2021!!

    Published 1.6.21
  3. Joline wrote:

    So true. I always make time for some quiet time at the end of the day to decompress. It’s part of my me time!

    Published 1.6.21
  4. Lily wrote:

    I’m all about self-care! One that I need to be better at is being better to my body and taking care of it.

    Published 1.6.21
  5. I started making time for myself in 2020 and hope to continue that in 2021. I also put my passions first, like doing the work I enjoy doing again. My main passion is helping others who want to work from home and I’ve started a platform to help with that again with free resources and connections/tips, it makes me feel whole.

    Published 1.6.21
  6. This is so perfect and yes I can’t agree more!!! It is Self-care for me..I need to focus on that.

    Published 1.7.21
  7. Stephanie wrote:

    I am a big routine person as well, and so is my oldest son! Having routines really helps all of us and keeping things organized. I am also working on the movement and taking care of my body this year, too.

    Published 1.7.21
  8. Yes! Make time for things that bring you joy! My passion is my job, but even I need a break sometimes from it.

    Published 1.7.21
  9. Christa wrote:

    I love this list! I certainly don’t always make time for my passions. That’s something I want to improve upon this year.

    Published 1.8.21
  10. aisasami wrote:

    This is so true! I make time for my passion and exercise each day, and also self-care (that is so important)!

    Published 1.9.21
  11. Katie wrote:

    This is such a great list. I am totally a Type A person too, and I’m also terrible at resting (lol). Knowing I have some rest time built into my routine is good for me. It usually happens at the end of the day, but it’s nice knowing that in my head and having it built into my routine so to speak. Thanks for sharing this list!

    Published 9.19.22
  12. Victoria wrote:

    Great post! These are all important in life.

    Published 9.19.22
  13. Jimmy Clare | CrazyFitnessGuy wrote:

    i agree with all of this

    Published 9.19.22
  14. Agreed!!! we definitely need to make time for ourselves in whatever capacity that looks like (taking care of our bodies, resting, keeping our spaces clean and tidy)! It’s so important.

    Published 9.19.22
  15. Emily wrote:

    I love the point ” your worth isn’t measured by your productivity”

    Published 9.26.22