10.13.22 9

5 Ways To Make Holidays Special For Kids

I love holidays. I have always gone overboard for them. Honestly, I blame my mom. She always made holidays and birthdays a big deal and I have definitely done that as well. Once I had kids I started really thinking about ways to make holidays special for them. Truly nothing is better than holidays with kids.

Ways To Make Holidays Special For Kids


5 Ways To Make Holidays Special For Kids

Create little traditions: These do not have to be expensive or outlandish. Just something little. One of my favorites for Christmas is doing the reindeer food outside on Christmas Eve and reading “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” On New Years Eve we always stay home and get the kids hats, and noisemakers and have a dance party during the day. Just fun little things like that.

See the magic through their eyes: It can be REALLY easy to grumble your way through holidays and be negative or just want them to be over. But it’s really special to just see it through their eyes. With Halloween Charlotte and Liam are so into all the decorations so we take A LOT of walks to look at the different houses. It’s so magical for them.

Get fun pajamas: This is an easy and fun one. We love to get holiday pajamas. Halloween Christmas, Valentines, etc. It’s so fun to do that and it’s something my mom always did for me growing up.

Have a special treat: We have a girl in our area who makes the best cookies! She does little orders for pretty much every holiday and event like back to school. So I always get the kids either a cookie decorating kit or a special holiday cookie to have as a fun treat.

Take pictures: OF EVERYTHING! I love being able to look back and see all the different family pajama pics, or just pics of us reading, looking at decorations etc. It goes so fast and having pictures and videos to look back on is so special.

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  1. Elise Ho wrote:

    We have several traditions that we created when the kids were young. We keep practicing them now and it is so extra special.

    Published 10.13.22
  2. Linda wrote:

    Love this article. interesting to know about some holiday special things. Thanks for sharing.

    Published 10.13.22
  3. briannemanzb wrote:

    I love kids and I want to make it special for the kids too. Hopefully, they’ll grow up loving the holidays. Thanks for the tips.

    Published 10.14.22
  4. Beth wrote:

    I’m a big fan of taking as many pictures as possible. These moments will NEVER come back again. Time only flows one way.

    Published 10.14.22
  5. Great ideas and we don’t need to spend a lot of money for these ideas. Thank you for sharing!

    Published 10.14.22
  6. Ah yes, you will not go wrong with pictures that are taken. They will imprint the memories in our minds forever.

    Published 10.14.22
  7. Those are some wonderful tips to keep in mind. Creating little traditions is definitely something I would do.

    Published 10.15.22
  8. I love taking pictures of everything. Memories are always the best for kids.

    Published 10.16.22
  9. Lisa wrote:

    I love these ideas especially making little traditions. Growing up my family didn’t celebrate Christmas so I want to make sure my boys get to. Creating little traditions will be a great way to do this. Lisa @ lovefromlisa.com

    Published 10.17.22