Something kind of crazy happened 14 years ago today. I wrote my first post on this blog. This blog has been with me over 1/3 of my life which is insane. I have written in this space through meeting my husband, getting married, struggling with infertility, moves, etc. I wanted to share 14 thoughts on these 14 years to commemorate.
14 Thoughts, 14 Years
- You can’t please everyone. Don’t even try.
- If it isn’t a hell yeah it’s a no. Truly if something isn’t bringing you joy why bother doing it?
- You have to change with the times. As much as sometimes I resist change it’s inevitable.
- People will ALWAYS find these to say about you. You truly will never be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s OK!
- You set the rules for your life. I chose to not ever show my kids faces on the blog or social media and go against the grain. 7 years later and now it’s trendy!
- If you love it do it. If it makes you happy keep at it even if it isn’t popular.
- Nothing in this social media world matters if you aren’t a kind person.
- Never yuck someone’s yum. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t.
- You will truly find the most amazing people in the craziest of ways. I have met lifelong friends through this space.
- Like Steve Jobs says “you can’t connect the dots going forward but looking back they connect.” Had I not started this blog I would not have met my husband and have the life I have today.
- Don’t waste your time reading criticism. I have wasted SO MUCH TIME reading bad things about myself and it’s so silly.
- People talk a big game behind a screen. No one would ever say nasty things to someone to their face the way they do online remember that.
- 1 bad comment + 1000 good comments = 1 bad comment. But it shouldn’t!
- Doing what you love will and being who you are is always cool.
Thank you so much for reading for these 14 years. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
I love the Steve Jobs quote. You can’t see how things are coming together at the moment, but when you look back you can see how they wove together.
Many congratulations on 14 years of blogging. It’s a great achievement, well done that is wonderful. I loved reading your 14 thoughts.
Good point about that if you aren’t really into something, you should pass on it. I have been getting rid of stuff this way — if I am not really sure I’d use it again, or just “eh” about it, I get rid of it, and I haven’t missed any of it!
14 good lessons that I can learn from you. Thanks for sharing!
Yes to the last one. I wish more people would realize that sooner.
Congratulations! 14 years Wow, I am inspired. I am only 5 years old. It looks like I still have a lot to do and learn.
Fourteen years is a lifetime in blogging. Congrats on sticking with it and thanks for sharing your lessons learned.
These are beautiful learnings and thoughts to reflect on as we go into the new year! Congratulations on 14 years on your blog! It’s one of my favorite sites to visit!
There are many things I respect about your blog. Your authenticity truly comes through. One thing that I have respected above all else, is your choice to not show your children’s faces. The way you include them is so subtle and I think it goes a long way in respecting their privacy.