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31 Productive Things You Can Do In Under 30 Minutes

I love to be productive and some days are harder than others. I find that I am my most productive during the little pockets of time I have. Maybe it’s 30 minutes in the morning or the 30 minutes before I go grab the kids from school. Whenever it is I find that I get so much done! Sharing 31 Productive Things You Can Do In Under 30 Minutes that may surprise you!


31 productive things you can do in 30 minutes

31 Productive Things You Can Do In Under 30 Minutes

  1. Organize your junk drawer
  2. Clean out your purse
  3. Clean your bathroom
  4. Unload the dishwasher and straighten your kitchen
  5. Go on a walk
  6. Do a face mask
  7. Clean up your emails
  8. Do a 30-minute workout
  9. Purge your closet
  10. Run an errand
  11. Fold laundry
  12. Meditate
  13. Organize the pictures in your phone
  14. Clean up your phone apps
  15. Read a few chapters of a book
  16. Work on your budget
  17. Do a Wordle
  18. Journal
  19. Meal plan for the week
  20. Meal prep
  21. Make muffins
  22. Clean out your car
  23. Take out the trash
  24. Break down boxes
  25. Spot clean and put stuff back in its place
  26. Unsubscribe from spam emails/email lists
  27. Make Dr appts you’ve been avoiding
  28. Pay bills
  29. Clean out your makeup/throw away old products
  30. Organize your medicine cabinet
  31. Take a nap 😉


What is something you would add to this list?

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  1. Marysa wrote:

    I really like this list. What a great way to be productive and get things done. It would be nice to have this on hand for when I have some time to knock out a project or two.

    Published 4.18.22
  2. This is a great checklist to make sure you’re productive throughout the week. I’ll start with the making muffins part lol.

    Published 4.18.22
  3. Lizzie wrote:

    This is such a great list!! Love the ideas and will save this for later. Thanks for sharing!


    Published 4.18.22
  4. Beth wrote:

    I love this list. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to waste time, so If I can fit productivity into a moment, I will.

    Published 4.18.22
  5. It is amazing to think that in a small interlude of time it is possible to do so many things. It gave me to think about how I take time for granted or worse still don’t give it the right value.

    Published 4.18.22
  6. I work a full-time job and never seem to have enough time in the day. These are some great ideas to do when I get home for the short amount of time I am awake and not making dinner or doing other work-related tasks.

    Published 4.18.22
  7. Stephanie wrote:

    I love having a list of things to do when I have just a small amount of time available. So much opportunity to be productive instead of wasting it scrolling through social media. I’ve taken facebook off my phone for that reason.

    Published 4.18.22
  8. Christine wrote:

    What a great list of ideas! You can do so many things in what seems like a short amount of time.

    Published 4.18.22
  9. I love the last tip, take a nap, I need that very much. But it’s amazing how we can accomplish a lot of things under 30 minutes!

    Published 4.18.22
  10. Cinny wrote:

    I think you’ve got a great list! I really have to make my time more efficient.

    Published 4.18.22
  11. Indeed a very practical solution to wrap up pending things in under 30 minutes. I am going to give it a try.

    Published 4.19.22
  12. These productive activities are a great way to build momentum or take a break from work. I always love to go for a walk.

    Published 4.19.22
  13. RomyRaves wrote:

    See now this is a list i need.. ways to feel productive, quick!

    Published 4.19.22
  14. Stephanie wrote:

    These are all such fantastic things to do! Usually when I have a free 30 mins, I just shove more work into it hahaha but I know that’s less healthy. So I should try for a few of these!

    Published 4.19.22
  15. Deborah wrote:

    What a great list! I think when I want to procrastinate on work, this is a great way to procrastinate productively!

    Published 4.19.22
  16. I think, another productive task is to organize important documents such as land title, birth certificate, etc.

    Published 4.20.22
  17. Indeed a great idea! I will try to do this and probably try to make it a habit too.

    Published 4.22.22
  18. These are great ideas! It’s funny, I always find that I’m most productive under pressure. Like when a friend says they’ll stop by in 30 minutes, I can speed clean my entire house! Lol

    Published 4.26.22