When a new year starts I am all about starting over. I love goals but I also love creating new habits each year. Lifestyle changes that won’t just last a month or so but things I can make a part of my life and continue for the long haul. I have new 5 for 2025 that I would love to see myself continue long-term. Nothing super life altering just things I think anyone would be inclined to incorporate into their lives.
5 New Habits For 2025
Staying hydrated: I feel like I am great about this first thing in the morning, then I start drinking coffee. All the sudden it’s noon and I realize I haven’t had water in 4 hours. I want to be better about being consistently hydrated. Usually if my head starts hurting it can be attributed quickly to not enough water.
Upping my skincare game: I am pretty good with skincare but want to keep up with using my Gua Sha daily, my Mint Roller from Skinny Confidential and be better about getting monthly facials. Might seem excessive to some but really trying to keep this skin as young, healthy, and hydrated as possible. Here is my entire skincare routine.
10K steps a day (with a caveat): I used to be a little crazy about getting my 10k steps. I would literally walk around my house till I hit it if I hadn’t by the end of the day. So while I would LOVE to hit 10K steps a day I am also ok if my week averages that and even if my month averages that. Some days I may walk 15K steps other days may be heavier computer days.
Purging what I don’t need more often: I am NOT someone who holds onto things. I am great about purging but the rest of my family not so much. I need to be better about having everyone else purge and honestly just purging the kids shit.
Intentional time with people: Something I am constantly working on is making sure the time I spend with people is intentional time. Meaning no phones, no distractions. I would much rather have an hour walk with a friend where we really get to talk and connect than 5 hours where we sit on our phones. Just something I am really trying to think about in the new year.
What is one of your new habits for 2025?