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6 Things To Always Do At The Beginning Of A New Year

I love the start to a new year. I am one of those people who doesn’t get sad after holidays, I get excited about a fresh start. The new year is a great time to start new habits, set goals, etc. So what’s not to love? There are 6 things to always do at the beginning of a new year that I find VERY helpful and can really make you excited!


6 Things To Always Do At The Beginning Of A New Year


Set Goals and Intentions: This is one of my favorite things to do. You can actually read my entire 2025 goals post here along with my word and intention for the year. I love doing this and then making smaller monthly goals to help me reach my overall yearly goals.

Clean out ALL THE THINGS: I feel like the day after Christmas I start this and go on a tangent about cleaning and organizing everything. But mostly this is a purge. I go room by room, drawer by drawer, and get rid of everything and reorganize. Nothing feels better than starting the year with an organized space.

Create ONE new habit: For example maybe this year you want to drink 100 oz of water a day or walk outside one mile a day. Just one thing you can add to your list. For me this year it’s doing daily brain dumps to help ease my anxiety. With a spiral notebook and a pen. Nothing fancy. One page a day.

Get a good workout in on day 1: Yes this is so key! It’s a great way to start the year and get back into the groove after all the indulging. I went to a barre class and on a walk!

Switch out products/toothbrushes etc: Doing this on January 1st is great because then you know when to switch them out next. Changing toothbrush heads, razors, makeup that’s expired, etc.

Do a deep clean: The floors, baseboards, all the appliances, toilets, etc. Start the year with a fresh, clean out. Even light a candle. Or if you’re like me switch your Pura diffuser to a fresh scent!

What is ONE thing you love to do at the start of a new year?


This post was written in 2023 and has been updated for 2025

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  1. Beth wrote:

    A love starting the new year with a deep cleaning. It’s the perfect way to get things started on the right foot.

    Published 1.4.23
  2. Juile wrote:

    These are great ideas especially switching out toothbrushes on January 1st. Very easy to remember that way.

    Published 1.4.23
  3. I should definitely do a deep clean. Setting goals is important too for a good start!

    Published 1.5.23
  4. Patricia Chamberlain wrote:

    These are all great ways to start out the new year! I cleaned out things we don’t use and deep cleaned before Christmas, but after Christmas break, my house could use another deep clean.

    Published 1.5.23
  5. Nnniiiccceeeee…when it comes to me, I prefer to sit alone and introspect about my past year and plan ahead for the future!

    Published 1.5.23
  6. Marysa wrote:

    These are great ways to kick off the New Year! I am all about cleaning and decluttering.

    Published 1.5.23
  7. I am in the process of cleaning out everything and doing a deep clean. It’s a lot of work but it feels so good to get it accomplished. It’s a great way to start the year.

    Published 1.5.23
  8. Great things to do and love the deep cleaning. Something I’m doing right now. Thank you for sharing these great ideas!

    Published 1.5.23
  9. Ebony wrote:

    This is such an inspirational post! I love your recommendation about creating a new habit! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with goals, but focusing on one thing to make a habit is genius!

    Published 1.5.23
  10. Dominiqur wrote:

    A good workout is pivotal in my day! Love the list, thank you for sharing~

    Published 1.6.23
  11. Shilpa Bindlish wrote:

    That’s a good way to start a new year with purpose!

    Published 1.7.23
  12. Marky Ramone Go wrote:

    Coffee and everything mentioned here surely brings good karma for the rest of the year.

    Published 1.12.23
  13. Lisa wrote:

    I love to get all the Christmas decorations put away and declutter the kitchen, as it’s the most used room in the house, and often where all the things like to gather.

    Published 1.15.25