With the holidays coming I always feel the need to purge. Not even just kid’s toys (which is a HUGE issue for me) but everything! I think the combination of the holidays with gifts and January around the corner (all the fresh starts) purging is my joy. I feel like it’s tough to know what exactly you should purge and in my opinion, these are 5 things to purge before the holidays that will help you figure out what you do NOT need.
5 Things To Purge Before The Holidays
Toys your kids no longer play with: I try to do this a lot but it can be hard if your kids are around. My kids still think they want everything even if they forgot we had it. So while they are at school I try to pull things they no longer play with. We have a system though. I pull the items and put them in the garage or attic. If they don’t ask about them for a while we donate. I have found my kids respond better to fewer toys and clutter.
Little junky items: Crap from birthday parties, things you got in mailers, random stuff people gave you just stuff you’re never going to use or need that just takes up space. Throw it out.
Paper: I feel like everyone has this problem but if you have kids definitely. Fliers from school, things your kids have brought home that you aren’t going to keep, stuff in the mail you don’t need, etc.
Holiday decor you DO NOT USE: This was a big thing this year for me. We have collected A LOT of holiday decor the last 10 years and so much of it we don’t use anymore or just isn’t our style anymore. This year I actually threw a TON of it out. It was really nice to not have it taking up room anymore. Plus you can make room for things more your style.
Clothes you will never wear: This is also a big one. It really goes for everyone in your house. Andrew has gotten better recently about getting rid of clothes he is no longer wearing. I am really good about doing that with the kids and myself as well. Some stuff I will hang on to because it’s timeless or comes back around even if I am not currently wearing it but mostly if I haven’t worn something in a year I get rid of it.
I hope this helps you get to purging before the holidays. It always feels great after.
This was published in 2022 and has been updated for 2024
I LOVE it! I have so many decorations that I’ll never use, yet I still have them. No idea why.
I have a ton of decorations, clothes, and toys that I need to get rid of. I’m WAY overdue for a good purge.
Clothes are definitely on my list to purge. I just seem to never get time to do so!
Yes to all of these things! I love purging! I purge it all! I am going to start with the toys! That’s always good to do before the holidays bring in more.
I love purging, too! It feels so good to get rid of unneeded things. At the beginning of the year, I like to turn all my hangers backwards for my shirts and then put them right when I hang them up after wearing them so I know what I wore. I also go through the kids toys and most of the house in September every year before our big neighborhood garage sales.
Indeed purging is very necessary and all the items in your list to get rid of to have more space and maintain cleanliness. For me clearing toys and papers are huge tasks. Its like every time getting more and more junk in the home. Thanks for sharing the post !!
My mom just did some decluttering and removed all the toys my little brother don’t play with them anymore. Great things to do before holiday to keep organized.
Nnniiicccceeeee…I second this idea so much! Someone out there needs these items more than we do and we could make their Christmas, just like that.
Great tips! Purging before the holidays is such a refreshing way to start the season with less clutter and more space.