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51 Self-Care Ideas

Self-care is always quite the topic. I think it’s important daily, weekly, etc to do things for yourself to make sure you are filling your cup before you pour it into other people’s. As women especially we focus so much on others and forget to do things for ourselves. Being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, co-worker, etc can take up a LOT of our time and energy.  These 51 self-care ideas will help when you are feeling a bit stretched and need to remind yourself that you have to come first sometimes.


51 Self-Care Ideas

  • Take a bath
  • Do a face mask
  • Go for a walk
  • Try a new workout class
  • Treat yourself to a yummy drink from your favorite coffee shop
  • Go shopping
  • Or at least go try on clothes that make you feel great
  • See a movie alone
  • Binge a TV show
  • If you live near it, go to the beach
  • If you live near it, go hiking
  • Check out a local museum
  • Bake some cookies
  • Rearrange your furniture and knick-knacks
  • Buy some flowers
  • Journal
  • Clean out your closet
  • Organize drawers
  • Clean up your house
  • Listen to a good playlist
  • Make a new playlist
  • Go on a solo trip
  • Make a grateful list
  • Say “NO” more
  • Take a nap and catch up on sleep
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Color
  • Binge a podcast
  • Go 24 hours without social media
  • Take a personal day off work
  • Try a new skincare regimen
  • Mute people on Instagram/Twitter who make you feel bad about yourself
  • Get a massage/facial
  • Go to bed at 8PM every night for a week
  • Sleep in
  • Use an acupressure mat
  • Have a staycation weekend in a hotel alone
  • Try a new wine
  • Go to your place of worship
  • Pay it forward
  • Go find the perfect lipstick/lipgloss
  • Have dinner delivered from your favorite place
  • Dance around your living room to your favorite songs
  • Get dressed up and sit at a bar and order a fun drink
  • Stretch/foam roll
  • Have a picnic alone and read
  • Reconnect with an old friend
  • Go to a meetup group/bible study etc
  • Play with puppies/kittens/your favorite animal
  • Adopt a pet
  • Watch this speech

What is something you do for self-care? What would you add to this list of 51 self-care ideas?


This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated for 2022. 

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  1. What a great list, Neely! I love that there’s something for everything. I’m not much of a wine person or a nap person, but I do love journalling and cleaning the house, haha! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 11.14.18
  2. Hollie wrote:

    Ohh! What a great list!! I’ve been wanting to try an acupressure mat for awhile now. Maybe I’ll add it to my Christmas list 🙂 I really enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea, sitting on the front porch, starring in to the mountains. So peaceful 😊

    Published 11.14.18
  3. Divine wrote:

    Amazing tips. So funny! I also wrote a post about practicing Selself-care the other day. I feel like more and more people should get educated in this!

    Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    Published 11.14.18
  4. Stephanie wrote:

    These are all such good ideas! It’s amazing how just the little things can make such an impact on our moods. Thanks for sharing!

    Published 11.14.18
  5. Wonderful list! And I like that so many of these are free or really cheap, too. I find that laying in bed or curled up on the couch with a good book is best for me!

    Published 11.14.18
  6. Wendy wrote:

    My favorite self-care activity is to browse the library for a good read. Then spend an afternoon or evening reading just for pleasure.

    Published 11.14.18
  7. Lanae Bond wrote:

    This is a great list of self care ideas that someone will be able to find something that want to do.

    Published 11.14.18
  8. Kelly wrote:

    Lovely list! Having a cup of hot tea is one of the ways I take care of myself. So comforting.

    Published 11.14.18
  9. Scott wrote:

    Hobbies are great for self-care, as long as you don’t get into one that is too expensive. Then you’re down a whole ‘nother rabbit hole!

    Published 11.14.18
  10. Lisa wrote:

    I definitely need to remember all of these and do a few of them each day! These all do make a person feel better 🙂

    Published 11.14.18
  11. It’s the list that keeps on giving and a powerful reminder that self care is flexible, fun and easy to switch up! Thanks for sharing ♡

    Published 11.14.18
  12. Joshua wrote:

    Great list! i journal every morning with a gratitude list and it has been one of my favorite tools for self care. I also hike intensively so that is my passionate workout

    Published 11.14.18
  13. Jennifer wrote:

    My favorite form of self care is getting dressed up and doing my hair and makeup! I absolutely love this list and can’t wait to try these other options!

    Published 11.14.18
  14. Kristine Nicole Alessandra wrote:

    It is very difficult for me to have some real “me time” right now as I am tied up with the responsibility of caring for my sick mother and husband. However, once in a while, I get a few minutes to myself and I use those precious minutes to go out for a walk. Even for just a short while, that alone time rejuvenates my soul.

    Published 11.15.18
  15. Workouts/stretching and in general body care is a huge part of my self care. Great list of items, though I probably won’t recommend randomly adopting a pet without fully thinking it through 😉

    Published 11.15.18
  16. This is a great list! I did many from this list. My favorite to do has to be the face mask and I like to add trying out beauty products. I enjoyed the time to indulge and pampering myself.

    Published 11.15.18
  17. MAYSZ wrote:

    Lovely ideas about self care, Well if I add one of this great list I think is peace of mind. 🙂 When you have a peace of mind all of these will follow.

    Published 11.15.18
  18. Patranila wrote:

    Great list. One thing though, muting people on social is awesome, but unfollowing is so, so sweet! 😉

    Published 11.16.18
  19. I love this!! Self care is super important for mind, body and soul. for me candles and a hot bath always help xx

    Published 11.16.18
  20. I love your list. I write about self-care, especially for moms. So important! My self care consists of hot baths, bath salts, candlelight, soft music, reading, once a month pedicures, visiting coffee shops alone, and taking time to connect with friends in person!

    Published 11.16.18
  21. This is a great list! Definitely sleep more/take a nap!!! Also, for me: crochet, or take a long bike ride, or go to a spin class or yoga session!

    Published 11.16.18
  22. This is a great list. I’d love nothing more than to spend a couple weeks of me time and do everything on your lists, especially on the beach!

    Published 11.17.18
  23. Very nice article has been presented. All this information is of great benefit to us. I am a housewife. Many times I do not understand something, at that time this site gives me guidance. We will get answers to all kinds of questions on this. Which is a woman’s problem.

    Published 7.14.22
  24. Great self-care ideas.

    Published 1.7.23