Finding me time when you have small children is almost laughable sometimes. It can be so challenging to get even 2 minutes alone to use the bathroom without tiny hands under the door or someone asking for a snack. Something I have always strived for is giving myself some form of me time each day. Even if it’s a workout, a short walk, or just 10 minutes alone. I think it’s especially important for moms to do.
Finding Me Time When You Have Small Children
Ask for it: Thankfully I have a husband who is very supportive of me having time to myself when I need/want it. So I just let him know and make sure it works for our schedule etc. Having a partner who recognizes when you need me time is so important!
Schedule it in: Put it in your family’s calendar. Block off the time. One thing I have started to do is half-day Fridays. I take Friday mornings off and do a good workout, get a smoothie, and run errands alone. It’s become a great way to end the week and head into the weekend.
Utilize a babysitter/childcare/school hours: I know that this doesn’t work for everyone but our kids are in school. Liam is about to start Kindergarten and Charlotte goes to preschool 3 days a week. So that’s a big reason I can take Friday mornings off. They are both in school and I have a job that has that flexibility.
Use your fitness center/gym: We belong to the YMCA and one thing I love about it is that the childcare is incredible. You can do 2 hours which I rarely do but sometimes I will do an hour workout, then work for an hour, or make phone calls, get other things done. If you can find a gym with childcare that’s huge.
Utilize mornings/evenings: Another way is to just find me time before the kids are up or after they go to bed. I usually do my workout before they are up and read after they go to bed and that’s one way I get those things in!
Is finding me time when you have small children tough for you?
Asking for time or scheduling are both great approaches. There is NOTHING wrong with telling your partner that you need some help. OR telling your parents or another family member.
I need more me time. Using evenings is such a great tip.
Early morning and evenings are my time! Also, when the boys are home all day, such as school breaks and weekends, we do one hour of “quiet time” after lunch. No electronics except music, they are in their own rooms with the door shut. It helps us ALL to have that down time during the day.
This was always such a struggle for me. It is hard to really get any time to do things when there are little kids in the house.
I can relate to couples who finding time for him/herself is a challenge. These tips should help us as we try to balance our family and personal duties.
I also utilize my mornings and evenings when my kids were still little! It was a relaxing time for me, like taking a break 🙂
I really appreciate your knowledge and writing style! Thanks for sharing useful information.
We all need the me time sometimes. It can be difficult with the kids and children.
I just feel a connection here, very much relate! Great ideas to help any mother out there to have their me time to recharge and refocus. Loved it!
Having a me time is very important. We need to also take care of ourselves so that we can fulfill our duty as a parent and wife. I really love this post!
I utilize mornings and evenings for my me time although it’s still challenging because kids also tend to wake up in weird hours.
Getting “me time” as a mom can feel impossible! These are great tips. I always try to schedule it in, but on hectic weeks, I ask my husband to take the little one outside for an hour so I can have a little quiet time.
Oh yes, it is. I find myself adjusting my arrangements on the times when the little ones aren’t available to “disturb me”.
It can be hard when kids are little. It’s lucky you have the hubby to help. Scheduling me time is a good idea and makes a big difference.
Our Y doesn’t have the childcare. My oldest son’s gym has a daycare and he puts his girl in there. She likes it and he gets to workout.
Yes! These are great tips. Moms really need a break. It’s hard to be on call 24/7, and I hope moms take this advice!
I feel like I should have read this long back. I completely understand how me time is important and I feel it is important to ask and schedule it