After being a mom for nearly a year and a half I have used many products and gone through A LOT of trial and error with items and products. But every now and then we will use an item that is a complete game changer! I want to share some of the game changing baby items we have discovered in the last year and a half.
Game Changing Baby Items
Johnson’s Head To Toe Wipes: Thank you to my amazing sister-in-law for this tip. When we were in Houston when Liam was a baby, my sister-in-law gave me a pack of these. They are SO GREAT for travel or for quick clean-ups. They are essentially a giant baby wipe infused with Johnson’s head to toes baby wash. These are perfect if you need to clean up a little one, or if you just want them to smell amazing!
Sound Machine: I have talked about our sound machine a ton of times, but let me tell you why it’s a game changer. Unlike a lot of baby sound machines, this one stays on ALL THE TIME. Or until you turn it off. It doesn’t run on a timer to turn off in 30 minutes. So we leave it on all night and all during naps for both kids!
Silicone bibs: These aren’t anything new but I’m going to tell you WHY they are a game changer. When we travel with Liam he still needs to eat duh! So what do we do when your travel stroller doesn’t have a snack tray or you are on a plane and it’s not easy for them to have a plate? You put the food IN THE BIB. Yep, he figured out how to use the bib as a plate of sorts and it was such a game changer for us.
Amazon Echo: While not a baby product per se, it is a great product if you have a baby. Usually, I realize we are out of something we need while I’m making lunch for Liam and can’t really stop to add it to a shopping list or he’s screaming and I can’t put it down. I can say “Alexa add milk to the shopping list.” He also loves the Sesame Street feature to talk to Elmo about letters. Plus he loves hearing Katy Perry and Justin Timberlake on Amazon music. We have seven!
Keekaroo: I have spoken about this maybe 10 times on the blog. But seriously this is one of the best if not THE BEST product we have purchased! It’s what we use for our changing pad, and the amount of laundry we haven’t had to do because of it is insane. I have seen a lot of dupes of it out there but I still think this is the best.
“Car” Toys: So I mean this two-fold, toy cars, yes but also toys that are JUST FOR THE CAR. When I am at Target I usually grab an inexpensive toy or two and these are the toys we keep in the car. He only plays with them in the car so he doesn’t get sick of them. I rotate them out and he is always excited to go in the car. This is great for any kid who gets car fussy.
Car Organizers: I recently got 2 different car organizers specifically for the kids. One goes in between their car seats and holds books and toys. This is great because they can both reach anything they want in there. The other goes in the way back of our car and holds extra clothes, diapers, swim diapers, wipes, a giant towel, an umbrella, hand sanitizers, trash bags, and snacks. This is perfect for anything that may come up!
Diaper bag backpacks: When I had Liam I got a massive diaper bag, and quickly learned it was more of a pain than not. I got a Fawn Designs diaper bag backpack and it was a GAME changer. I also have this smaller Freshly Picked one now that the kids don’t require much on the go.
Baby Bjorn Bouncer: This was one of the only bouncers/swings/etc that my kids would use. They both loved it and not only is it great for the babies, but it folds small and is so easy to throw in the car and take places!
Do you have any game changing baby items you would add to this list?
This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated for 2021
Such a great post for all the Mamas! I used to love Elmo growing up too – he was my favourite character in Sesame Street! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
It’s always so interesting to see what everyone else finds to be the most useful baby products! It’s always different since everyone has different lifestyles.
I especially love the using the oxo bib as a plate suggestion! Thanks for the tips!
I don’t have kids (and don’t plan on having any soon) but this is a great list! When my little sister was a baby, we used SOOOO many wipes.
I am madly in love with our Echo, so much so that I bought a second one. I’ve heard of sound machines but don’t know anyone that’s actually had one and used one, they sound intriguing.
Great tips and finds! Looking for more!
I’ve been drooling over the keekaroo since I first started researching baby products and had definitely talked myself out of it (so much $$$!) but you’ve got me eyeing it again. I’m definitely going to invest in the Johnson’s wipes though, great tip!
We don’t have kids yet, but we are planning to start trying soon, so I’m definitely saving this to read later on!! Thanks so much for posting
My nephew and my niece love those bouncy swing things (obviously I’m not a mom lol). They stop crying when they’re on it. They fall asleep there. They’re just all around happy!
A sound machine was a savior for us. We didn’t realize the other side of our house was much noisier until after we had the baby!
I loved finding game changing baby items. I didn’t have a whole lot of money back then when I was raising babies but I knew of some awesome items. Glad you are sharing some of todays options for new parents to get their hands on !
I love all this finds, specially oxo bib.
My grandson recently discovered the educations videos on youtube. His favorite channel is the Fun Toys Media. He also occasionally watches Blippi. Both have helped him learn so much and develop his language too. When we babysit for him, he asks for “boom boom” which means the thunder sound on our sound machine. He just loves falling asleep to the sound of thunder and rain.
You can also use the Echo as a baby monitor and listen in from another room! Wish we had one when our girls were babies!
those bouncy swings are amazng! my son loved his
It is amazing how quickly the baby necessities change. My kids are 9 & 6 and already the items are drastically different. Agreed w/ a sound machine. My kids still to this day enjoy listening to the sound machine or soothing music from our Alexa when going to sleep.
These are great products it sounds like. For me, I have 4 kids and my youngest is 15 months and my game changer baby item would probably be the highchair or an all in one carseat.
I’m borrowing your idea of toys just for the car. My 5-year-old grows bored with toys so this would be a perfect way to keep him off the electronics in the car.
Its amazing how many products for baby there are and how fast the “it” products change! I swear by our sound machine.
My husband and I have a sound machine. That really works for us, and if it does wonders for adults to have a restful sleep, I am sure it will do the same for babies! I don’t have young ones anymore but I will recommend these items to friends and family who have babies and toddlers.
A backpack for a diaper bag is definitely a game-changer. Especially once you have two! I have always preferred a backpack over anything else, even for an everyday purse. It keeps my hands free which I love. We also use our echo daily and have used them for white noise apps when my nephews are visiting since my boys don’t sleep with a sound machine. So it’s great if you’re in a pinch for some white noise, too!
Oh! I’ve never heard of Keekaroo, but I’m all about doing less laundry. Great tip!!
Awesome items for a mom for on the go and changing their babies. I hope other moms find this information useful!
Great items! This is such a helpful post for all moms out there! I am not a mommy yet but can definitely gift a few of these items to my new mommy friends/cousins and cute niece & nephews🙂