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Great Places To Find Inspiration As A Content Creator

I have been blogging for over 11 years. Crazy right? In that time I have had times where I felt uninspired. I think anyone would after that length of time. When I am feeling like I can’t find any inspiration there are certain places to find inspiration I look. These are places that have worked for me for years and really are my go to’s.

Great Places To Find Inspiration As A Content Creator


Pinterest is probably my number one place. When I feel uninspired, or just in a rut with anything in my life I love scrolling through Pinterest. It’s a great place for a blogger to find quotes, blog post ideas, or just look at beautiful photos.


I love looking at inspirational Instagram accounts and I find that seeing other’s posts can really jog ideas of your way to put a spin on something.

Reading Other Blogs:

Of course other blogs! I love to read blogs. I am old school in that I prefer to read a blog more than scroll through social media. I was a blog reader before I even had a blog. Reading what other bloggers are going through and thinking about sometimes jogs ideas in my head.


This is not something I do as often as I’d like but when I feel overwhelmed or uninspired I find that journaling my thoughts helps. Even in an informal way. Sometimes I write it sometimes I type it in a word doc. Clearing my mind in that way has helped me better refocus.

Everyday Life:

So does anyone else find inspiration in the shower? Haha no really, I feel like some of my best blog ideas come to me when I am just doing everyday things. I keep a running list on my phone and even sometimes add them to our Alexa! I feel like drawing from real-life experiences are the posts that I get the best feedback from.

I think that as content creators we can really put so much pressure on ourselves to have new fresh ideas all the time. It’s OK to feel uninspired and we need to normalize that more. I hope these gave you some ideas of some places to find inspiration when you are having a rough time coming up with ideas.

Where do you look for inspiration?

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  1. I think my best ideas come when I’m taking a shower, haha! Thanks for this list! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 2.4.21
  2. Marilyn wrote:

    I’ve been a blogger for a while too! Since 2005, off and on depending on the kids medical needs and mine too.

    I love to be in nature and that inspires me too.

    Published 2.4.21
  3. Amy Desrosiers wrote:

    Congrats on your 11 year anniversary! It has been 10 years here! I love journaling, magazines, and Pinterest.

    Published 2.4.21
  4. I so much relate with you, on the part of the shower. I can’t even begin counting right, the number of ideas that have popped up in my head, when I’m in the shower.

    Published 2.5.21
  5. Cindy wrote:

    Great advice. I like using holidays as inspiration, as well as, your suggestions. It can be tough staying inspired.

    Published 2.5.21
  6. Ave wrote:

    Wow! 11 years is a long time! I get most of my inspiration from my travels and everyday life. I have to check out Pinterest for inspiration too!

    Published 2.5.21
  7. Stephanie wrote:

    Pinterest and other blogs (usually found on Pinterest haha) are my go-tos for inspiration! I’ve also loved using Planoly’s newsletter and the rewardStyle blog for ideas – but now that I’m primarily a book blog, I get most of my ideas from other bookstagrammers or just polling my followers 🙂

    Published 2.5.21
  8. Gervin Khan wrote:

    I think these are perfect places not only for a content creator but for all the people who want to have a new idea whether it is a blog or not. Thank you for sharing!

    Published 2.5.21
  9. Nikola Roza wrote:

    When I feel uninspired, I just start to read some fiction, anything I can get my hands on.
    15 minutes in and my creativity is refired (is that a word?) and I’m back on track producing more content.

    Published 2.5.21
  10. Cinny wrote:

    I also enjoy reading other’s blogs. I prefer it to following social media sometimes.

    Published 2.5.21
  11. Steven Morrissette wrote:

    I like to read other people’s blogs, it gives me ideas but also it’s fun to see what others like to talk about. Furthermore, the day-to-day experiences we go through are what make us who we are.

    Published 2.5.21
  12. Blair Villanueva wrote:

    Hi dear! I’m blogging for 12 years now and yup I’m proud of it 🙂 So many things happened and much social media pops-up but, I never stopped blogging coz it is my baby 🙂

    Published 2.5.21
  13. Kuntala wrote:

    Great knowing about your experience as a blogger. I am still fine with ideas and I have 4 more authors who work with me so hopefully can continue long, lets see.

    Published 2.6.21
  14. The shower is a great one, sometimes I’ve found inspiration there too. For me reading blogs is also a good source, as well as things my kids do and sometimes I write about things that I’ve had to find solutions to that I think may help others.

    Published 2.7.21
  15. Caitlin wrote:

    I’ve been blogging since 2008 and I definitely hit a wall every few months when it comes to content creation! These are great tips! Often times I forget my everyday life is the easiest source for content!

    Published 2.12.21
  16. wow,
    what a beauty. Thanks for sharing this blog.

    Published 10.6.21
  17. leroj wrote:

    Indeed, it takes a lot of inspiration to blog for more than 10 years. It’s actually very cool!

    Published 2.5.23
  18. BCL Globiz wrote:

    Nice tips for a content creator to get inspiration from (Instagram, Pinterest etc.) and Journaling of course. Yes, I too get great ideas when I take a shower. Ha Ha. Thank you Neely for the useful tips.

    Published 1.4.24