3.9.18 26

How To Always Stay Ahead On Blog Posts

I get asked this question ALL THE TIME! How do you stay ahead on blog posts? For over a year now I have usually been about a month ahead on having blog posts scheduled, 3 months ahead on having them planned out, and about 2 weeks ahead on photos if not more. I originally started this to be ahead on blog posts before Liam was born so I could take a bit of a maternity leave of sorts and still have content up. Then I just kept it up! But I wanted to share how to always stay ahead on blog posts so you never have to do any last minute stressing.

How To Always Stay Ahead On Blog Posts

Make An Editorial Calendar and Stick To It: So I don’t use ANYTHING fancy for mine. I literally use Google Docs. I always schedule my posts MWF and leave room TTH for sponsored content that may come up. I do move things around as needed. For example, if a sponsored post needs to be posted on a MWF or if I come up with something more time sensitive. So when I say stick to it there are exceptions.

Keep A Running List: I keep a list in Google Drive of blog post ideas that I add into my editorial calendar as I see fit. Sometimes these ideas turn into other things. Somethings they are a phrase, quote, or sentence that later becomes a full blown post idea. At any given time I usually have 20-40 ideas on this list. This helps a lot when it comes to filling in the editorial calendar.

Batch Take Photos For Your Blog and Instagram: Andrew takes all of my blog photos and does all of my graphics (yes I am SUPER lucky) and we take them all on weekends. Usually 1-2 weekends a month we spend several hours (hello both nap times) taking photos for the blog (sponsored and regular photos) and Instagram. Then we edit as needed. This helps a ton because we aren’t rushed and we don’t have to try to fit in taking pics during the week or at night.

Write Evergreen Content: I try to write a ton of evergreen content (like this post)! Evergreen content is content that can be posted anytime and is always relevant! This helps for a few reasons. For one it will ALWAYS do well on Pinterest all year round. Two, it can be moved around an editorial calendar if it’s needed. Three, it will help your SEO a ton! Having evergreen content will also help you stay ahead on blog posts because it’s something you can easily write anytime and “stock up” on.

Are you someone who likes to stay ahead on blog posts?

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  1. Thank you for your tips, Neely! In the beginning, I found it so hard to prep blog posts in advance, but once I got the pattern and habit going, it got easier. Now my posts are planned 2-3 months in advance as well! 😀

    I don’t post daily (props to you) with a full-time job and all, but I’m managing with updating regularly every Monday. Having an editorial calendar really does work wonders! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 3.9.18
  2. Wendy wrote:

    It is always a good thing to be working ahead. Personally, I am hoping to get there as well. I have not had time to do so quite yet. Working full time and having 3 kids as well as being the only one working on it makes that a little more difficult but not impossible I know.

    Published 3.9.18
  3. Victoria wrote:

    I have a terrible time coming up with ideas for posts. Once I have an idea I am good but getting there for me is hard.

    Published 3.9.18
  4. Tanya wrote:

    Great tips! I need to start doing batch photo shoots on the weekend. I find this to be one of the most time-consuming aspects of blogging.

    Published 3.9.18
  5. Tracie wrote:

    I use the Content Planner by Kat Gaskins. I like to see mine on paper. I also keep a list of ideas and I use the National Day Calendar to see if there are any days or months that I can use in my blog posts. I normally use stock photos so they are in a folder on my computer. I plan for the quarter so all my planning is done for the year. I do my Instagram by the month since it is mostly curated. Planning ahead does make blogging easier.

    Published 3.9.18
  6. Krysten wrote:

    My schedule at work always changes, so when I know I’m going to have time I have marathon blog days – days in which I write a bunch of blog posts all in the same day, complete with setting up SEO and working on graphics. Which is what I did yesterday!

    Published 3.9.18
  7. OLIVIA wrote:

    I need to start planning blog posts better. I am so on top of it for a month and then I go off the deep end ha! These tips definitely help though!

    Published 3.9.18
  8. This is the biggest biggest pain in my behind! I’m so good with scheduling but not with following through. Or maybe I plan too optimistically? Not sure…. but anyway this is my blogging goal!

    Published 3.9.18
  9. Trish wrote:

    This is a timely read for me! I have been behind with blogging and feeling stressed about it. I realy need to use an editorial calendar and blog ahead and schedule posts. I have done that in the past and found it tremendously helpful. I also LOVE your idea of evergreen content!

    Published 3.9.18
  10. Thank you for the tips!


    Published 3.9.18
  11. Love your tips, especially the batching! And I think having a good amount of evergreen content is necessary!


    Published 3.9.18
  12. Claudia wrote:

    I have been working on getting ahead on my post schedule, so these are some great tips Neely! And you’re SO lucky to have someone who helps take your pics… I’m a little jealous haha! 🙂

    Claudia | claudianorris.ca

    Published 3.9.18
  13. All great tips. I really want to do better with writing and schedule ahead, as much as I can at least.


    Published 3.9.18
  14. 1stopmom wrote:

    I am one of those people that likes to stay ahead. When I am feeling creative and the words are flowing I just keep on writing! I do batch photos too. it saves so much time. I have a notepad on my phone I add blog post ideas to. Sometimes I get great ideas at weirdest times!

    Published 3.9.18
  15. Brandy wrote:

    I used to handle blogging like this all of the time and then I got sidetracked. I love that you shared these tips on how to always be ahead on blog posts because it was a nice reminder of how I used to handle blogging so I was always one step ahead. I will admit, the editorial calendar though is an area I am not really good at sticking with. I want to try to use one this year more often!

    Published 3.9.18
  16. I so need to be good about this. I keep an awesome calendar with more than 500 ideas, but am still always running behind (like today’s post written today…ugh!). I need to be better about evergreen content too. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Published 3.9.18
  17. This is so helpful, I have a huge list of post ideas and a content calendar scheduled a few months out but I find myself constantly falling behind! I think I need to be more realistic with my timeframes and dedicate a couple days to photo taking and editing as opposed to doing it post by post. Thanks for sharing!

    Published 3.9.18
  18. Julie wrote:

    I have a draft in my posts of blog ideas for each theme. Lately, I’ve been able to be two days ahead of my posts and I would like to keep it up. It’s nice not trying to rush the night before finishing up a post to publish the next day.

    Published 3.9.18
  19. I like to write down ideas as I come up with them. That way, I always have a list so I’m not getting stuck with writer’s block.

    Published 3.10.18
  20. LaWann wrote:

    Great advice. Thanks!

    Published 3.10.18
  21. Zoë wrote:

    I find like you, I have plenty of posts scheduled in advance so that there is no last minute stressing! I love these ideas, and having posts that can be posted anytime is always useful! xx


    Published 3.10.18
  22. Farrah wrote:

    I most definitely do this! I get asked all the time how I managed to blog through medical school (and currently residency) too, and without my lists and batch-photos and editorial calendars, my blog would be a goner.

    Published 3.10.18
  23. I love this! I do need to start keeping my content calendar updated. I started taking my pictures on the weekend too and that helps a lot.

    Published 3.11.18
  24. syamala wrote:

    Love your tips, especially the batching! And I think having a good amount of evergreen content is necessary!

    Published 3.12.18
  25. CourtneyLynne wrote:

    So many helpful tips!!! I always pick a day of the week to spot most of my photography. That way I can get myself into the mood to shoot and it wil all just flow

    Published 3.12.18
  26. Asha wrote:

    Thank you for your tips

    Published 11.16.18