2.4.15 17

Staying Active and Healthy

It’s February and we are one month into the new year. I wish I could say my health and fitness goals were right along there with where I wanted them to be but they aren’t. So I’m calling February a do over. With so much traveling in January it was a tough month to get in the workouts and eating that I wanted to. So I thought today I would share my tips and tricks that I plan on utilizing to ensure that this month is a VERY healthy month!!! This month is all about Staying Active and Healthy.

Staying Active

1.  Go for a walk: Meaning get your butt outside. Unless the weather is just god awful go outside and walk for 15-20 minutes a day. It will do wonders for your mind and body. Even if you have done a workout go walk around your neighborhood for a little bit. The fresh air and sun will help you in more ways than you can imagine.

2. Have an accountability partner: For me this is my husband. We both want to work out a lot more this month so we are keeping each other on track. We also try to workout together as much as possible and go for walks in the evenings and on weekends. We live right by a very popular trail and we love to go walking on it.

3. Drink more water: So important. I have a giant tumbler I carry with me everywhere. I make a point to fill it 3 times a day which amounts to about 100 oz of water a day. The more water you drink the better for your body. Get a cute tumbler and also check out my tips for drinking more water.

4. Sweat every day: No matter how busy you are or how tired you are or how much you just don’t feel like it do SOMETHING. Even if its a 10 minute ab workout on your floor while watching the bachelor. Or doing 100 jumping jacks. Sweat! Get your body moving! You will be glad you did.

5. Eat Clean: We never buy processed foods which is why I prefer to eat at home. I know what’s in my food. I know my smoothies are green smoothies. Also we just started drinking something called a hot shot every morning which I will do a post on soon. I do not buy into gimmicks of fasting, cleanses etc and I am not knocking anyone who does. For me eating things like grilled chicken, turkey breast, veggies, fresh fruits, whole wheat crackers, oatmeal, hummus etc is my usual. Eating clean rally helps your body process foods better.

So what’s your health and fitness goal for the month?

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  1. lisa wrote:

    Great tips! This is exactly how I do it. I am trying to get my husband to be my accountability partner & me in return to him. Thanks for sharing. Sharing your post.

    Published 2.4.15
  2. Patti wrote:

    All great plans of action. I drink water that is room temp in the winter (not for everyone) to make sure I get enough. Otherwise, I’d be shivering all day!

    Published 2.4.15
  3. Gina wrote:

    I love this post! It’s so good to make sure we are staying accountable with our health goals. I think reading blog posts about staying healthy is such a good way to do so! I have been drinking more water lately and been trying to get more workouts in! This is such awesome advice!

    Published 2.4.15
  4. Leah wrote:

    I definitely need to work on my clean eating. I don’t eat too bad, but french fries and pizza are my Achilles heel.

    Published 2.4.15
  5. Alli wrote:

    I was just telling my husband that I needed to drink more water and less unsweetened tea. I don’t really like water unless it’s Pellegrino. 🙂 I’m all for a do over!

    Published 2.4.15
  6. These are all great tips. And actually do-able. I go for a long walk once a week (about 2 miles or so at a fast pace). I’m always amazed at how much better I feel afterward, even though it’s not that strenuous. I do yoga once a week and I try to up my water intake throughout the day, after my morning coffee. I should probably incorporate the ‘sweat everyday’ rule, even if it’s just a few push ups.

    Published 2.4.15
  7. sandy wrote:

    Just what I needed for today! Great tips, thanks Neely!

    Published 2.4.15
  8. Erin wrote:

    Sounds like my everyday! I love to add vegan protein powder to my morning smoothies for the extra little something! I don’t leave the house without my water bottle! Cheers to healthy lifestyles!

    Published 2.4.15
  9. Tianna wrote:

    awesome tips! These are very helpful 🙂

    stop by and chat if you like 🙂 http://storybookapothecary.com

    Published 2.4.15
  10. Great tips!! I really need to work on drinking more water… my eyes have been paying the price for my lack of water intake as my dry eyes are apparently caused by dehydration!! My husband got me a FitBit for Christmas and I think I am truly going to start using it to make myself accountable for my water intake, walking more, etc. Now if only I could find a job with normal hours so that I could get my eating schedule on track I would be golden!

    Published 2.4.15
  11. jess wrote:

    Great tips, I think it is very important to live a healthy lifestyle, it not only makes one feel better, but helps in so many ways.


    Published 2.4.15
  12. Jenny wrote:

    I just got back from a 3 day trip to Universal Studios where I walked 10+ miles each day. That’s more than I’ve walked in 6 months. Ever since I got home I’ve made sure to walk a couple miles each day, because I felt SO good (and exhausted) after walking so much at Universal. So now that’s on my list. And I have a treadmill, so I have no excuse not to! I drink 8-10 cups of water each day already since I’m constantly thirsty, so I’ve got that down. I also eat fairly clean, and I don’t eat meat.. mostly plant based stuff.

    What I really need is an accountability partner. I hate working out by myself, so I just don’t.
    Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

    Published 2.4.15
  13. Tiffany wrote:

    Right now, I’m focusing on walking everyday (enough to break a sweat) and eating clean (i’m addicted to sugar!!!), and I’ve noticed that I’m starting to feel healthier and leaner! It just takes a little effort! Great post!

    Published 2.4.15
  14. Good tips and reminders for my least favorite month of the year….enough with the snow, Mother Nature!!!

    Published 2.4.15
  15. Jeanae wrote:

    Fabulous list! I found that connecting with an accountability partner made all of the other steps easier. I became intentional about things like water intake because I knew that I would have to give an account to someone. Eventually, healthier choices became the norm, but the thought of fessing up was what jump started my actions.

    Published 2.4.15
  16. Sarah wrote:

    Eating clean and drinking more water are the two I really need to work on right now.

    Published 2.5.15
  17. Beth wrote:

    Completely agree with you! Process foods are the devil! I have been doing Paleo since Dec, and am down 13 lbs. (Still have a long way to go) – but is amazing how better I feel, sleep, how much better my skin is etc.

    Being outside makes me feel so good to – especially if I’m having a good day!

    Published 2.5.15