Two weekends ago I co-hosted a bridal shower for my dear friend, Ally, with the sweet Sara from Running From The Law blog. When Sara and I first started chatting about the shower we knew we had to do a Lilly theme for our Lilly loving bestie. We knew two things: One, lots of pink and two, lots of details. Of course I took to Pinterest for some inspiration and ideas on how to throw a Lilly Pulitzer themed bridal shower, and while I found a lot of ideas, some of the things I came up with!
This is a very picture heavy post but I wanted to focus in on a few of the details.
One thing is having something like Lilly Pulitzer quotes in simple white frames (found at Walmart for $3!), I found the quotes online and my husband (God love him) did the Photoshop work to have all the quotes match the decor. Pop them in the white frames and they really add a special touch.
The next small detail was taking pink and orange Starburst candies and putting them in mini mason jars. These were used on my kitchen island and coffee table as extra decor. Bonus, people can snack on them! Funny story though when I opened the 56oz bag of Starburst they all fell all over my kitchen floor. That’s when you pour a glass of wine and keep going.
One of my favorite details were the food cards. Sara and I came up with some cute name ideas like “Lilly’s Lemonade (Sangria)” and “He Cake Popped The Question (cake balls)” to go with each food item. Because Ally also LOVES Kate Spade, we used “Pop Fizz Clink” to describe the mimosa bar.
The shower took place from 2-4 on a Saturday, so food wise we had tons of dessert options like Lilly Pulitzer designed cookies. I have to rave about the cookie designer I used. Her name is Jennifer and she is Dallas based. So if you live in the DFW area and need amazing designed and amazing tasting cookies for an event please contact me for her info because she does AMAZING work. I asked her for pink and orange Lilly dresses and hearts with Ally and her fiancee’s married monogram on it. She went above and beyond.
We also had Petit Fours which are Ally’s favorite, fruit kabobs which were AHHHMAZING, cake balls, and of course lots of cheese and crackers for our cheese loving friend. Then we had Sangria and a Mimosa bar. The perfect amount of food for an afternoon of girl time.
I wanted to keep the decor pretty simple to not take away from how gorgeous the food turned out all matching in our pink and orange colors, so I used pink and orange paper straws, the aforementioned Starburst, lots of pink tulle, pink rose petals, 2 beautiful floral arrangements done at Dr. Delphinium in Dallas and Pink pom poms from the Martha Stewart brand found on Amazon. The flowers turned out incredible and looked great with the decor. I had one large arrangement in the middle of the island with the food and drinks and a smaller arrangement for my coffee table.
One other special touch was an idea that came to me one night. I had a Polaroid camera and thought that it would be cute if Ally took a photo with each person at the shower and then those people would write marriage advice on note cards. We then took the photo and the cards and used washi tape to make a scrapbook for Ally full of wisdom!
The cards for the food, the scrapbook title, the games and the Lilly quotes all used the same Lilly pattern and were done in Photoshop by my awesome husband.
The shower turned out lovely and Ally had a great time. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves and we had tons of laughs during the games as well.
Since Ally moved to Baltimore I don’t get to see her as much, but I was so happy Sara and I could throw this special day in her honor. I can’t wait for the wedding in May! Sara thanks for being such a great co-host!
If you’ve ever wondered how to throw a Lilly Pulitzer themed bridal shower, I now have you covered.
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Everyone I know is already married, but who knows – maybe someone will get divorced and re-married so I can go to their shower.
What a neat idea!!! So cute. Totally in love with the cookies and decorations
It looks like you did a great job putting it all together. I like that you could make many of those things while still winding up with a really stylish theme.
How. Freakin. Awesome. IS THIS!!!!! I’m getting married next year so I loved reading what she did!! I love that idea of the game! My friend has something very similar. This makes me so excited for my wedding!
Anyone who would walk in and see this beautiful display of great food and flowers would be thrilled. Wonderful ideas.
That’s pretty awesome idea! I totally love the theme! That would be great for my bestfriend I think she need a party before she marry her man.
I have several friends getting married this year who would love this. Passing along!
Greta |
You girls did an AWESOME job!! Would love more info on the cookie person for a short I’m throwing in May!
Hmmm, trip down memory lane. I remember how my wife was tortured at her bridal shower. These are more enjoyable 🙂
I really enjoyed this post!
You nailed it! Lilly is my mothers fav designer! Thanks for sharing xo.
So pretty!
Awww, such beautiful photographs and love all of the colors! So glad that Ally had a great time at her shower 🙂 and love this theme… Probably will be throwing one soon for a friend, so this is great inspiration 🙂
My bridal party throwing days are over–I think! I have thrown a couple in my time but none came out as beautifully done as the one you put together. Having a great time is what really matters and it looks like your guests all did! Great Job!!
Such a cute idea! I love it. I love the little memory book too. I may have to borrow that idea for my sister in law’s shower this summer 🙂
I love how y’all did everything for the shower! The decorations and food look amazing! I especially love the Polaroid idea!!!
That was absolutely perfect! I love how the flower colors tied in with the theme. What a wonderful shower!
So pretty! Those cookies are amazing. Almost too pretty to eat! Almost 🙂 You throw a fabulous party!
Yea this is so freaking cute oh I live it and will definitely be steaibg this idea ASAP ! You killing it xoxox
This is so cute! I’ve seen a lot of Kate Spade party themes but I love this – and those cookies? Crushin’ it!
I’m hosting a baby shower next month and would love to use this as a theme, however, we don’t know the gender, ugh, and I kind of feel like this would be best for a girl. Anywho, love the theme!!
I love the flower arrangements and all the ideas for this type of bridal shower. It’s such a thrilling time for the bride to be to spend with the other women in here inner circle.
This is the cutest. I need to give my MOH/bridesmaids some hints on doing something like this for me.
xoxo, Jenny
You did an amazing job! I’m sharing the shower I threw for my best friend last month ion Thursday. I wish I’d seen this before So many wonderful ideas and just beautiful. Alley is so lucky to have you.
Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous! And, those snacks, I mean, they look fantastic! What a thoughtful and fun shower…thanks so much for sharing!
What a beautiful shower theme! I would have loved this!
I’m always super impressed with big themed parties. I love the idea of a LP one!
Those “commitment cookies” lol!! So adorbs.
I love Lilly Pulitzer. This is super cute!! Now I need a life event to come up so that I can make it Lilly Pulitzer themed haha
This is adorable! And so original! I loved it, even though I’m nowhere close to getting married anytime soon, I would definitely keep this in mind!
What a lovely bridal shower! Everything is lovely down to the last detail. The fruit and other treats look amazing!