Happy Friday friends! I am actually really looking forward to a somewhat chill weekend. Liam has two soccer games and Sunday morning we have family pictures with Jenny, she has done all of our family photos for 4 years and does all of my photos for the blog and Instagram. But first, weekend reading!
Weekend Reading
What we’ve been up to: This week was actually a pretty uneventful week. The kids had their normal school and activities, Andrew had a work training all week, and I am knee deep in holiday content and campaigns so that’s where my focus was. Nothing of note of super exciting happened. Last weekend I had a fun weekend with friends celebrating another friends birthday and spent Sunday relaxing with Andrew and the kids which was much needed.
Posts and articles I loved this week:
5 ways to make your female friendships stronger
Easy couples Halloween costume ideas
New releases over the next few weeks
The best cities around the world
The fear of not being good enough
Best birthday gifts that aren’t toys– so helpful!
Is your relationship with money holding you back?
Create more goodness in your life
99 sober activities to do this weekend instead of drinking
Things on my wish list:
Obsessed with these Marc Fisher boots
LOVE these purple On Cloud shoes
I’ve read so many great reviews about this sweater
Blog posts you might have missed:
Affordable wellness items you need
What are you up to this weekend?