5.11.20 15

24 Things Making Me Happy

I feel like in times of stress it’s good to focus on things making me happy. It’s not always easy and sometimes it’s easier to focus on the bad or tough things in life. These things may seem silly or simple but they are easy things that are making me happy.

24 Things Making Me Happy

  1. My kids
  2. My husband
  3. Being outside
  4. Wine
  5. The first sip of my morning coffee
  6. Marco Polo with friends
  7. FaceTime with friends and family
  8. Fresh flowers
  9. Painting my nails
  10. Walks with my kids
  11. Snuggles with my family
  12. Spending time with my husband
  13. Reading
  14. Organizing and purging
  15. Making a list of fun things to do when we can
  16. Finding new ways to have fun at home
  17. Watching Liam learn
  18. Cooking and baking
  19. Seeing Charlotte try food for the first time
  20. Exercising
  21. Going for drives
  22. Listening to music and Podcasts
  23. Watching documentaries and movies
  24. Watching silly reality shows

I find that focusing on these fun, somewhat silly things can really help my anxiety. Being at home all the time can be rough mentally but focusing on the good and the happy helps a ton.

What is something making you happy?

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  1. I love your list! It’s nice to have one on-hand to remind ourselves what really matters! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 5.11.20
  2. I agree that it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of our lives during this stressful time. I am enjoying some extra time to read, garden, organize and purge, upgrade my skills with online courses and having Zoom calls with my family and friends!

    Published 5.11.20
  3. Gwen wrote:

    I love your list! We have been making lists too, counting our blessings, and it’s really helpful to keep spirits up! Thanks for sharing!

    Published 5.11.20
  4. Funnily enough – my list is very similar! I’m really enjoying my Pilates classes online and listening to pop culture podcasts when I go for my day walk as it brings a sense of normality. EVERY day starts with coffee and I try to read a little chick lit before bed 🙂

    Published 5.11.20
  5. Stephanie wrote:

    My list would look very similar to yours! I think one of the things I’ve been most impressed with is how well my boys learn and everything they know academically. We don’t usually see this side of them since it’s at school, but now they are learning at home and I get to see it all.

    Published 5.11.20
  6. Maria Koss wrote:

    Those are beautiful things!

    Published 5.11.20
  7. Misha wrote:

    I love this list! It’s a great reminder of all the little things that bring us joy, especially in an uncertain time like this. I like to do something similar like writing down 3 things I’m grateful for every day in my journal and I have to admit, there was such a huge shift in my mindset with this practice.

    Thank you so much for sharing yours with us! x

    Published 5.12.20
  8. Melanie williams wrote:

    There are some fab things on your list. I hear you on the watching silly reality shows been watching them alot lately x

    Published 5.12.20
  9. aisasami wrote:

    What a beautiful list. What makes me happy is chai tea latte, music, Sailor Moon, dancing, yoga, and others.

    Published 5.12.20
  10. Listening to music and podcasts does make me smile. This is a great way to remind myself about the simple things to make me smile.

    Published 5.12.20
  11. Ashley wrote:

    Love this! There is always, always something to be thankful for!

    Published 5.12.20
  12. Christa wrote:

    This is such a great list! I recently moved and am having so much fun shopping for and organizing the new space.

    Published 5.13.20
  13. Wow, what an amazing list! Listening to music and organizing things at home make me happy as well ☺

    Published 5.13.20
  14. Elizabeth O wrote:

    Everything on your list would make me happy too. I do miss going to the salon for a pedicure. I’m thinking of doing one for myself. That should be fun.

    Published 5.15.20