As I’ve gotten older and especially since I had my kids I have had to find ways to simplify my day. To me the simpler the better. The things I can outsource I do and the things I can say no to I do. If you are needing to find ways to simplify your day I think you will really relate to this!
7 Ways To Simplify Your Day
Outsource: I have gotten better about outsourcing a few things lately. I started in 2019 by working regularly with a photographer, then a virtual assistant since last September. I also outsource to my management team when it comes to contracts, negotiations, pitching, etc. It’s made a huge difference and helped me focus more on creating content. I also outsource things at home when we need to!
Get things ready in advance: For me, I do this in all areas of my life: I lay out mine and the kids’ clothing for the next day at night, pack lunches, clean and get the house ready for the next day, etc. I also write blog posts at least two weeks in advance and schedule content in other areas.
Do the most important thing first: I have a daily to-do list but I always look at it first thing and do the most important task first. This also usually means the hardest. I find that doing it this way frees up so much space in my head, and my day!
Wake up early: The one I think a lot of people struggle with. Some days I do too! My kids get up early so I don’t get a lot of choices haha! But I love to get up early and work out and shower before 7. I feel like knowing I’ve already done this makes me feel so motivated for the rest of the day.
Do something for you: I used to love getting up and having coffee before my kids, I now get up and workout but doing that one thing for me- working out before they are fully up and knowing I’ve done something for me really makes me feel lighter throughout the day.
Balance your work and home life (especially if you work from home): THIS IS THE HARDEST for me! I am writing this post at 445 PM on a Friday knowing I need to make my kids dinner. The work and home life balance seems impossible some days but it’s something I know I need to improve to simplify my day.
Utilize away messages, OOO, and DND: I put DND on my phone from 9-6 every night! I feel like even doing that makes my life simple because I am not on my phone responding to a text or email. If it’s important someone will call! Also, using OOO for emails on weekends has been huge!
I would love to know what ways to simplify your day you have found! Tell us below!
I love these suggestions! I’m currently playing around with a morning schedule that helps me work out and get ready before my daughter wakes up. I also have been giving myself better work hours, since I work from home, so that I can have better home/work boundaries!
I need to give all of these tips a try. My days are decidedly UNsimple, so I need to do what I can to change that.
love this article.Thanks for sharing with us.
I’m going to employ all of these. A simplified day is a less stressful day, and we can all use that.
I can relate to the outsourcing. My pool cleaning/maintenance and lawn mowing are all done by outside services. It helps free up my time.
I find myself agreeing with these tips, I actually apply a lot of them and it actually helps me to have a more organized day!
I also have a problem with work life balance. My husband has very erratic sleeping and waking hours and since he is partly disabled, I have to be alert, alive and enthusiastic when he is awake. I make use of the time he is asleep to plan meals, cook, clean and work. It is tiring, but I must keep to my responsibility.
Outsourcing is a life saver! Sometimes it can be hard to delegate tasks to others, but once you find a good routine and the right people, it helps save so much time!!
Such great information that so many of us will find useful! This article was a really great read, thank you.
I forget to use the do not disturb messages! Thank you for the reminder!
Those are some great points to keep in mind and thanks for the share
These are great suggestions! I love to wake up early and have coffee before my kids get up almost every day. I’m always so grumpy and not ready for the day if I don’t get to start it alone.
I am tired. I needed it. I really needed it to make my days better. Bookmarking!
The work-home life is definitely something I need to practice more on. Some days I’m working all kinds of hours.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips! I usually plan in advance and keep a routine schedule.