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8 Things To Do Every Sunday

I feel like there are two types of people when it comes to Sundays: those who dread it and those who love it. Those who get the Sunday scaries and those who just love the start of the new week. Those who LOVE a productive Sunday and those who well don’t. There is no right or wrong way to Sunday. I personally love a productive Sunday. With that, I am sharing 8 things to do every Sunday- that I do to ensure I have a productive and great week ahead.


8 Things To Do Every Sunday

Exercise: I always call Sunday my active rest day. I usually do a long walk with my family and some restorative Yoga. I think it’s important to move your body every day and these things really help me take that active rest day and also get my body ready for harder workouts throughout the week.

Get ahead on laundry: Sunday is a great day to catch up on laundry and have everything done to start the week!

Meal prep and plan: We grocery shop on the weekends and meal plan before that. Then we prep things like chicken, hard-boiled eggs, cut up fruits and veggies for the week, make muffins for breakfasts, etc. This way healthy things are there and prepped and you are less likely to eat junk.

Read: Taking time to read is so important. It could be a book, an article, anything that makes your mind work.

Refill ALL THE THINGS: Go through your house and refill soaps, coffee pods, tissues, toilet paper, etc. I always feel like starting the week with everything refilled just feels right! It also makes you feel like you have your ish together a little more.

Change your sheets/wash your towels: This is something else we always do on the weekend. I change our sheets and the kid’s sheets and wash all the towels. Towels get washed during the week too but this way we start the week with everything fresh and clean.

Get organized for Monday morning: Things could mean laying out your clothes for work, the gym, etc. Laying out your kids clothes, making everyone’s lunches, prepping breakfasts, filling water bottles and having them in the fridge ready to go, etc. I love going to bed knowing all of this is done.

Rest: Of course! Rest is important too and feeling tired to start the week is NEVER fun! It’s such a good feeling to be able to rest, take a nap, whatever feels good to you and your body.

What are some things to do every Sunday that get you ready for the week ahead?

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  1. Elise Ho wrote:

    I exercise every Sunday and begin my prep for the week. These both kick off my week well.

    Published 7.14.21
  2. Heather wrote:

    I wish I had time on Sunday’s to do all of these things. Sunday is laundry day and I usually wind up working.

    Published 7.14.21
  3. Pearl wrote:

    I meal prep every Sunday and that is a game-changer 🙂 I usually make a large Sunday dinner (with enough for leftovers), breakfast for the week, and some other meal prep stuff. I eat so much better for the week when I meal prep. I will take the refill all the things tip. I like that one!

    Published 7.14.21
  4. Lizzy wrote:

    These are eight great things to do on Sunday. Getting ahead of the laundry and rest are my Sunday go-tos!

    Published 7.14.21
  5. Stephanie wrote:

    The only thing on your list that I don’t do is exercise. I workout on weekdays and take the weekends as my day off. But the weekend is for laundry and cleaning and getting ready for the week at my house.

    Published 7.14.21
  6. Kat wrote:

    This will surely help my Sundays be more productive and plan ahead for the next following week.

    Published 7.14.21
  7. John wrote:

    We love Sundays in our home. We like to go for walks and sometimes that may often end with a visit to a nice pub for a lunch. Sundays are the best!

    Published 7.15.21
  8. I agree! Getting organised on Sunday for Monday morning makes everything so much easier. Great tips.

    Published 7.15.21
  9. Bauhinia wrote:

    Thanks for all your suggestions. I always love Sundays because it’s a day for us to stay relaxed all day after a week of work.

    Published 7.15.21
  10. Gervin Khan wrote:

    This is nice tips, I will try this once Sunday arrive.

    Published 7.15.21
  11. Brianna wrote:

    I do most of these, so important! I feel like it starts my week off well!

    Published 7.15.21
  12. Emily Fata wrote:

    This is really great information! I learned a lot reading your post today. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    Published 7.15.21
  13. Dominique wrote:

    Good ideas! I need to fill everything on Sundays. I really can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before. I get so annoyed when I have to stop and fill things like soap and toilet rolls. Thank you for the tips!

    Published 7.15.21
  14. Cinny wrote:

    LOL, that’s basically my days off. Try to get some stuff done, get some exercise in, do a little relaxation -sounds like we have something in common.

    Published 7.15.21
  15. Kuntala wrote:

    These are great tips. I love to use Sundays as a chance to both recharge and to get ready for the week ahead.

    Published 7.15.21
  16. This sounds wonderful and so clearly organized that any stress can be avoided. I totally see myself planning my Sundays accordingly!

    Published 7.15.21
  17. Marysa wrote:

    This is a great list for Sundays. I am definitely a list kind of person, and this is a good way to get things done and ready for the upcoming week.

    Published 7.15.21
  18. I agree with your list. My Sundays are always “mini Spring Cleaning” days. I want to make sure that the coming week will be stress and clutter free.

    Published 7.15.21
  19. If I may add, wash the car on Sunday, too. Its been part of my routine everyweek. lol.

    Published 7.16.21
  20. Mae wrote:

    Sunday is my rest day! It’s my way to recharge so I can prepare for the coming week!

    Published 7.16.21
  21. I always use this as the day to reorganize the whole house and plan for next week’s agenda. When you have kids, it’s always going to be busy.

    Published 7.16.21
  22. Kushigalu wrote:

    I really wish I had me time to do all this on Sunday. Really great ideas.

    Published 7.17.21
  23. Njkinny wrote:

    Cool tips and I am going to try them today. So glad I came across this post on a Saturday night!

    Published 7.17.21
  24. I always have time for exercise on Sunday. It’s also my laundry day. Of course, I spend time with my family too.

    Published 7.19.21
  25. Kristina wrote:

    Love this list of things to do on Sunday! I’ve been working on planning for the week ahead! This is helpful, thank you!

    Published 7.8.24