I know I say this every month but wow March flew by! It was honestly a really good month other than a little bit of sickness in our house. I feel like I mostly did good with my goals this month other than a few things that were a little out of my control. But before I share my April 2022 goals let’s see how I did in March!
April 2022 Goals
In March I wanted to…
- Read 4 books: So this is going to sound crazy but I read 11 books this month. I have been on a huge reading kick and I have been reading at night way more than watching shows or doing anything else.
- Get Liam registered for Kinder (WHAT!?): Ugh yes I mean I am glad for him but also in disbelief.
- Figure out birthday plans for Andrew and me (our birthdays are one day apart): YES! WE are doing a little staycation and I can’t wait!
- Clean out my closet: Yep done and done! I got rid of SO MUCH! It felt so good!
- Get the kitchen fully organized: I am working with Sarah at Simplified Solutions on our kitchen organization project. There will be lots of Instagram stories and posts about it so be on the lookout!
- Work on Pinterest growth: I do think I am doing better here, slowly but surely.
- Have at least one date with Andrew: BIG fail! We did some at-home dates but weather and sick kids kind of put a wrench in date night plans.
- Secure 6 new brand partnerships: YES! I am so so so grateful and so excited for these upcoming partnerships.
- Do at least 100 Peloton workouts (I do 3-4 a day with different 10-20 minute classes): YES! I hit a lot of big Peloton milestones!
I April I want to…
- Read 7 books
- Post at least 8 times to my Instagram feed (why is this so hard for me?)
- Spend at least an hour outside everyday weather permitting
- Go on at least 4 family walks a week weather permitting
- Have 2 dates with Andrew (we have a busy month with lots planned so this should be easy)
- Do something with each of my kids 1 on 1
- Clean out my dresser drawers and organize them
- Finish purchasing what we need for our Disney trip in June and the kids camps
What is one of your April 2022 goals?
Setting goals is a great idea, but I would love to know how you managed to read 11 books in one month! I’m fortunate to read three, no matter how hard I try.
I love your goal posts. It keeps me motivated to stay on top of my own. Good luck for next month! <3
Omg yes I also need to clean out my closet. And get the kitchen organized. Good luck and I hope you reach your goals!
I’m into challanges, but I definitely can’t read 7 books a month. Let me try those IG posts.
You’ve done such a great job rocking your goals. Keep it up this month, too!
Nnnniiiiccceeeee…I am so glad to know of the progress you made on the Pelotons’! For this month, I want to run and walk more, daily.
It’s so important to set goals every month. It inspire, motivate you, and it helps you to organize your time. I really love setting goals.
Wow! You accomplished a lot in March! It’s great that you have personal, family and professional goals.
Oh wow, you read a lot of books. I didn’t even have time to read 1.
One of my big goals for April is to launch my digital products and a store! I’m so looking forward to it
These are all amazing goals. I hope you achieve them all, and if not, don’t be too hard on yourself 🙂
That is impressive that you want to read 7 books in April! I have so little time and I wish I could sit down and take the time to read that much.
Those are some amazing list of April Goals you have listed and I hope you achieve all of them before the end of the month! <3