I have had 2 babies and I can tell you that it’s no picnic. No matter which way they come into the world. No matter which route you go through with getting pregnant, childbirth, etc, it’s hard. It is also the time you should really focus on easy postpartum lifestyle changes you can make for yourself to ensure you are being the healthiest mom you can be for yourself and your baby.
Easy Postpartum Lifestyle Changes
Postpartum Lifestyle Changes I did after each baby:
Weight Watchers: I have done Weight Watchers twice. Once after each pregnancy. I honestly still use it just to maintain. I love being able to eat what I want but also really have guidance when it comes to portion control which is my biggest problem. It’s made me have such a better understanding of being actually hungry vs. bored. I have a TON of posts about WW on my blog if you want a more in-depth look! Something I really want to learn more about to is intuitive eating.
Collagen: Another thing I started about 3 weeks after I had Liam was Collagen. I stir it into all of my coffee and became obsessed. I continued it through my pregnancy with Charlotte and to this day. I read about it first on Peanut Butter Fingers blog. I think Julie is so sweet and knowledgeable so I am going to let her post explaining Collagen explain it 🙂 I see huge benefits with my digestion, hair, skin, nails, and metabolism!
Vitamins: I took a prenatal vitamin from the day we started trying for a baby. Then through both pregnancies. In fact, I am still taking one because the benefits are AMAZING. I also added in an Omega 3 supplement recently because I am just not a fish person. I also take Vitamin D, a B complex, and a probiotic.
Exercise Changes: I have been a lover of exercise for a long time. I always dabbled with workouts, but in about 2009 I started to really fall in love with them. Right now I am doing a combo of Melissa Wood Health, Peloton App HIIT classes and Yoga, and walks/cardio. I always make sure to get 10K steps a day and close all the rings on my Apple Watch.
Hydration: I drink a ton of water anyway but I have a giant YETI rambler water bottle and I try to finish 3 of them a day. Drinking water is so important for your overall health. Whenever I am feeling a headache coming on or feel a bit nauseous I ask myself if I’ve had enough water recently.
How these postpartum lifestyle changes helped me:
When I made these changes I really noticed overall differences in not only my physical appearance but in my moods, my emotions, etc. I think making overall lifestyle changes can really help you in so many areas. When you make long-term changes instead of quick fixes you will notice you just feel better every single day.
Have you made any lifestyle changes lately? I would love to hear about it!
This post was originally published in 2017 and has been updated for 2021.
I’m happy you’ve been doing well with Weight Watchers. I think the key to a healthier lifestyle for some of us is accountability!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I need to make some changes myself. My problem is I start something and don’t always follow through :-/
I love this post. It’s so impressive to me how often you exercise. I want to start being more active NOW so that it’s not the most awful experience of my life after I start having kids!
Love this! Thanks for sharing! I am starting collagen this week! Cant wait to see how it works for me! <3
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Collagen as of late…maybe I’ll have to bite the bullet and give it a shot! Does it make your coffee taste any different or does it absorb well? That water bottle looks awesome, too! I’ve found that my S’well bottle keeps me drinking more water than I used to, but it’s still something I struggle with regularly.
You are doing great! I am a big fan of Weight Watchers, especially in conjunction with a good exercise program. Your barre classes sound wonderful.
A few people were telling me to try collagen and its in my Amazon cart to grab. Was there a brand you liked best?
I also started to put collagen in my coffee, but I noticed that my skin was super red afterwards. What a bummer. Maybe I need to try a different brand. What do you use?
These are fantastic, good for you for getting healthy after baby. Most people are so wrapped up in the new baby they neglect themselves at this stage. I need to focus on working out more. Barre sounds really fun, I would love to try that!
That’s awesome 🙂 I’ve heard great benefits about collagen.
I have been adopting a shake into my diet each morning. I think the super-dense nutritious shake has contributed to a lot of my energy increase!
I’ve always heard taking prenatal vitamins even after baby is really healthy and has so many benefits!
I’ve heard great things about collagen–will have to look for this next time I’m in the vitamin store. Also! That’s amazing re: Weight Watchers and being so close to your goal already! Go you!!
I have really gotten lazy with my health and wellness routine over summer break, but I am already making plans for upcoming changes once the kids head back to school. This is the first I am hearing of collagen, so I am especially excited to explore that further.
I started drinking more water with my first after a UTI. I have tried to continue drinking more since then.
YES!! All these things!! You go girl!
I love these! So many changes when you have a baby – it’s great that you are focusing on yourself. I have already booked the collagen article.
My biggest lifestyle change has been my workload and the amount of times I say “yes” to things I don’t commit to as opposed to saying “yes” to things that honor who I am and my health. I don’t have the time for things that no longer serve me.
It sounds like you kept your health in mind. That’s a good thing! So many things change after a baby so it’s good to take care of yourself.
I think one of the lifestyle changes I have made is waking up earlier, haha. I am a total night owl otherwise.
Love the Collagen idea! I’m definitely going to try this!
Having a baby does change everything! These are awesome lifestyle changes. I’ve been taking vitamins religiously since having my daughter. I think they help keep me healthy!
Way to go you for taking care of your baby post-birth. Sometimes it’s so easy to let taking care of the baby dominate things, but it’s so important to care for momma too!
Great changes! My baby is due in a couple of months so I need to think about how that will change things for me as well. Losing weight will be a must, but I don’t know how I’ll do it yet.
These are all great lifestyle changes. After reading this, I bought some collagen on Amazon and can’t wait to try it out!
I have had this water bottle before and liked it. I had my youngest 3 months ago and need to excersise and drink more water.
yes yes yes to infused water! I have the hardest time remembering to drink water but something about infusing it makes it exciting to me! I will have to try the pineapple/cucumber combo! That sounds delish!
I’m three years postpartum and still feeling like I’m adjusting to the “new me.” Your changes all sound like great ways to feel your best. I know I feel way better when I drink the recommended amount of water.
I think these are great changes to make even if you haven’t had a baby. All these things are so good for your health!
I’m always forgetting to drink water, pre and post baby. Life sure changes a lot doesn’t it?
What great way to make some amazing lifestyle changes!
That is so great! I need to get back into taking better care of myself!
I’ve never heard of collagen but I’m SO incorporating this into my routine now!!
Good for you for setting a routine and sticking to it from so early on! I really admire that. Whenever things get crazy in my life, exercise tends to be the first thing to go. I had to find something I enjoyed–daily walks around Boston during my lunch break–to finally be able to stick to it!
I will check out that link about collagen. You had me interested in it. I mean, I am no longer in that child-bearing age but I do want to maintain a youthful appearance. and maintain my current weight. I will share this post with my daughter. She still has a long way to go to shed that baby weight from her last pregnancy.
These are some great changes! I recently started running after not really exercising much for the last 6 months and while I don’t love running, I do love the sore muscles that show I’m actually working out. 😉
Having a child is definitely a lifestyle change. I’ve seen it first hand with my best friend and her recent child!
You are inspiring! Thank you for making me want to do better!
This is a great list of mama care ideas! I need to work on hydrating and strengthening. I have taken more vitamins for my hair since after the baby and breastfeeding it falls out so much!
These are all great things for your health! I’m interested about collagen will check out the link 🙂
I love these things you did. Somehow a new baby is a great time to make some lifestyle changes.
Very important things to note about giving birth. We can always learn from the advice and experience of others who have gone through such events.
I don’t have kids (yet) but my husband and I often discuss it. I fear post-partum EVERYTHING, but this list is easy enough to remember so thanks (in advance if we get the chance to have kids!).
Glad you are focusing on yourself after having a baby! These are really great lifestyle changes and those are who are new moms, will find your tips super helpful 🙂
What wonderful tips that every mom will get inspired from! I bet these tips will change their lives!
I heard great benefits about taking collagen. Would love to try it and mixing it with coffee sounds a wonderful idea.
I love that you include collagen in your daily routine. I really find that it helps me too in many ways, and all of my kiddos are grown now. 🙂