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How We Keep Our House Clean and Organized

I am someone that doesn’t do well with a messy space. Even with kids, we try to keep our house tidy. Everything has a place, and we have a pretty solid routine of how we keep our house clean and organized. It doesn’t take a TON Of time and it’s VERY easy to replicate.

How We Keep Our House Clean and Organized

One Big Deep Clean: Every Friday our house gets a BIG deep clean. Everything from floors, to showers, toilets, bathtubs, vacuuming, dusting, etc. So my “clean week” starts on Fridays.

Set Days For Big Tasks: Take laundry for example.  I do our towels Fridays, sheets Saturdays, etc.  But I do one load of everyone’s laundry a day. I am not one to do 50 loads of laundry in a day. I find that splitting it up makes everyone a little more sane. If I have a big organization project I also try to do it in one day.

Small Tasks Daily: I have touched on this in other posts, but we do a small clean every night. Toys are put in their place, the dishwasher gets run, kitchen counters are wiped down, the kitchen table is wiped down. If the floors need it they get a spot vacuum, clothes get put away, laundry gets put away, etc. This nightly routine doesn’t take long: 20-30 minutes since we know what each of us does. Usually before school each morning one of us unloads the dishwasher, someone makes beds, etc.

Know Our Strengths: I hate taking out trash and everything involving trash. Andrew handles that. Andrew is not a huge fan of laundry and honestly doesn’t know where everything goes. So I handle that. Andrew always makes sure the dishwasher is running and unloaded the next day. I make sure little things around the house are put away. Knowing what we each do makes things go smoothly. Plus there is never a “well who’s turn is it to do XYZ?” discussion.

Doing these simple things is exactly how we keep our house clean and organized without a ton of time and zero arguments. At this point nearly 10 years into our relationship we really have it down to a science.

What do you do to keep your house clean?

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  1. Seems like you have a good routine in check, Neely. I do a few of these myself. I find that cleaning daily, even if it’s just small tasks, really helps! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 2.27.19
  2. Krysten wrote:

    Ugh February has been an AWFUL month for cleaning and organizing our home. Between horrible cold, lots of snow, and sickness we have been down and out. Hopefully March will be better.

    Published 2.27.19
  3. Bree wrote:

    Those are great tips – I need to find a way to keep my house clean and organized I spent way too many hours per day on this!

    Published 2.27.19
  4. Ann Snook wrote:

    My husband and I split up chores the same way. I LOATHE doing dishes and scrubbing the tub, so he does those and I do pretty much everything else haha. Worth it!

    Published 2.27.19
  5. Stephanie wrote:

    Oh my gosh, sub in mine and my husband’s names and I could have written the exact same for your “know your strengths” section! We also make sure everything is tidy before going to bed. My boys have to clean their playroom at least every Sunday night or when they want to get new toys out of the closet. I am one to do all the laundry on one day, but it just works well for us.

    Published 2.27.19
  6. Kari wrote:

    I definitely need to do a better job at deep cleaning and maintaining as it seems to just add up. Thanks for the tips!

    Published 2.27.19
  7. Kayla wrote:

    I definitely need to be better about this and doing a little bit of cleaning every day. I hope in my next apartment I’ll have laundry in my actual unit and that will encourage me to do laundry way more often rather than when I desperately need clean socks 😂

    Published 2.27.19
  8. That’s the key word team work and having a routine. Love your routine tips in taking care of your home.

    Published 2.27.19
  9. Marjie Mare wrote:

    That is really great and I should use your tips. I usually do my cleaning on Saturday morning. It’s so hard to keep everything organized with my teenage daughter.

    Published 2.27.19
  10. Wow, you are so organised – these are great tips! Our house is a bit of a mess at the moment as February has been a very stressful and hectic month… hopefully March will be better!

    Published 2.28.19
  11. My big clean day is Thursday as well. But I think what makes the biggest difference is the daily little cleaning. If I let that go it gets crazy.

    Published 2.28.19
  12. Nellwyn wrote:

    Doing small tasks daily is pretty much what I do as part of my evening routine after dinner, and then I do the bigger cleaning projects on the weekends. It’s been working pretty well for me so far 🙂

    Published 2.28.19
  13. Christa wrote:

    This is really similar to my routine! I love having one day to spend timing cleaning everything. Unfortunately, it never seems to last long! 🤣😂

    Published 2.28.19
  14. Courtney wrote:

    Oooo so many great tips!!! It can be tough to stay on top of things around the house that’s for sure!

    Published 2.28.19
  15. aisasami wrote:

    I save deep cleans for every three months because I am the only person in my apartment. But, I said to myself that I should clean and do chores for 30 minutes a day.

    Published 3.1.19
  16. Elizabeth O wrote:

    I love having a clean home and have a cleaning lady who also comes to do the job. Clean homes feel welcoming too.

    Published 3.1.19
  17. Becca Wilson wrote:

    Small daily tasks can make the chores seem that much more manageable . I know that we try to do this!

    Published 3.1.19
  18. Gervin Khan wrote:

    I totally love this kind of article, it gives us a great idea and additional skills that we need to make our home tidy and clean.

    Published 2.3.22
  19. I always start my day making my bed to keep the house clean and organized. I can’t do anything else if I know my bed is messy

    Published 2.3.22
  20. Keeping our house clean and organized is a heavy task but thanks for these tips.

    Published 2.3.22
  21. We all want our house clean and organized!

    Published 2.3.22
  22. These are all easy and simple tips to keep our house clean!

    Published 2.3.22
  23. These are indeed such great tip. I myself have a schedule for weekly cleaning and making sure to do a quick one everyday too so that it is not really hard to clean over the week.

    Published 2.3.22
  24. It is so nice that you managed to come up with a smooth routine in making your rooms clean and organized.. mine is just a mess haha.. also my mood in cleaning changes very often..sometimes i am so determined and sometimes i feel so lazy lols but i think i should really start making it a habit
    Thanks for sharing

    Published 2.3.22
  25. YES… Small tasks daily. It literally takes me 15 minutes every day to sweep through our house. And then later on in the evening, I will often take on another quick task to keep up.

    Published 2.3.22

    These are great suggestions. I try to do things daily and every so often a deep clean.

    Published 2.3.22
  27. Stephanie wrote:

    I had to giggle while reading this because I’ve been sharing more personal things about my life on my IG stories this past week and I mentioned how my first ever job was in the janitorial business and that I’m really good at cleaning. One of my friends told me I should write a post about cleaning tips and I was like “ah there’s already a lot of posts like that that are all really helpful” and then I open this today! Haha! Such great timing. Maybe I’ll send this one her way 😉

    Published 2.3.22
  28. I like the idea of doing laundry each day for everything. It helps to do other things as well.

    Published 2.3.22
  29. Well, I thoroughly mop it at least once every 2 days, to keep it feeling fresh and warm! On other days, I dust around the whole place and burn up the trash!

    Published 2.4.22
  30. Before the Lunar New Year me and my family always have a big cleaning and organizing the house.
    This article is really helpful for those time by giving the ideas.

    Published 2.4.22
  31. Irena wrote:

    I like cleaning and organising our home. Every week on Sunday we take our time to do this. Thank you for this post!

    Published 2.4.22
  32. Rosey wrote:

    We used to deep clean on Saturdays. Now we have sports so I have to push it to Sunday. Sometimes we’re too busy to do it on Sunday and I don’t even get to deep clean for the week. Ugh!

    Published 2.4.22
  33. Marysa wrote:

    I have struggled with keeping the house clean for ages! But for me, I am more of a minimalist now, so it makes it easier, and the kids are older too. It is so hard to keep a clean home when kids are younger.

    Published 2.4.22
  34. Veronika Sykorova wrote:

    I’m going to do a deep clean today! I’m actually excited lol it always feels great after its done.

    Published 2.4.22
  35. Brian wrote:

    Great suggestions. For the past couple years, I’ve been of the small tasks daily mindset.

    Published 2.4.22
  36. Deborah wrote:

    Great tips! We also do a deep clean once a week on Sunday mornings and we keep a joint Notion cleaning list so we can both check off which tasks have gotten done by who. Also we schedule life admin days once a month to take care of the big stuff (like changing lightbulbs and such)

    Published 2.4.22
  37. Nyxie wrote:

    I definitely needed this! As it comes up to spring I’m thinking more and more about spring cleaning.

    Published 2.5.22
  38. Elise Ho wrote:

    I love to have the home split into zones and then we clean one zone each day.

    Published 2.7.22
  39. Thank you, this was very helpful and indeed saved me a lot of time!

    Published 6.7.22