Today is definitely more of a personal post day. I don’t do these often but this has really been on my heart. One of my favorite, Thomas Rhett songs is Life Changes. He talks about how life changes and you can’t really do much but enjoy the ride so to speak. There are A LOT of life changes happening around these parts.
Liam finished pre school a few weeks ago and with that comes a huge transition for him. Going from what we call “little school” to “big school.” We’ve always referred to his elementary school as “big school.” Even though to be fair he will have much bigger schools to attend in life. But I digress. We play on the elementary school playground pretty much every weekend. My kids are early risers so we usually have breakfast, do a family walk as we call them, and then head to the playground. It’s actually a very toddler friendly playground for Charlotte too. But over the past 3 years we’ve lived in our house and gone there we’ve always spoken about it in the future sense. “Liam this will be your playground when you go to big school!”
Well here we are, a few months away from big school. Liam did not do well with preschool ending. He is so much like me in that way. I hate endings. I hate change. I love routine and familiarity. None of his preschool friends are going to his big school. But he does know some boys from soccer and just the neighborhood. He also was hit with a bit of a blow when one of his best friends moved away on the last day of school. Kind of a hard concept for a 5 year old.
I know he is VERY ready for big school and honestly we are too. No more uniforms, no more driving to school (we can walk-it’s just down the street). But another big change and transition is no more school with sissy. No more walking sissy to class. Liam has to be at big school at 7:45 whereas Charlotte’s school doesn’t start until 8. This will begin 3 years of two different drop off and pick up times.
This is also Charlotte’s last year of just 3 day school. It was a tough decision to keep her in 3 days. Andrew really wanted her to go 5 and I just couldn’t do it. She is my last baby and I love my Tuesdays and Thursdays with her. So we kept her in 3 days. After this coming year she will wear a uniform and go 5 days.
Then there’s me. What are my life changes and transitions? I think just transitioning to having older kids. Liam going to Elementary school means new friends for me too. New groups to join, PTA, etc. I recently went to a moms night for Liam’s new school and realized that he’s not the only “new kid.” I guess I am in a way too.
Life is full of this- new beginnings, life changes, and life transitions. I wish I could follow the Thomas Rhett song and just “hop on the train.” It doesn’t come quite as easy for me but I’m trying.
So many changes are happening. I know my life is full of changes with the kids. They grow up so fast.
It sounds like you have a lot of great things going on in your home. I remember when my youngest started school. It was so hard for me!
I like how you framed Liam’s experience as an opportunity for you to make new friends. That’s key to a healthy mindset.
They grow so fast. Big school is fun.
Aw. I know change is hard. It usually ends up being great though. Since he loved pre-school so much, I’m sure he’ll love big school. 🙂 I’m sorry his friend moved.
I can understand how you feel. It was the same way for me when my kids had to move to a bigger school. Children grow up so fast. Savor every moment, every milestone, every hug and kiss. You are doing a good job as a mom.
Transitions are so hard, but I have found when we step out of our comfort zones, we grow the most. But…no matter what, letting go of the time with having with our kids is the most difficult.
Aaawwww…it is lovely to know about Liam and the journey he is to make next. The first days will be a little scary but we will be alright! Thanks for sharing.
I relate to changes and endings. When something is about to end it feels like something different.
Life is a rollercoaster. You have to just buckle up and enjoy the ride.
I completely understand this life changing transition. My son is also starting kindergarten in the Fall. And it is hard to make the adjustment.