Well this pregnancy is quickly wrapping up. Only about 10 weeks left. I wanted to share my pregnancy thoughts at 8 months (almost). I haven’t written a ton about my pregnancy on my blog, and there are a lot of reasons why. The main one is that it’s a very personal time and I never had the intention to blog about every single aspect of my pregnancy. But I did want to share some thoughts because I know that everyone has them during pregnancy.
I am emotional… I cry but not at stuff I thought I would cry at. I have always been a weird crier. I don’t cry at funerals, not always at weddings. I do cry at Survivor ‘Loved Ones’ episodes. ANYTIME a baby is born on TV I cry. I cry thinking about giving birth (for multiple reasons).
I am tired… I always heard my friends talk about being tired during pregnancy and never thought much about it. But you guys as soon as I hit 27 weeks a level of tired came over me that I was not prepared for! I would legit fall asleep around 6PM, wake up, eat dinner, and go get in bed. I am always tired. I am still a morning person and getting up early isn’t hard but I pay for it later. I should really nap more.
Body changes are HARD….I wrote on my last pregnancy thoughts post that my teeth were super sensitive. Thankfully that has passed. I can use regular mouthwash again. Everything was making my mouth sensitive so I had to switch up a lot of products. Currently I am using COOL MINT® LISTERINE® Antiseptic Mouthwash and I am loving the cool feeling it gives me. 30 seconds of rinsing twice a day is all you need! LISTERINE products always make me feel more confident and more bold. I love their Bring Out The Bold message and campaign. I have been a supporter of LISTERINE for years and we have used their products in our home exclusively. It has clinically proven health benefits and reduces 52% more plaque than brushing and flossing alone. Anything that keeps my teeth healthy is keeping me healthy which is keeping baby healthy! WIN! Plus who doesn’t want fresh breath?
Another body change that has been hard for me is gaining weight. I have talked so many times about my struggles with gaining and losing weight on this blog. While I am grateful for this pregnancy and obviously knew I would gain weight, I never knew how hard it would continue to be. Lets just say a few weeks ago I had a breakdown in a dressing room and may have cried for 10 minutes. Then cried in my car after I left. Hormones y’all.
I am grateful… NO matter how hard things get with being emotional, or tired, or the body changes I am so very grateful for this baby boy. We can’t wait to meet him and see his cute face. I am so grateful for every aspect of this pregnancy and everything that goes along with it. I would never want the things I struggle with to come across as ungrateful.
So those are my rambling pregnancy thoughts. What’s been on your mind lately?
I’m sharing #LISTERINE in my life as part of a LISTERINE® sponsored series for Socialstars™
<3 I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'm still ever-so-impressed that at 8 months, you're juggling all that you're doing! Baby's almost here!!!
I can only imagine what you must be feeling like right now… Enjoy every bit of your pregnancy! I wish you a lovely birth experience 🙂
I had no idea how tired I would be, either! It’s definitely worth it, but boy do those babies suck the energy out of you.
I can imagine having a human growing inside of you would make you utterly exhausted!!!! I can’t wait to be pregnant some day. I know that sounds weird with all the pain and nausea and symptoms but I think it’s beautiful.
One very big bright side to gaining weight while pregnant is that the second you give birth you’re going to lose at least half of that weight, if not more! The first time I had a baby was the first time I was ever excited to stand on a scale in the morning. Between my almost 9-pound baby, and all the other….um…stuff…associated with pushing out said baby, I lost 20 pounds literally overnight!
….and shoot. I forgot how tired the third trimester is! I’m a few weeks behind that stage, and I’m already praying for energy so I can keep up with life (and my two other little ones)!
Pregnancy is a long journey, no? With lots of potholes along the way. The emotional part seems to cover most things 🙂 Best of luck with your delivery and new baby!
I cried last week at the Survivor Loved Ones episode too! You’re rocking this pregnancy and can’t wait to see your little baby soon 🙂
Three pregnancies and a tubal later, I feel all the things you’re feeling. Pregnancy is HARD. And YASSSS to the exhaustion. It feels like you got run over by a truck. I hope your last month is comfortable and restful!
I feel ya! pregnancy is tough! I’m 15 weeks with my 3rd and I just want to sleep and my girls just want to play 🙂
Awe! I remember how much I couldn’t wait for pregnancy to be over at this point (ugh!), but also how much I wanted it to last! I now have two boys and I can still look back and see that it was worth it all [even the pregnancy weight gain – which I’m glad youre being honest about because it’s HARD!].
oh hun- 8 months was the most tiring- take as many naps as you can. I’d fall asleep anywhere! I literally fell asleep at a party once. Only a few more weeks till you meet your little one!
You are so close to being finished!!! Wow! 10 weeks?! That will go by crazy fast. Love Listerene!
Eeeek! Only 10 more weeks! That’s so so exciting!
I can definitely relate…my youngest of 4 is now 10 months old. I still remember how the latter months get but hang in there!
I’ve heard the stories too and can’t imagine what it must be like! The good news is you’re on the homestretch – you must be getting so excited for baby to get here!
I think every woman thinks these thoughts when they are pregnant!! Good luck with the homestretch!
Loved this post, Neely. Such a good one 🙂
Submitted before I was done – sorry. I don’t know much about being pregnant but I have heard a lot about being tired.
I’m at 32 weeks and found myself sobbing to a Youtube video yesterday from when Kayne West performed at the Victoria’s Secret show, so I totally understand the strange crying.
I know that when the time comes for me to be pregnant, I will have a hard time with gaining weight. My body weight yo-yos. Some times I’m really skinny and fit and others….well that’s a different story. You are almost there though!! I know your baby boy will be worth all the crying,etc. You got this!
you are sooo close! lately, i am just waiting to graduate and be done with school.
I know and I’ve experienced these thoughts and it’s normal, I’m so excited to see your little boy.
I had a really hard time gaining, too. I love following this journey with you- you’re fabulous! I hope your holiday season is amazing!
Great post, Neely! Loved the genuine comments on your journey so far!
My teeth are driving me insane lately! I’m only 16 weeks along and they’re just so sensitive some days. It makes eating so miserable because I never know what’s going to upset them. And you are definitely not the only one who doesn’t handle the weight gain well. I have yet to gain weight and still don’t have a bump, but my abs disappeared almost instantly when I got pregnant and it’s already been so hard on me. I know it’ll only continue to be more challenging as the pregnancy progresses. I hope you have a great final 10 weeks! 🙂
All the hormones! I will blame them for my forgetfulness during my pregnancies. I lost everything, from keys to my laptop. Sending you happy thoughts these last few weeks and hope for a nap.
Oh, your sweet baby boy will be so loved! I think pregnancy is basically a free pass to act however you need to with no judgment! I also have not shared a few thing about my pregnancy at this point, kind of waiting to see how they turn out and decide if I want to share after the fact. Hope you have a great last few weeks before baby!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I’ve never been pregnant but I have a feeling I would also be quite emotional and very exhausted. Wishing you all the best for the end of your pregnancy and a smooth and healthy delivery!
You are SO close to being done!! LOL. So happy for you girlfriend. 🙂
That’s a lovely post! Must be an exciting time waiting for due time. I remembered been very tired after 34 weeks into pregnancy. Wishing you all the best and a smooth delivery!
Hormones are such a crazy thing!! Hope you enjoy the last 10 weeks 😉
Enjoy the last 10 weeks!! I am 23 weeks 3 days with my 4th. Right now, I am kinda nervous as I want a natural birth – no epidural so i am writing up my birth plan to give my midwife at my 24 week appt to keep in my file for the hospital 🙂 I had 3 epidurals and just hope this one goes as planned.
I think the hardest thing for me when I was pregnant with each of my kids is wanting to sleep so badly but not being able to get a full night’s rest due to getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get a snack or change position. The last few weeks of pregnancy both fly by and drag on but it’s all over in an instant when you finally get to see your sweet baby. Good luck with everything!
I never knew teeth sensitivity could happen with pregnancy! OY it’s like the body changes never end!
Coming Up Roses
I have no doubt you are grateful. I just miscarriaged my IVF baby at 10 weeks. Unless you have dealt with infertility issues, you can’t understand how precious being pregnant and having a child really is. I do hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and I can’t wait to see that cute baby boy if you decide to post pics on the blog. Best of luck my TTC sister.
I am so sorry to hear that. I am here if you EVER need anything or just someone to talk to! XOXO
I remember having many of your experiences while pregnant. I wasn’t tired in my third trimester though, and I kept working till the day before my babies were born. It’s a great experience and you are fortunate to be able to document parts of it for posterity on your blog.