So we’re having a baby! Thank you everyone so much for all of the sweet messages, emails, and comments. We are really excited and I wanted to share some frequently asked questions today. Some of these were comments on my posts, or emails, tweets, or general questions from friends.
So We’re Having A Baby
Was this planned? Yep! We have actually been trying since February of 2015. After a lot of months, 3 surgeries, over 100 shots, and what feels like 3 million blood draws, I got pregnant via IVF and a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). It was our first round of IVF. I do plan to do a more in depth post about our fertility journey.
When did we find out? We found out on June 10th. I was 3 weeks and 6 days pregnant and it was 8 days after our FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer).
How do you already know it’s a boy? Andrew and I did PGD/PGS testing of our embryos because we are both carriers for a certain genetic disorder. It was recommended by several doctors that because we were both carriers we have this testing. During the testing we also had the option to find out the gender of the embryos. While we had no preference on gender and no plans to choose we still were curious. Turns out every single embryo was a boy. So we can safely assume we are having a boy 🙂
What are you symptoms? So far just super tired ALL THE TIME. I haven’t been sick but I get nauseous at night a lot. I have found that consistently eating small meals helps a lot.
Are you families excited? Yes very! For my parents this is the first grandchild so they are beyond thrilled. Andrew’s parents are super excited too because this will be their first grandson. All of our close friends and family members have been so supportive of our journey with infertility so there were a lot of hugs and tears when we finally got to tell everyone we were in fact pregnant. None of them knew when we did the embryo transfer. We kept it a secret from everyone
How did you tell your families? We called my mom right after we found out and told her. She cried. Then we called Andrew’s mom who also cried. Then we called Andrew’s dad who was at work. We waited nine days and told my dad on Father’s Day. We actually have a video of this. We told the grandparents after we heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks 2 days. Then we started telling some close friends. By about 8 weeks we had told all of our close friends and family members.
When am I due? February 18th
Do we have a name picked out? Yes we do! But we are still figuring out the middle name.
Will I be blogging about my pregnancy? Yes and no. I do NOT plan to do weekly updates. I may do an update once a month or so. I do not plan to share a lot about our baby publicly. I have created a private Instagram and private section of the blog for close friends and family to read about it. There will be posts here and there about my pregnancy and the baby once he is here, but this is a part of our life that we do not feel comfortable sharing too much about with the world.
Any cravings or aversions? All of the salty foods all the time. I also am big about carbs (mainly breads, crackers, pastas, cereals). My main aversion has been oddly coffee. Yep starting at five weeks coffee made me very nauseous, so I have not had it since. I have heard from a lot of friends that after the first trimester they were able to drink coffee again, so I have high hopes. Also, chicken cooked particular ways is not my favorite. For a few weeks I was also really into sweets (cinnamon rolls, brownies, cookies) which was odd because I am not a big sweets person. I don’t really eat them often. Also randomly last weekend I wanted a milkshake which I hadn’t had in probably a decade.
Do you know how you will decorate the nursery? Yes we do! We have already painted it, and by we I mean Andrew. Other than that not much has been done yet but we have picked out furniture and we know what decor we will be using.
Are you still working out? Yep every day! I feel really good in the mornings. So I head to the gym first thing, but I’ve tried to lower the weights I do and just really listen to my body.
If you have any other questions please comment below and I will try to answer them!
Congrats, Neely! I’m sure you are both so excited!
I am SO happy for you!!!
Congratulations! What an exciting time!
Congratulations! Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy including the nausea and sickness. This to shall pass. Wonderful exciting experience with the birth of you little boy.
Wow!! Congratulations! You guys have had a long journey to this little one–he will be so loved!
Welcome to the sorority of motherhood! Be prepared for anything. Sleep when you’re sleepy. Cherish every feeling, flutter and kick. Before you know it, he’ll be in first grade, playing baseball or soccer and selecting colleges.
Belly rubs!
I’m so excited for y’all!!! This is awesome news, hun.
Congratulations! I love the little onesie.
Chicken always made me sick too, no matter how it was cooked! In fact, I still can’t each much of it. Congrats! Boys are awesome. Exhausting – you won’t sit down for about 20 years – but fun!
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you. I an only imagine you are over the moon…we have six grandchildren, with more to come and the excitement never lessens as the family grows. Looking forward to the updates :).
Congratulations again! This is so exciting! I’m also a boymom, and it’s fun stuff. Thank you for sharing a little about your journey, and I hope to read the rest when you share. It’s so sweet how excited your parents are too. I hope you get your energy back and feel great soon! I know I could hardly eat any meat at all the first trimester. The food aversions get better by the second…mostly.
You go girl! I have decided to start a healthy eating plan/lifestyle change and start working out again in order to be in the habit when we decide to start trying and hopefully eventually get pregnant. I am very curious about your embryo testing. My husband has a genetic disorder where it is 50% possible to pass it to his children, and we have talked about having testing done. But I feel uneasy about it, so I am looking forward to your posts. Also, my birthday is February 18th, so that is a great due date 🙂
You (mostly) have a name and have the nursery idea in process? Girl, you guys are ON IT! Congrats again!!
Congratulations! And how awesome that it was on your first IVF round!
Congratulations!! How thrilling and happy! After such a journey, it must be such overwhelming joy. Blessings to you both!
Congrats! This is so exciting!! 🙂
Congratulations! You must be so excited after such a long fertility journey.
Congrats!!! That is super exciting!!
I am so so so excited for you!!! Congratulations!
What a great post to get more personal with you. I wish you much luck with your pregnancy! Cheers to a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Yay! Congratulations on this exciting new adventure!
Oh my goodness, congratulations! I can imagine this is an especially joyful development after such a long road to get here. I’m praying for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby! I can’t wait to read more updates.
Congratulations, this is so exciting!
This is such wonderful news! I’m so happy you’re sharing it with us and we can share in your joy.
So excited!! Congrats – I am so happy for you two and I can’t wait for more updates!
Cristina /
This is such an exciting time in your life!!! I love hearing all about how you are doing! Best wishes <3
Congrats! That’s so exciting! Thank you for the update, and I’ll be looking forward to others, but also completely respect your desire for privacy. As it’s getting closer and closer to time for us to consider starting a family, I’m getting more and more interested in posts like this 🙂 I’m definitely an information hoarder.
Congratulations, and your pregnancy announcement is the cutest thing ever!! I also went through so much to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and eventually deliver a healthy baby. Best wishes for a healthy and easy pregnancy!
Congratulations are definitely in order here!! I can only imagine how happy you, your husband and all your family and friends are.
Congrats!! How exciting!!
I always think pregnancy cravings are so interesting haha! Congrats again!
Yay, that is so exciting! Congratulations!
Amanda ||
Wow, congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your family! Can’t wait to read all about your pregnancy – love the onesie; absolutely adorable.
Oh my gosh congratulations!!! Also that onesie is too stinkin cute! I can’t wait to hear more updates about how you’re doing!
So wonderful! Can’t wait to follow along on your journey!
Yay so exciting! Congrats again, Neely 🙂
xoxo, Jenny
Such happy news! This little boy already sounds so loved!
Greta |
Wow, congratulations! I like seeing posts like this, I hope to see your baby in your blog soon.
Aww, so very excited for you guys! And so funny that all the embryos were boys! My third baby was a February baby, I think February babies might be the cutest (shh, don’t tell my other three 😉 )
Congrats, this is so exciting! Loved reading this Q&A!
The Blush Blonde
congratulations on your big news having a baby is a blessing =)
I am SO happy for you!!! Loved reading about the order of how you told your family! Can’t wait to hear updates. GAH I’m sooo happy for you, my dear!
Congrats this is very exciting! I am sure there will be more posts to come about this.
Congratulations on getting pregnant! Very excited for you and understand some of what you went through to get your blessing. I have been TTC for over 10 years. Enjoy every moment, as I am sure you will! Many blessings to you and your growing family 🙂
This just makes me so excited and happy for you 🙂
Aww congrats! So happy for you two, such a fun and exciting journey!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! Having a baby is such an exciting time!
Congratulations on your great good news! What an exciting journey and may your impending bundle of joy bring abundant blessings into your lives. 🙂
This is so exciting, congratulations! That jumper is way too cute! Such a blessing!
CONGRATULATIONS! So exciting! I know just how exhausting IVF can be on a mom, so you go girl! Can’t way to follow along with your journey!
Congratulations!! This is so unbelievably exciting! My fingers are crossed that we conceive by the end of the year 🙂 I can’t wait to read your updates!!
xo, Keating | Keating & Co