Working from home can be a challenge. Having good time management skills is one of the main things you need to make the most out of everyday. I have been working from home for over four years. I have worked for myself that entire time. My entire monthly income is on me. How I manage my time and spend each day is also on me. No one is telling me where to go, what to do, and when to turn in an assignment. I am here to give you tips to time manage your life like a pro so that you can make the most out of each day.
Time Manage Your Life Like A Pro
Tip 1 – Plan Your Day
I make to do lists every night before bed for the next day. I even have “go to the gym” on it so that I know I need to get it done. Pretty much anything big or small that needs to get done goes on that list. I look at it several times throughout the day and sometimes even add to it if I need to. I find that having this kind of list makes me so much more productive and small things don’t get forgotten. Plus I really get a great feeling of accomplishment being able to mark items complete.
Tip 2 – Eliminate Distractions
This is my biggest challenge. I am not distracted by TV. I tend to have the TV on in the background while I work a lot, but I almost always have something on that I have seen. Usually a TV show I love like Friends, HIMYM, The OC, etc. I also work well listening to Podcasts. For me, music distracts me. I can’t work with music on. I also can’t work well around other people now that I am so used to working from home. The times that I go work in a Starbucks, I find I get so much less done.
Tip 3 – Reward Yourself
If I have an especially busy day or week, I try to remember to reward myself. That might mean going to get a Peach Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks mid day if I get a certain amount done, or it might mean taking a half day on Friday and going to see a movie by myself (my fav). Or even something like going to get myself lunch at Whole Foods. Rewards can also be something like a bubble bath at the end of the day. Just something you can look forward to.
Tip 4 – Move Around
I use a Fitbit and it reminds me to get moving which is great. If you don’t have something like that, try to get up once an hour (at home or at an office) and go for a 5-10 minute walk or go grab yourself a coffee. Something to get you up and active. It will revitalize your day and make you so much more productive so that you time manage your life like a pro. Trust me!
Tip 5 – Clean Up When You’re Done
Any kind of work space at home or at an office can get messy. I know for me I work in our living room a lot of days and it can really get junked up by the end of the day. The best thing I do is put everything back in it’s place when I am done. That way you feel good when you get back to work the next day. Things are organized and in their place.
All of these things together add up to being able to time manage your life like a pro and become a more productive and organized person. No more scrambling, forgetting, and feeling out of sorts.
I would love to know what tips you use to time manage your life like a pro? Let me know in the comments!
Also, I have a fun giveaway for you! I’ve teamed up with a few other bloggers to bring you such fun stuff!
Here’s what the Prize Package includes:
- 1 Jaclyn Hill x Becca Champagne Glow Face Palette (this is LIMITED EDITION and pretty much sold out!)
- 1 GAIAM foldable Yoga Matt (retail $25)
- 1 Matrix Color Obsessed Miracle Treat 12
- 1 L’Oreal Paris TXT IT tousle waves spray
- 1 Royal Apothic hand lotion in Field Poppy
- 6 e.l.f cosmetics products curated for summertime
- 1 essence cosmetics blush in BabyDoll
- 1 tan crossbody bag with tassel details, filled with beauty samples from Sephora & Ulta
- 1 “Don’t Quit your DayDream” Mug
These are good tips! Thanks for getting me ready to stay organized this upcoming school year!
I have to take breaks throughout the day and like to walk around outside. Of course it’s been so hot lately, I’ve settled for walking around my office, but those breaks are key!
Eliminate the distractions, oh yes!!! It’s so easily to get off task then.
Love these tips. These are things that I definitely need to do more of in my life. Especially eliminating distractions. My attention span is so short, especially if there’s anything going on around me!
Planning keeps me sane! I love it! I’m on the search for the perfect planner right now to make me love it even more! 😉
I usually get a lot done during coffee shop sessions but I think for me it comes down to the change of scenery! I too work well to podcasts (have one in my ear right now, actually)!
We started using an iCloud calendar to keep the family organized. Can’t imagine doing without it now!
Great tips and giveaway! I love being organized. It makes me feel less stressed and happy 🙂
I really love having a to do list. These are great tips
Great tips, especially eliminating distractions. I find that I am easily distracted!
Just letting you know that none of Jasmine Maria’s links work. It brings me to an invalid URL. The only link of hers that work, is her YouTube channel. Thanks for a fun giveaway though! 🙂
These are great tips – I’ve ben trying to have more of a schedule but currently have two kids home with me so it’s not that easy. I’m hoping once my oldest is back at school, I can be a little more productive. It’s a struggle to feel as if I’m spending enough time with them as well since this is the first summer I’ve worked from home.
I love these tips!!! I have been working hard to manage my time better, it always seems to slip away. I know social media distraction are huge one for me.
So many great tips. I am awful at getting distracted. I love my fitbit and being able to check and see if I am slacking.
I work from home a few days in a week too and I find that setting up an actual home office – not at the dining table or not the sofa – is so much more efficient for me. I can’t work with noise and distractions too! These are great tips.
Ah yes! I couldn’t work without having a podcast on!
It all would be so much simpler if the kids didn’t distract me. That’s what I tell myself, but I was just as scatterbrained before kids! I need help prioritizing.
This is great advice. I’d love to make better use of my time so I’m not so stressed out!
I have summers off and I don’t get as much done because I don’t have a schedule. Great giveaway.
I’m always distracted so easily so I’ll do whatever I can to eliminate distractions! Great post!
Keep smiling!
Molly |
Great tips! I’ve been toying around with the idea of making to-do lists at night versus in the morning. I like making them in the AM because it adds some focus to my day. But I feel like I forget some things if I don’t write them down the night before!
I love my fitbit for it’s reminders to keep going! I find I’m always more productive when something as important as money relies solely on me.
This is such a great way to manage life like a pro! I most certainly do most of these tips on a regular 🙂
I like the idea of rewarding yourself. Gives motivation to get things organized.
So many great tips Neely.
xoxo, Jenny
Fun giveaway! The distractions thing is always the hardest for me.
For me, eliminate distractions is hard. I’m at home all day with the kids wanting constant attention. I started to sleep training my daughter and have been able to get some time from bedtime to midnight.
These are all great tips! I love to do work at home while watching my favorite Netflix show, but like you I cannot work around other people! I’m a teacher though, so of course that’s a little different-but as far as blog stuff goes, I love my solitude!
xoxo, SS
Southern And Style
I HAVE to use a paper planner and I plan out my week and day. My newest planner has a section for each day with checkboxes… YES!!! haha Love checking those boxes off! 🙂
These are all great tips. This year has been all about managing my time better. I am better than I use to be but it’s a still a work in progress.
I absolutely love organizing myself, but I think it’s so important to do it efficiently too. I remember when I used to spend HOURS attempting to make a to do list, and that was not effective! xx Adaleta Avdic
Getting up and moving around. Absolutely! And yet I always forget. Also, recently dove into the bullet journaling craze to keep my days/months organized.
Working from home is so challenging sometimes. I’m both self employed AND an online student so you’d think I’d have great time management skills by now. NOPE! haha my issue is the fact that I don’t really have a set schedule. I’ve never been the type to follow one. So it’s hard sometimes to keep that focus. It’s a work in progress lol
xo, Keating | Keating & Co
I’ve been working from home for a year now and my biggest struggle is time management. My company gives me set hours which are 7:30-4:30, that time I hate. It’s so hard to squeeze in blogging, dinner, cleaning up, working out, and trying to have some relaxation. My biggest goal the next couple of months is to find a good schedule to get everything done.
I’m the SAME way!!! I get NOTHING done in coffee shops or even at the library anymore because I’m SO used to holing up in my house and working. Sometimes it feels anti-social, but I gotta do what I gotta do!
This was the perfect Sunday Read! Made me very motivated for the new week.
I work in an office one day a week and the rest from home and it requires a lot of discipline.
A thing I have learned over the last weeks is plan and then say no. If I have planned to work x amounts of hours on a given day and to get certain things done I have to say no if my friend calls me and asks me to take the afternoon off to babysit her children or to go to town together. I now often opt for spending lunch together and then getting back to work rather than taking an entire chunk out of my workday.
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Great tips! I definitely going to adapt the 2-minute rule.
xo, Alisha Ricki | Life(Style), Travel, & Culture
I definitely believe the first three tips help me to be more productive! Especially planning my day, that’s a great way to stay focused and be more efficient.
Helen | The Little Giraffe