7.25.16 32

Speaking Up

Right now there is a lot going on in the world. Every day it seems as though we see some awful event unfold in the news or in our own cities. Not to mention with the Presidential election heating up there are people constantly shoving their opinions down our throats. It seems as though everyone takes their opinion to Facebook or Twitter in hopes that what they think is going to change our minds. I am no different or better. When there is something I truly believe in or something that really bothers me speaking up is something I just have to do.


That’s OK. Speaking up is good! Having a bold opinion is important. LISTERINE launched their bring out the bold campaign this year and it’s all about being bold in life. Bold opinions are one way! We live in a time where it seems as though there are two kinds of people. People who speak up and people who say nothing. I am never going to be someone who says nothing. There are a lot of people in my life close to me with very different political opinions than I have. That’s wonderful. I personally think that it’s fantastic when we have different opinions. It’s what makes our country great. What doesn’t make it great is when people use those opinions in a mean spirited way.


Listen, you aren’t going to change anyone’s mind. People most likely already know who they are going to vote for and what sides of what issues they fall. BUT, I think sharing your opinions constructively and in a kind well meaning way is wonderful. Just remember that next time you jump on Facebook and either incite an argument or let someone incite you into an argument. It’s just not worth it. It doesn’t change anyone’s opinions and it probably just makes you more upset. Trust me, I have fallen into this more times than I am proud of.


(The day I voted in the Texas primary 2016) 

We all think we are right, but take a moment to remember that as passionate as you or I am about something, someone else may be passionate on the opposing side. Maybe if we all just took a step back before we reacted, less people would want to close down their Facebook accounts until December.

Just some rambling thoughts for a Monday!  I would love to know your thoughts on the matter.

I’m partnering with #LISTERINE as part of a LISTERINE® sponsored series for Socialstars™

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  1. Robin Masshole Mommy wrote:

    Around here in Boston, we are ALL outspoken. It’s a way of life.

    Published 7.25.16
  2. Rachel G wrote:

    I think it’s great to be passionate–it’s hardly worth believing in something and having an opinion if you’re only lukewarm about it. Yet kindness should be a primary characteristic for all of us.

    Published 7.25.16
  3. Loved this post . It great to be passionate about something and to speak up xx

    Published 7.25.16
  4. Wendy wrote:

    Great way to say it. And this is an important topic. Thanks for sharing.

    Published 7.25.16
  5. Kim wrote:

    I saw a quote on Facebook that said something like “it is okay to have your own opinion, but it is not okay to expect or demand that everyone to agree with it”. So true.

    Published 7.25.16
  6. Sarah Jean wrote:

    Agreed on speaking up! In a kind way of course, but it is also important to get your opinion out there or else only the ones that do speak up will dictate the conversation.

    Published 7.25.16
  7. Tiffany wrote:

    Voting is super important. I’m glad you are bringing this to everyone’s attention!

    Published 7.25.16
  8. Thanks for pointing out the fact that “we all think we’re right.” That’s crucial to remember, and I think we forget that sometimes. Sometimes we offend others by dismissing their opinions, and we send the message that their views are insignificant. If we cannot agree, we should try to respectfully disagree.

    Published 7.25.16
  9. Katie wrote:

    Preach, girl! Seriously. Very very rarely will I speak up on social media about political issues, I just don’t think it’s the place.

    Published 7.25.16
  10. Yesss. I’m not one to speak up very often, but when it’s something that I feel strongly about, I will always stand up for my opinions!


    Published 7.25.16
  11. I agree that if you feel strongly about something you should let your thoughts be known. Maybe someone else feels the same way, but they are too shy to share!

    Published 7.25.16
  12. Sharing your opinion is important but its just as important to think before you share too. Some opinions are best left unsaid. That being said, I love this timely reminder to speak out and to do so in a beneficial way to all.

    Published 7.25.16
  13. Liz Mays wrote:

    People really do get hard core opinionated and rude about it, don’t they? Politics especially, seems to bring that out.

    Published 7.25.16
  14. I agree with you 100%. It is best that we speak up about an issue we feel strongly about. However, there were times when I did this and I got into trouble with people at work. I guess these people were just not receptive to other people’s opinions. It made me realize that it was not a healthy workplace. After a few months, I left the company.

    Published 7.25.16
  15. Abbey wrote:

    This is a good post for right now! We all have a lot to say (which is why most of us blog haha), but there’s ALWAYS a time and a place for it! 🙂

    Published 7.25.16
  16. I wish EVERYONE realized that you’re not going to change anyone’s mind with mean spirited expression of opinion. So true.

    Published 7.25.16
  17. You and I are on the same page except you just put into words everything i’ve wanted to say. We can all have a difference of opinions and that’s okay. It’s how we voice those differences that really matters. I’ve been so surprised and shocked over some people’s thoughts and actions lately that it really hurts my heart.

    Published 7.25.16
  18. Rachel wrote:

    Ugh, the social media posts on the election stuff drives me crazy! Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but people also need to take a step back and remember that the opposing side does as well!

    Published 7.25.16
  19. Terryn wrote:

    Yes, I get so frustrated. I am all for sharing opinions and speaking your mind, but we can do it in a way that builds each other up, instead of tearing them down.

    Published 7.25.16
  20. Jessica wrote:

    Yes! We need to stand up for what we believe in, but be respectful of others!

    Published 7.25.16
  21. Love it! I speak my mind on the “big things” but I know that angrily arguing with someone who is on the opposite spectrum is going to accomplish absolutely nothing. It’s not worth the headache and loss of friendship!

    Published 7.25.16
  22. Michele wrote:

    I am staying out of the FB conversations about politics for sure and as for the other contentious subjects around–I am staying out of them as well. I do appreciate that everyone has their own opinion and I also respect that. Ranting and Raving is just not my style!! I will usually say something like–Let’s agree to disagree.

    Published 7.25.16
  23. Brandy wrote:

    This is a great write up, there are so many heated topics out there and it’s sad. We can all agree to disagree, let’s not tear each other down or our country apart. we the people matter, each opinion has value. That’s our freedom and right!

    Published 7.25.16
  24. Jenny wrote:

    Agreed! I have been trying to avoid the Internet as of late because I’m tired of seeing so much about the upcoming election. I know that’s bad but eh.

    xoxo, Jenny

    Published 7.25.16
  25. Sheryl wrote:

    I think it’s so important to be able to state how one feels – however, I also find it important to be educated. I struggle with finding a balance due to social media and find that I only go to certain resources for information. Thankfully, we all have a right to have an opinion but not at the expense of everyone else.

    Published 7.25.16
  26. Such an important topic! It’s important to be able to speak up but do it with grace!

    Published 7.25.16
  27. im all okay and actually encourage people to speak up. lately, im finding people on the internet being just rude and making comments with no logical explanation. that what bothers me, if you are passionate about something or believe it in – go for it but dont just make awful comment just for the sake of writing.

    Published 7.25.16
  28. My husband has a saying. “Tone and Approach” How you deliver the boldness says a lot about how it will be received.

    Published 7.25.16
  29. Greta wrote:

    I feel like I’ve unfollowed half my FB friends until the election! So much arguing and negativity was bringing me down! I prefer talking politics in person with friends or family, it stays calm and doesn’t spiral out of control like it does online!

    Published 7.25.16
  30. I like to express my thoughts but with the current political climate sometimes is very difficult nice Listerine is having such an initiative

    Published 7.26.16
  31. I couldn’t agree more! It’s definitely really important for people with differing viewpoints to talk about their points of view, but only in a constructive manner. And you’re so right that most people have probably already decided who they want to vote for and you’re unlikely to change their mind.

    Published 7.26.16
  32. Carrie wrote:

    I definitely think we have to speak up and change the world but I also think there is a way to do it without stepping on toes! Listerine’s initiative is really interesting. I really enjoy using Listerine’s products in the past.

    Published 7.30.16