I won’t even lie, the third trimester of pregnancy is hard. Not so much at the beginning but those last few weeks can be tough. I also think the last few weeks really felt like about 7 months. I want to share my third trimester survival guide with you guys so if you ever find yourself with child you’ll be prepared with the things that helped me make it through!
Third Trimester Survival Guide
- A lot of TV: I watched random reruns of shows like The Hills, Teen Mom, and How I Met Your Mother A LOT. Having a stream of fun and distracting TV shows is great.
- A way to pamper yourself: Going to a place to get a 30 minute foot rub, or a mani/pedi, or doing a face mask at home. So many things that can make you feel beautiful and relaxed when you feel anything but.
- Comfort: I have mentioned before how much I loved my Boppy pregnancy wedge! I bought one in my first trimester and have slept with it religiously. There are 4 different pillows that offer different solutions to pregnancy discomfort and lack of sleep during pregnancy. They are 4 different shapes and price points to customize pregnant moms’ needs. Boppy recently sent me the Boppy® Pregnancy Wedge (with Jersey Slipcover) which is great to have a second one for our living room instead of taking it back and forth. They also sent me the Boppy® Bump & Back Support Pillow which was amazing the last several weeks of pregnancy when EVERYTHING hurts. The Boppy® Pregnancy Support Pillow which has been amazing for my back! Seriously I can’t rave enough about this. Also the Boppy® Multi-use Slipcovered Total Body Pillow which I have loved during the day for naps. I could fill our entire bed with Boppy pregnancy pillows and be happy. The wedge and the others have been equally as amazing. I also have used the Pregnancy Wedge behind my back while driving, working at my computer, etc. Boppy Pregnancy pillows are a great solution to uncomfortable pregnancy and help pregnant women get comfortable to rest. They have basically been my life saver this entire pregnant, but especially the final months. Recent studies show that women who get more sleep and more restful sleep generally tend to have healthier pregnancies, easier delivery and healthy babies. While I am not sleeping as much as I would like, I do know that my improved sleep is 100% because of the Boppy products!
- Good reads: If you are like me you might be up for 30 minutes here and there in the middle of the night or just not be able to nap during the day like you thought you would. I have been reading a ton. If you check out the books tab on my blog there are TONS of suggestions!
- An understanding partner: Andrew has been amazing. He is super helpful and always trying to make things easier. I think that makes all the difference at the end when you feel disgusting, huge, and want to cry all the time. Having someone that makes you feel beautiful, and loved is the best. Bonus if they don’t mind mood swings!
What kinds of things would you add to a third trimester survival guide?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boppy. The opinions and text are all mine.
Really wish they had these support pillows when I was having children. I made sure my daughter had several different ones to use for her pregnancies.
These are some great survival tricks! I will have to remember these for my next baby:)
I’m in my 3rd trimester now, and I would definitely add lots of lemon water and Twizzlers to my survival guide. 🙂
Caleb has been sooo supportive throughout everything, and that has made this pregnancy so amazing! And YES to comfort! Sweatpants all day, every day.
I had a pillow that saved me during my last trimester with twins. It is SO uncomfortable getting that big, not to mention the balloon feet! 😀
These sound like great tips! I would think comfort is key whether tv or books or soft pillows!
I’ve heard so much about the uncomfortableness of the third trimester! I’m glad you’ve found TV as an escape and ways to stay as comfy as possible!
I just had my fourth baby a month ago! The third trimesternis definitely rough! I ended up having him 2 weeks early due to pre eclampsia. I loved my maternity pillow and I took bubble baths with epsom lavender salts pretty much daily! It helped me to relax with the insomnia.
Those pillows look pretty comfy!
I am heading into my third trimester very soon & absolutely die without my body pillow! Also, looking at that wedge – I think I need that too! I HATE sitting on chairs right now haha Thanks for sharing!
Oh my gosh the thrid trimester lasts foreverrrrrrrrr. These are great tips, especially for getting comfortable. That is the key to everything in the world at that point.
I’m definitely remembering a lot of the little struggles I went through in the third trimester now. It’s definitely a good idea to invest in your own comfort.
Is it true foot rubs can induce labor???? Clearly this girl is CLUELESS when i t comes to motherhood. HA.
Coming Up Roses
I had no idea that Boppy had such a diverse line of pregnancy pillows. Wish I would have known about them when I was pregnant! The last trimester is the worst. Honestly, one thing that helped me through it the most was to keep myself busy. Waiting for baby to come in the last month can drive a mama mad. Since I was uncomfortable no matter if I stood or sat, I always chose to get stuff done so that I wasn’t driving myself crazy with the wait game.
I’ve had 5 babies and the last trimester is always the hardest to get through. You’re so anxious for baby and your big and uncomfortable. Great tips here!
really grea tips for the longest period of your whole pregnancy! the third is the worst!
I wish I had those when I was still of child bearing age. I would have helped a lot with the discomfort. Oh well, I guess my daughter would be needing this for her next pregnancy. (not in the near future I hope). 🙂
Happy Third Trimester!! I’m a few weeks behind you and LOVE Boppy products!! 🙂
Finding a way to get comfortable is definitely hard. These products look like they would be amazing!
With Love Rochelle
I had a really difficult third trimester with my Firstborn. You are so right about pampering yourself during that time and getting enough rest.
The third trimester is awfully fatiguing. I agree that we should get lots of rest and be pampered during this time.
That pregnancy wedge looks amazing! I’m definitely going to need that when I get pregnant. In fact, it sounds great right now, even haha.
These are such great ideas! I would have loved that wedge back when I was pregnant, it would have been amazing!
OK I wish I had that when I was pregnant. Rest well mama and enjoy the last few months of pregnancy. I’m sure you’re super excited to meet your little one.
Yes it’s so important to find comfort and self care during this time. It’s so challenging but it’s almost over!
So many of my friends said that the last trimester felt like it took forever. I’ve heard that pregnancy pillows are the absolute best to have. I will def be purchasing one when my day comes to have children.
Love this Neely! So glad that your little boy is finally here.
Yaay! For the third trimester! 🙂 Woo hoo. Almost there!
and that pregnancy pillow was a life saver for me in my third trimester. It’s truly awesome. 🙂