Welcome to month three of my monthly wellness series. This month’s topic is one that is very important to me. The topic of self-care. I think self-care is something that women either don’t take enough time for or feel like they need to apologize for. Self-care is something that to be the best in other areas of our life we must do!
Monthly Wellness Series Month Three: Self-Care
Why I think it’s important:
I could write a novel on why I think self-care is important but to me, it comes down to this. I can’t take care of the people in my life if I am not taking care of myself. If I do not do certain things daily, weekly, monthly, I am just not a good wife and mom. I will elaborate more on what I do below. I think as women we are so quick to put everyone and everything first. Women have a harder time saying no to things than men so we over-stress ourselves with commitments (guilty!). I love this article from a few years ago on the No club. We also feel the need to apologize constantly for saying no or even just existing. So I think taking time for ourselves daily even 30 minutes can make such a huge difference in being a better us for all the things in our lives we must do.
What I do:
Everyone’s self-care is going to look different. Things that fill me up may not fill you up and that’s OK. So keep that in mind when reading what I do. These are the self-care habits I swear by. For me daily I need to work out, shower, read, and do my skincare routine. Other things I love for self-care are manicures/pedicures, massages from time to time, walks with friends (really fills me up!), catching up with friends over the phone or FaceTime, and spending quality time with my family outside. It’s funny, I am NOT outdoorsy but being outdoors gives me so much life.
The challenge for this month:
Find ONE thing daily you can do for self-care for yourself. Something that fills you up and brings you joy. Also, try to be better at saying NO to things that do not fill you up and bring you joy.
Previous months challenges:
What is one thing for self-care you plan to try this month?
THIS feel timely, i’m terrible at self care, thank you so much for sharing this 🙂
I think this is a challenge we should all take for ourselves. We all tend to neglect ourselves.
Learning to say no and prioritize self can be so difficult sometimes. And I need to try that red Kosas product – what is it?? I love their foundations and need to try the concealer.
This is a great reminder to me to take better care of myself. I tend to neglect myself while I take care of everyone else.
I feel the same way. I was running ragged when my oldest was born because I wasn’t taking time for myself. It felt selfish when I had a newborn who needed me. But then someone told me “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and now those are my words to live by. I like to get a workout in on weekdays (easiest before the boys wake for school) and a shower every morning. I’ve been working on a better skincare routine and that has been nice. I also went to a chiropractor for the first time today and it made me feel so much better!
We all need this in our lives. We’re all guilty of pushing ourselves too hard for too long and forgetting that we need to love ourselves as much as we love everyone else.
This is really inspiring! I definitely need to add exercise into my routine, it’s been tough through this pandemic. Thanks for sharing this, truly! 💛
When it comes to self-care I fail all the time. I need to get better at it.
Self-care is so important to me as well. Working two full-time jobs and dealing with a chronic illness takes a lot out of me, so I absolutely have to make time for just ME. I adore my wind-down time in the evening when I read and relax away from any screens. And I LIVE for Sundays – my one day off – when I can read, slowly sip my coffee, go on a walk with my husband, or just binge favorite shows for an afternoon. It’s glorious!
I always try to have a quiet moment all to myself, with a good book and tea. It’s how I unwind at the end of the day.
Great idea about the monthly wellness series! I totally agree that self care is so imp. My nightly skin care is 1 daily self care that I practice
I like how straightforward your self-care habits are. I would have never considered shower a self-care act but I guess it is in many ways. Personally, I am still working on working out every day, ready and drinking enough water too. Thanks for sharing this.
as a mom of 2 I definitely understand the importance of self care. I try and do something for myself at least once a week.
Self-care is so important and it also feels good. Thanks for sharing your post.
Thank you so much for the reminder that self-care is so important but often neglected! It’s been such a crazy month so far for me that I definitely don’t make time to do something that makes me truly happy. I think reading makes me happy so I think I’m going to try harder to spend a few minutes a day doing that!
Self-care is the act of selfishness that is necessary we take it seriously. We can only be selfless to others, if we will be selfish first, thus self-care must be our top priority.
It also makes us more happy.
One thing I can do for myself is reading a book and creating downtown for myself after work.
Self-care is quite important and something that we should all practice. This is a great challenge to try and a reminder for us all to take care of our selves.
Self care is so important. A lot of us are more anxious than ever so doing at least one thing a day can switch your energy!
We all need self-care! It’s important because it helps in our mental health. It’s also vital to be sane during these challenging times. 🙂
Yes one thing daily can shift a mood. I want to do more facial cleansing for a ritual.