6.8.19 1

Weekend Reading Vol. 43

I feel like this week flew by! We were so busy and I can’t wait to share more on why! But this weekend I am excited for! Today is my Mother’s Day gift AKA a day to myself. This is what I have done for what will be the third year in a row. Essentially I am off duty all day. So today I am taking a barre class, getting an 80 minute prenatal massage, doing some shopping, picking up lunch, and coming home to lay in bed and watch Netflix. AHHHH. But first, some weekend reading!

Weekend Reading

What we’ve been up to: Liam started his summer program Monday. It’s not at his normal school as they do not have a summer program but we didn’t want him to get out of his routine so he’s at a different school just for the summer. We call it “camp” and he loves it! I had about a zillion errands and calls this week and never felt like I had enough time in the day. I also got to meet a good friend of mines new baby. She is such a doll and it made me even more excited for baby girl to be here in 24 weeks! WHAT!?

Posts/Articles I loved: 

Usually summer TV can be kind of a drag but there are so many great shows coming back! I am excited for Big Little Lies, Stranger Things, The Hills, Orange Is The New Black, Veronica Mars, and Younger! Give me all the good TV!

35 books to read this summer 

Non work related activities to increase productivity 

How to remember something

Healthiest drink to order at Starbucks this summer

6 things to do when you’re bloated

9 best features of IOS 13

On My Wishlist:

Dying to try this primer

Thinking of getting this dress for maternity pictures

Posts You May Have Missed:

5 Things I Would Tell Myself As A New Mom

Choosing The Right Hospital

Favorite Maternity Basics

Blasts From The Past:

5 Shows To Binge On Netflix

Weekly Wellness Routine

What are you up to this weekend?

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  1. I’m so excited for all the shows! Just need to find time to sit down and binge-watch all of them. Hope you enjoy your weekend, Neely! 💕✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 6.9.19